Fences Act 1 Scenes 2-4


Choose ONE question to respond to in contribution to the discussion thread. Answer should be 150-200 words.

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Fences Act 1 Scenes 2-4
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Question 1:

Examine Troy’s relationship to ONE of the following characters:




Which of Troy’s traits are exposed through the particular relationship you’ve chosen?

The answer does not need to be long, but it should be a complete answer with evidence from the text (quote or paraphrase and page number).

Question 2:

In Act 1 Scene 4, we’re given information in a variety of ways. There is very clear dialogue that serves to provide the reader with new information (such as when we learn more about Troy’s father), and then there are subtle exchanges that are easy to miss but may be just as important. Choose something from this scene that stands out to you, whether it is explicit or subtle, and discuss its function in the play and/or its impact on you as a reader.

Please use quotes or paraphrases and page numbers. You can just site with the page number. Example “…..” (4).