Final TLMT 311



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Final TLMT 311
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The research paper should be based on a topic discussed in the course. The requirements of this paper include a cover sheet (using the 6 line undergraduate entry), 3-5 numbered pages of text, and a reference page. The research paper requires at least five references.

NOTE: The topic chosen for this research paper should not be a topic discussed within the weekly assignments for this course.

Submission Instructions: Please attach the assignment in Microsoft Word Format. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Provide a minimum of 3 in text citations with an APA Reference List. See the attached Supporting Materials for the information literacy toolbox and student paper template for this course. The Topic is attached on approved subject.

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The Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles on Urban Transportation Systems
The Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles on Urban Transportation Systems
With the rapid growth and advancement in technology, urban transportation is one of
the critical sectors experiencing the significant influence of digitization, specifically in
relation to the emergence of autonomous vehicles (AVs). According to Rahman and Thill
(2023), technological advancements in the transportation sector, including but not limited to
transmission systems, cruise controls, and emission control systems, among others, remain
integral parts of human life and reorganize the structure of the urban areas. With the rapidly
growing concerns for climate change, AVs stand out as one essential category of options for
ensuring safe movement while ensuring transportation means are sustainable and ecofriendly. Autonomous vehicles remain one of the key developments in the transportation
sector integral to easing human mobility, urban transportation, and overall ecological
sustainability. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that traffic congestion in urban areas
is one of the pressing issues in urban transport, which requires paying attention to sustainable
and eco-friendly measures to address. Therefore, this research paper seeks to answer the
question: How does implementing autonomous vehicles (AVs) ease urban traffic congestion?
Rahman, Md. M., & Thill, J.-C. (2023). Impacts of connected and autonomous vehicles on urban
transportation and environment: A comprehensive review. Sustainable Cities and Society, 96,

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