Film Review


The film and assignment will challenge students to think about the impact of religions
of India in contemporary times while also introducing students to the complexity of
religion at the crossroads of gender, state, and religion (topics that we will not be able
to fully explore during class sessions).
For this assignment you will need to watch Deepa Mehta’s film, Water (available online
as an evideo through UWinnipeg Library). I have included some class time in our
schedule for you to watch the film (see Week 10 of course schedule). *Note: The
content of the film is sensitive in nature.After watching the movie, write a 200-word personal reflection response evaluating
the film. You can write about anything that stood out you after first watching the film
(for example, the themes you noticed, or what the film portrays about any religions in
India). Use examples. Ensure you have written full sentences and is free of spelling and
grammar errors.Please use CHICAGO MANUAL STYLE EDITION 17

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