Film Question


This assignment consists of three (3) parts.Each part need not be more

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Film Question
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1. Part 1: Start a word document. Briefly describe as best you can

(e.g. basics of the plot, characters, genre, whether it’s colour or

black and white, etc.) TWO films: the first should be an ‘original’

and the second should be the remake or adaptation of that film,

made a minimum of 10-20 years after the original. (5%).

2. Part 2:In a new, 2nd section of the same document, a) describe

the ways in which the two films (the original and

adaptation/remake) are similar and different. For example, what

is preserved from the original version, and what is changed in

relation to the story, the film’s context (the time period and place

in which it was set, and in which the film was made),the


characters, aesthetic or cinematic elements, central issues or

conflicts, and anything else you notice. Why do you think certain

elements were kept, or changed?(5%)

3. Part 3: In a new, 3rd section of the same document, briefly (in a

couple of paragraphs) reflect on which of the two versions you

prefer- the original or the adaptation/remake, and explain your

reasons. (5%)

4. BONUS MARKS: Has the underlying message of the original film

changed in the adaptation/remake and if so, in what way(s)?



This paper should be no more than 2-3 pages MAX (500-750 words

doubled spaced in 12 font). As it is a short assignment, you will have to

be economical with your words – make them count!

Leave sufficient margins (e.g 1 inch) Don’t forget page numbers. Include

a proper title page, with your name, student number, your Tutorial

Group # and/or Tutorial Leader’s name. Use a grammar checker and

spell checker, and proof read carefully.



This paper should be based on your own subjective responses to the

questions. You are not required to consult secondary sources (i.e. books,

papers, articles). In fact, you are strongly discouraged from doing so for

this assignment. However, if you do want to include a quote, whether

it’s direct or indirect, from another source, you must cite it properly,

acknowledging where you got the quote – which article, author, etc.

Style Guides for how to write and format citations, are available for free

on the internet. It doesn’t matter which style you use – Harvard,

Chicago, MLA, APA – as long as you are consistent. As the paper is

uploaded to Turnitin, any uncited sources will be flagged for plagiarism.