Finance Case Study



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Finance Case Study
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You are requested to choose one publicly traded global business of the industry of your own interest and submit a comprehensive case study. Each student must have the instructor’s approval of the business before starting the assessment. Your case study should consist of about 2,000 words, excluding figures and tables, appendices, and references, covering the following:

Executive summary of the case report and introduction to the company. (5 points)
Critically assess the business financial condition by using comparative financial statement analysis (5 points), financial ratio analysis (10), and industry analysis byusing the last two years (5 points).
Analyze the selected business current capital structure (5 points), and criticallydescribe the real challenges they have or had (if any) for raising capital through debt or equity (10 points). Compare and contrast the findings with a major industry competitor. (10 points).
Critically identify the business’s three capital budgeting decisions (5 points), explain how the business raised the capital to fund the projects and the challenges – if any (10 points) and identify the valuation technique used. (5 points).
Critically explain two of the business capital investment decisions (5 points), and critically analyze how they are related to their long-term business strategy (5 points), and the contribution to their economic sustainability by creating value. (5 points)
Case study findings and conclusions. (10 points)
References and Bibliography (5 points)


The summative assessment is intended to evaluate analytic and technical skills according to the module learning outcomes. The key to success in this assessment is to use critical reflective skills to research, analyze and evaluate the topics covered in the course.


This is an individual summative assessment. Follow the guidelines and criteria of the assignment, make sure your writing is precise and to the point, and that all sources are adequately referenced.

Report structure:

The report should display a coherent structure.
The report should be prepared as a neatly typed Word document (Times New Roman12 points), with double spacing and page numbering.
Tables or work/data taken from other sources may be included in an appendix.
All sources must be referenced in the text and a full bibliography must be provided(including visited websites). Paraphrasing or direct quotes taken from other sourcesmust be clearly indicated with citations. No footnotes! APA referencing style to be used.
Students are reminded that depth, relevance, and variety are the crucial elements ofquality research.
Websites should only be used if they represent an established source and only for factsand figures. Students should make the most of academic and practitioner books and articles.

Outline of the report:

Cover page
It includes the school and course name, the case study title, the student’s full names, the lecturer’s full name and the submission date.
Table of contents
It includes all the headings with appropriate page numbers, including References and Appendices and, where applicable, the list of tables and figures.
Executive summary
Including a brief description of the corporation (not included in word count), what the case is all about, and the summary of the major points and contributions of the report.
It introduces the reader to the case you are going to discuss.
Findings and analysis
See under Evaluation Rubric
Conclusions and recommendation
They recap the main characteristics of the chosen company, draw key insights from the case study and suggest, where applicable and meaningful, future developments for the company’s business, organizational solutions, and decision-making processes.