Fill in the nutrition packet


30 possible points total; 5 points for each of the following items:Food diaryEach day MUST be different; you may NOT duplicate the food eaten each day…so select 3 days when you know you will be eating different food each day. A submission with a food diary that duplicates the food for all 3 days will be returned with a zero and a request for the work to be corrected and resubmitted.Data copied (completely or partially) from any other website that offers previous students’ work will trigger a Academic Misconduct report filed by the Instructor to Student Affairs. Do your own work. Do not use another student’s data.Physical activity diary,Activity Intensity Summary,Energy Cost for activities,Estimation of total energy expenditure,Answered questions.

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Lab 7 – Nutrition Assignment
Introduction to Nutrition
Although it is not possible to taste or otherwise detect the nutrients in foods, chemical tests
can measure which are present in what concentrations. Performing these tests is well beyond
the scope of this course. However, we can use the data accumulated by others to evaluate our
diets. In addition, while the energy you expended over a 24-hour period is also very difficult to
measure, we can use indirect methods to estimate approximately how much energy you
burned. Thus, the objective of this laboratory is to determine the quantity of nutrients and
energy that you ingested during a typical day, and then to compare these values to the quantity
that you require (RDA). This exercise should be very illuminating since you may find that the
way you eat is actually adequate to meet your needs, or that some adjustments might lead to
better health.
To accomplish these objectives, you will have to accurately record both your activities and
foods consumed for a 72-hour period. When you are recording your data, be honest! For this
experience to be beneficial to you, you should try to include a day that is representative of the
way you eat and live. Thus, while it would be much easier to record your activities on a day
spent sick in bed, or inventory your foods when you didn’t have money to eat, the results would
be of no value to you.
For maximum accuracy, carry a note pad with you and record throughout the day, rather than
trying to recall the information at the end of the day. Transfer accurate estimates of the
quantity of each food eaten and the intensity of each activity on your Excel spreadsheet or in
your Word table.
You can use the Calorie King website (or another of your choice) to find food information to
determine the Kcal you have consumed each day. Simply enter each type food you ate, such a
bacon, in the search box at the top of the page and it will give you choices to determine the
calories of that food.
Calculations needed to estimate your energy expenditure will be done by hand, calculator, or
computer calculator.
Daily Food Intake Diary
For nutrient analysis, it is important to quantify each food consumed and accurately include the
calories for those quantities. If your estimates are inaccurate, so too will be your data.
Physical Activity Diary
Record your activities for the same 72-hour period on your Physical Activity spreadsheet/table.
To record the time spent, you can either enter the actual clock time the task was initiated and
completed (best with long activities such as sleeping) or directly enter in the minutes spent
doing the activity. Each minute of the day should be accounted for, so the total 24 hours must
equal 1440 minutes.
Activity Intensity Summary
Transfer information from the Physical Activity Diary into the Activity Intensity Summary,
categorizing each activity by its intensity.
Energy Cost for Activities Chart
After that, you will transfer each of those total times for each intensity level into the Energy
Cost for Activities Chart and do the calculations indicated on this chart. This will give you the
energy spent for each one of the intensity categories over the 72 hours you recorded.
Estimation of Total Energy Expenditure
Your total energy needs include not only that for muscular activity, but even more is needed
just to maintain body functions while at rest. This maintenance (basal) energy requirement can
be determined using a link on the Estimation of Total Energy Expenditure page. You will add the
basal energy requirement to that required for muscular activity to determine total energy
Calculating Average Daily Energy Required for Physical Activity
What is your final comparison of your average energy intake/day in Kcal to your average energy
requirement/day in Kcal? In other words, how many calories are you ingesting compared to
how many calories you are burning each day?
Spreadsheet/Tables Provided
The tables provided below are templates for you to use as deemed necessary. You are welcome to edit
them as necessary to accomplish your goals.
Daily Food Intake Diary
Date(s) of record: ___________
Food Item (calories)
6 AM
7 AM
8 AM
9 AM
10 AM
11 AM
12 PM
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
5 PM
6 PM
7 PM
Physical Activity Diary
Date(s) of record: ___________
Start time
Ending time
Activity Intensity Summary
Date(s) of record: ___________
Take the information from your Physical Activity Diary and input it to this Summary. It is possible to split an activity
between two energy categories; e.g. while watching TV you might spend part of the time sitting and part of the
time lying down. Write the total minutes for each activity in the right column and add all minutes at the bottom;
the total of all minutes for a 24-hour day must be 1440. See explanation of each Intensity level on the Energy Cost
Energy Cost for Activities
(exclusive of basal metabolism and specific dynamic action)
Body Weight: __________ pounds x 0.454 = __________ kilograms
Calculation of energy used for activity exclusive of stairs.
Energy Level
Energy Spent
Body weight
Energy Spent
# Minutes
Spent at
that Level
X ______ minutes
X ______ minutes
X ______ minutes
Lying still, relaxed
Sitting or standing still
X ______Kg
X ______Kg
X ______Kg
X ______ minutes
X ______Kg
X ______ minutes
X ______Kg
X ______ minutes
X ______Kg
X ______ minutes
X ______Kg
X ______ minutes
X ______Kg
X ______ minutes
X ______Kg
1440 minutes
(include eating, sewing, writing, studying,
Very light activity
(include driving, slow walking)
Light exercise
(include light housework, moderate walking
on level ground, carry books)
Moderate exercise
(include fast walking, dancing, moderate
Heavy exercise
(include fast dancing, walking to running,
uphill walk)
Severe exercise
(include tennis, running, aerobics, soccer)
Very severe exercise
(include wrestling, rowing, boxing, racing,
full court basketball)
Energy for physical activity (day 1) _________________ Kcal
Energy for physical activity (day 2) _________________ Kcal
Energy for physical activity (day 3) _________________ Kcal
Av. energy required for physical activity/day _____________ Kcal
Estimation of Total Energy Expenditure
Go to this BMR Calculator and obtain your BMR/day. ________________
The specific dynamic action (SDA) refers to the amount of energy needed to process food. For
example, muscles that move food along the digestive tract and glands that make digestive
juices use up energy. To calculate the amount of average energy you require for daily SDA, add
the energy for daily BMR and the average energy required for Daily Physical Activity. Multiply
the total by 10% to obtain an estimated daily SDA. For example, if 1,882 Kcal/day are required
for BMR and 1,044 Kcal/day are required for physical activity, then an average SDA = 293
What is your average SDA/day? _________________ Kcal
Calculating Average Daily Energy Requirement
Total the amounts you have calculated for average daily physical activity, daily BMR, and
average daily SDA. This is you average (av.) energy requirement/day.
Av. physical activity/day ________________ Kcal
Av. SDA/day
+ ________________ Kcal
+________________ Kcal
Average energy requirement/day = ________________ Kcal
Comparison of Average Daily Energy Intake and Average Daily Energy Requirement
1. Compare you average daily energy intake to your average daily energy requirement:
2. These methods of calculation are only approximate. If your two figures are within 20% of
each other, you will most likely neither lose nor gain weight. If the two figures are not within
20% of each other, are you apt to lose weight or gain weight?
Discussion Questions
1. How many Kcal did you consume during 24 hours ?
2. How many Kcal did your body burn during the same period ?
3. Assuming that these values are typical for you, and that your metabolism runs at a
constant rate, what is the difference between your intake of Kcal and the Kcal required
(muscular activities + basal metabolism)? (Use negative numbers if your metabolism
consumes more than you took in)
4. If this discrepancy were repeated daily for five years (1826 days), how many surplus
(deficit) Kcal would you have eaten?
5. Considering that one pound (454 g) of fat contains 4,090 Kcal, how many pounds of
weight gain (loss) could this discrepancy translate into?
1. Our diets should provide less than 30% of the total calories needed in the form of fat.
How many grams of fat did you consume?
2. Since fat contains 9 Kcal/gram, how many calories of fat did you consume?
3. How many total Kcal did you consume?
4. What percentage of your Kcal were derived from fat?
5. Is this value within the recommended dietary limits for fat?
6. What foods were the major source of fat in your diet?
1. Do you feel that your nutrient intake as recorded during this study is typical of your
normal eating habits? If not, please explain.
2. Do you need to change your diet in any way? What foods or supplements should you
3. What foods should you eat less of?

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