Final project


Final Project (submit in .pdf format only as a single document)This project is going to be a complete preparation for your preferred profession in healthcare. You are going:to perform an internet search and find an interview of a professional already working in your preferred profession.include a one paragraph analysis (4 sentences) of the interview and what information they included that was helpful to you.provide a Bureau of Labor Statistics analysis of your profession as you did in Module 6 including all parts. The example is provided below. (you made paste from your Module 6 project if you have already completed this portion).utilize Appendix C – “How to Create an Effective Resumé” (this is in the back of your textbook) to submit the resumé you think will be necessary to get a job in the profession you have chosen. This will require a little creativity on your part since you have probably not completed the education, certification, or obtained the license necessary for the job. This resumé is a projection of where you want to be with education finished, certification and/or licenses completed, and experience finished. The Bureau of Labor Statistics and this textbook should provide the details necessary for your resumé. Appendix C provides several examples and you may copy their format and insert your own information.

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