famst 184


Films that the instructor has featured in class are not eligible; films that were analyzed by previous students arealso not eligible (see disapproved film title list on Canvas). Films that are discussed in the course textbook areallowed, as long as your analysis is of scenes and ideas that go beyond those presented in the textbook. Theanalyzed musical element must be underscoring; source music is not eligible, although music that starts as sourcemusic and becomes underscoring is fine.The total duration of the underscored film segment(s) to be analyzed must be between 3-5 minutes. The analysismay include nonadjacent segments from throughout the film (e.g. tracing the thematic transformation of the Obi-Wan Kenobi/Force theme in Star Wars IV: A New Hope) or could include a continuous segment (e.g. the Rowingscene from Ben-Hur)

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