final project journal data



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final project journal data
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for this assignment i have to create a draft for my final project regarding a case study for being a counselor. I attacked the rubric and guidelines that have to be followed in order to receive a passing grade, down below i will attack within this text the scenario i was given to go off of and additional information. I have to use scholarly recourses and i need to have my paper written APA style format and my references in APA as well. I need to also use the ACA code of ethics, and pick a theory i would use for this case. the papaer must be 3-4 pages. Thank you!

Understanding and working with human development across the lifespan is essential for counselors. Learning how biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors contribute to the lifespan developmental process is key to helping counselors conceptualize client cases. Grasping the human developmental process with all the contributing factors requires a strong insight into developmental theories. Applying foundational knowledge of developmental theories is the guide to conceptualizing clients from multiple perspectives.

In this assessment, you will be tasked with creating a Data Assessment Plan (DAP) Case Note by applying a developmental theory to one of the two client scenarios listed below. The developmental theory you choose will give you a specific lens for understanding the client and presenting issue(s). This assessment will assist in strengthening your understanding of human development across the lifespan and developmental theories and shape your professional identity as a counselor and how you work with clients.

Client Scenario Options:

Case 1: Mary
Mary is a 21-year-old African American female, self-referred for inpatient treatment due to drug and alcohol use. She is from and still lives in New York City. She is currently unemployed and homeless and has charges pending due to a number of “bounced” checks written over the past several months. Mary has had several part-time jobs that she has been fired from or she abruptly quit. While in high school, she had aspirations of being an architect. Mary’s mother was a heavy drug user while pregnant with her. When Mary was born, she was addicted to crack and spent several months in the hospital. Mary reports that both of her parents were drug addicts and she experienced physical, sexual, and emotional abuse throughout childhood at their hands. Her father died of liver disease at the age of 37.

Mary also reports that at the age of 14, she was kicked out of her family’s home because her father suspected that she was gay. Although they live in the same town, she has not had any contact with her mother for 7 years. Mary describes her relationship with her older sister as “fair.” Mary is not presently involved in a steady relationship, but she does have a network of friends in the local gay community whom she has been staying with off and on. Mary has serious trust issues and does not have anyone she can open up to in her support network. At the time that she left home, Mary survived by becoming involved in sexual relationships with older men, many of whom were also abusive. She has had numerous sexual partners (both male and female) over the past 7 years, has traded sex for drugs and money, has had sex under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and has been made to have sex against her will. Mary struggles with her identity and sexual orientation and considers herself as bisexual, not gay.

Mary first used alcohol at age 14, when she had her first sexual encounter with a man. She began using other drugs, including inhalants and marijuana, by age 16 and amphetamines and cocaine by age 19. At 21, four months prior to entering treatment, she began using crack