Federick Douglas


LECTURE JOURNAL WEEK 4 Answer the following questions from the lecture in 1-2 sentences each: What was the definition that I gave in the lecture for colonization? What were 2 different reasons for colonization and which examples of countries or empires did I use to illustrate them?What is the difference between settler colonization and exploitation/extraction colonization? What were the examples I gave of each? How did the scientific study of race that I talked about in the lecture help legitimize colonization?How did the international exhibitions that I talked about in the lecture contribute to ideas of European superiority?If you had to rank the most important factors that contributed to European sense of superiority in what order would you put: maps, international exhibitions, science of race and why?Do you think that in 1900 someone had to be white to be European? Explain what this quote from the lecture means to you: “Europeans based their sense of superiority on the fact of their supposed knowledge, but what they considered knowledge was basically just a projection of their own sense of superiority.” DISCUSSION WEEK 4Discussion week 4Read the speach by Frederick Douglass and answer the question on the discussion board in 3-5 paragraphs: Using examples and definitions from my lecture and from the reading: how did Europeans use science to justify racial hierarchies, and what are three reasons that Douglass argues that this was wrong? Respond to ONE post by a classmate with a different perspective from you. What did you learn from reading their post?

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