final report


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final report
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Prepare a comprehensive summary report on all the performance you performed during the training period

Without plagiarism and including all requirements

Contains 3000-4000 words

I want it in Word and PowerPoint format

I worked in Saudi Aramco. Supervisor name Saleh Al-Ghattoum and Rawabi Al-Mutairi.

I was training in a section Apprentice Administration Unit (AAU)

I had some great colleagues, including Brahim HR and also Saeed al-Marri, from whom I gained some skills.

I was overseeing the students so that I oversaw the absenteeism and attendance records

I have also been working on sending pledges and warnings and communicating with them via phone or email to check their state of health. I have also worked on some reports. This section has also helped me with electronic devices such as printing machine, scanning machine and using programs that facilitate working in them such as Excel etc.

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College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Form No 4- Internship Report Cover Page
Student`s name:
Student`s ID #:
Training Organization:
Trainee Department:
Field Instructor Name:
Field Instructor Signature:
Course Title:
Internship Start Date:
Internship End Date:
Academic Year/Semester:
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name:
Total Training Hours /280
Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained /30
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Academic Report Guideline(Co-op)
(please do not include this text in the final report, just follow its guidelines and
use the cover page above)
The report should be submitted within two weeks after you finish your Co-op training Program.
In addition, the report should be approximately 3000 – 4000, single –spaced and consider taking the
following format
General instructions for writing the final report:
The report must be written in English language.
The word limit is 3000-4000.
If the report word count is not within the required word limit, marks will be deducted.
The font size is 12, Times New Roman, justified, 1.5 space.
Main headings use font size of 16 and bold.
Add page numbers in the middle bottom of the page.
Plagiarism or copying from other sources will result in ZERO marks.
This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This
includes filling your information on the cover page.
Assignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool. Late submission will result in ZERO marks
being awarded.
First Page
The first page should display the student’s full name, internship start and finish dates, working hours per
week, company/institution name, and the cover page.
The field instructor should sign on the first page.
A Brief Executive Summary of the Internship
A one-page summary of the company/institution and a short account of the major activities carried out
during the internship period.
To allow the student to express her/his thankful and gratitude to individuals (such as: field instructor,
academic supervisor, colleagues…etc.) who help them in carrying out and completing her/his training
journey. This part will aid the students to learn basic elements of academic writing. To express their
appreciation in a concise and professional manner.
Table of Contents
Contents of the report with page numbers, list of tables, and list of figures.
A brief of the report. The Aim of the report.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Chapter 1: Description of the company
This section should answer the following questions:
What is the full title of the company/institution?
Give a brief history of the company, full mailing address and relevant weblinks
What is the type of ownership of the company/institution?
State the main shareholders and their shares.
What is the sector that the company/institution operates in?
Specify the products and services produced and offered to its customers/clients.
Who are regarded as the customers/clients of your internship company (consider the end users, retailers,
other manufacturers, employees,etc.)?
Provide an organization chart of the company, along with information on the number of employees.
Provide a list of functions performed by different departments/divisions in the internship organization.
Provide an overview off the production system or service procedure (what are the resources, inputs,
outcomes, andconstraints?)
Provide a process chart of a major product and/or service.
The following questions can be classified as your major fit (Finance, Accounting, Ecommerce and
• What kind accounting/finance/IT//quality/marketing standards and principles are used in the
• Discuss telecommunication technologies (Database, Instant Messenger, Networking, Ecommerce tools)
used in the company.
• Describe the quality planning and control activities in the internship organization.
• Describe the quality control activities throughout the life cycle of the product/service groups
• What kind of financial analysis and decision-making methods are used by corporate treasurers and
financial managers in the internship organization?
• What types of marketing, selling, and human resources analysis are performed (cost system, evaluation
of consumers, needs, product strategy, distribution strategy, promotional strategy)?
Chapter 2: Internship activities
This is the main body of your report. During the internship period, the focus of the training may on the
following types of analysis and questions. You do not have to answer all the questions in the list: •
Describe your working conditions and functions, such as: Who is your supervisor (include his/her name
and his/her position); other team members or co-workers and what their functions are to complement
• Provide a detailed description about the department(s) that the trainee did her/his training with them.
Adding all sub-divisions for this department(s) if it is available. Student can add to this description a
supported chart.
• Detailed descriptions about all tasks and activities that the trainee did them during her/his training
• Gained skills and how they added value to your work
• Other tasks that are not related to the trainee’s major that done by her/him at the company should be
included in this chapter as well.
• What types of incentives did you get as a trainee to be more proactive and productive?
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
• Describe what kind of working documents and analysis you did there and what experiences you have
gained throughout yourtraining. Provide examples of your work.
• A comparison between theory (things you have learned in the classroom) and practice (things you did or
observed at the company) must be made and highlighted. In this section the student can add a supported
table includes which academic course (s) (course title and code) helped to perform training tasks. For
example, two columns; the first one shows the course name and second column shows the tasks
performed and related to this course.
• Show some work samples that you have encountered/conducted at the company through graphs,
pictures, data, drawings, or design calculations and include them in your report.
• Lessons learnt (what the overall benefits gained from the training program)
Chapter 3: Recommendations
• Advantageous that helped the student in completing the training program.
• Disadvantageous and challenges that faced the student and how he/she did overcome them.
• Recommendations to improve training program in the college.
• Recommendation for the training company. Conclusion Sum up and summary of the training
experience. Reference If it is needed Appendix (option) This will help the instructor to have a background
about the trainee and his/her previous experiences. Also, it helps the students in writing their CVs for
future job application especially for fresh graduates who do not have previous practical experiences.
• Basic information (name, city, contact details…etc.).
• Job objectives.
• Academic qualifications.
• Practical experiences.
• Skills this will help the instructor to have a background about the trainee and his/her previous
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Start Date: /
Internship Student Report | Month #?
End Date: ___/___/___
Student’s Name: Walaa Muhammed Essa almuraihel
Student’s ID Number: S190113742
Trainee Department: Apprentice Administration
Training Organization: Saudi Aramco
Unit (AAU)
Trainee Supervisor Name: Raawabi Almutairi
Faculty Member: Shatha s Almehmade
Course: Internship-mgt 430
Academic Year/Semester: 2023
➢ This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
➢ Email submission will not be accepted.
➢ Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor
presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
➢ Assignments will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool.
➢ Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded.
➢ This work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO
➢ Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
(Report Components)
What are the activities and tasks given to you during this

New skill(s)
Working on the Excel Program.
Send and receive important emails to supervisors.
Add students’ names with their badge number.
Monitoring students’ absences and making alarms and
Calculation of the number of hours of absence for
each student either by excuse or without excuse.
Leave of absence process.
Printing and sending pledges to each student.
What skills did you learn through the month?
• Acquiring the skill of report work on Excel
• Send and receive email.
• Acquire the skill of electronic conversion and paper
printing of pledges by introducing them via scanning
• Using Sky Communication Software
• Learn some English words used in administration
How many meetings did you attend?

I attended one meeting with team
What are the difficulties you had this month?

Difficulty/ Challenge(s)
How did you overcome these difficulties?

I guess so far, I haven’t had a worry about the trend.
Overcoming the difficulties by confronting them and
practicing them
What did you learn from completing the tasks
College of Administration and Finance Sciences

I learned to complete tasks in a timely manner.
I learned how to handle software and acquired skills
from it like Excel, Email and Sky.
• I learned how to use a printing machine and a
scanning machine.
• I learned to communicate with others and gain skill
from them
What did you want to learn more?
• I still want to learn more in terms of acquiring the
skill to speak fluently with and communicate with
different nationalities.
• I want to gain managerial leadership in terms of
dealing with students.
• I want to gain the skill of learning about new
1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed.
2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And students can attach any extra note to this form.
Name: Walaa Muhammed al-muraihel_
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Internship Student Report | Month #?
Start Date: 26_/_08/2023
End Date_26/_10/2023
Student’s Name: Walaa Muhammed essa
Student’s ID Number:190113742
Trainee Department: Apprentice Administration
Training Organization: Saudi Aramco
Unit (AAU)
Trainee Supervisor Name: Raawabi Almutairi
Faculty Member: Shatha s Almehmade
Course: MGT430
CRN: 11783
Academic Year/Semester:2023
➢ This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
➢ Email submission will not be accepted.
➢ Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor
presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
➢ Assignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool.
➢ Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded.
➢ This work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO
➢ Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
(Report Components)
New skill(s)
Difficulty/ Challenge(s)
What are the activities and tasks given to you during this
• Download a special program for students on the
Aramco website (ATS)
• Add student names to the program along with badge
numbers, then search for the data, skills, and
classification for each educational program
• Update information
• Make File (failed work skill)
• Organizing student data related to traffic safety
• Using text messaging programs for students to
communicate with them (SMS Rich)
– Arranging students’ access to the Aramco
website in the morning
• Print the sick leave for students and upload it to the
website (ATS)
What skills did you learn through the month?
• Effective communication: Acquiring the skill of
communication by being close to students, knowing
their developments, and updating their data on an
ongoing basis.
• Leadership skill: I was able to make administrative
decisions regarding the student and learn how to
direct the student.
• Time management: the ability to organize work time
and various tasks.
• Acquiring skills: Acquiring a new skill by using
How many meetings did you attend?
• I attended a meeting with the Dhahran team, where I met a
number of trainees from different regions and took a course
entitled (Work session for UIP students)
What are the difficulties you had this month?
At first, I had difficulty communicating with the students of
the Abqaiq branch, as I did not have a private phone and had
to go to other offices to use the phone.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
How did you overcome these difficulties?
I overcame this by arranging my time between office tasks
and allocating special time for phone tasks, and after a while
I had my own phone.
What did you learn from completing the tasks
• I learned to gain experience from those with more
• I learned the skill of behaving well in critical
• I learned management and leadership and the
difference between them
What did you want to learn more?
I want to learn how to become a consultant in the future and
how to develop my skills further
1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed.
2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And student can attach any extra note to this form.
Name: Walaa Muhammed al-muraihel_
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Internship Student Report | Month #?
Start Date: __26_/_08/__0223_
End Date: _26__/_10__/__2023_
Student’s Name:Walaa Muhammed essa almuraihel
Student’s ID Number: 190113742
Trainee Department: Apprentice Administration
Training Organization: Saudi Aramco
Unit (AAU)
Trainee Supervisor Name: Raawabi Almutairi
Faculty Member: Shatha s Almehmade
Course: MGT430
CRN: 11783
Academic Year/Semester: 2023
➢ This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
➢ Email submission will not be accepted.
➢ Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor
presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
➢ Assignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool.
➢ Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded.
➢ This work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO
➢ Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
(Report Components)
New skill(s)
Difficulty/ Challenge(s)
What are the activities and tasks given to you during this
• Monitoring student absences and issuing warnings
and pledges.
• Add student names to the program along with badge
numbers, then search for data, skills, and
classification for each educational program
• Update information
• Making a file (failed work skill)
• Organizing student data related to traffic safety
• Using text messaging programs for students to
communicate with them (SMS Rich)
• Print the sick leave for students and upload it to the
ATS website.
• In addition to working on the (ATS) program.
• And solve the housing problems faced by students
from different regions of the Kingdom of Saudi
• Receiving new students, taking their information and
registering them
• Preparing reports on the number of new students and
providing them with uniforms
What skills did you learn through the month?
• Knowledge of office procedures and billing
• Excellent organizational and multitasking ability
• Decision Making: Developing sound judgment and
decision-making skills is essential.
• Letter and mail writing skills
• Scheduling and calendar management
• Data entry and record keeping
• Phone calls and reception
• Office supplies and inventory management
• Dealing with students and guiding them
How many meetings did you attend?
I attended two meeting with team
What are the difficulties you had this month?
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
I did not face any difficulties during this period
How did you overcome these difficulties?
In the past period, I overcame it by confronting it and
practicing it, but now I have practiced the work, as we did not
face any difficulties during this period.
What did you learn from completing the tasks
Learned technical skills:
Where I was able to use the devices, machines and programs
used in the office (printing machine and scanning machine)
and use programs such as (ats, SMS Rich, Skyp)
Learned conceptual skills:
I learned how to derive ideas, analyze some concepts, solve
the problems we face during work, and find solutions
Learned human or interpersonal skills:
Where I learned to break the barrier of shyness and fear and
deal with people, including bosses, students, and co-workers
What did you want to learn more?
I would like to learn more management skills and take many
training courses in the future
I also want to learn more about data analysis and reporting
and benefit from more financial knowledge
1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed.
2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And student can attach any extra note to this form.
Name: Walaa Muhammed al-muraihel_

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