7 questions should be answered
and that should be tested in linux cluster, i.e csegrid.ucdenver.pvt.
some information:
a) Answer all questions and add print output for each question.
b) All source codes in tar format, DO NOT INCLUDE *.O and executable image files.
Please use the following convention when you create a tar file
①. Letters of your last name and the last 4 digits of your student ID
②. e.g., If your name is “James Bond” and your ID is 201812345, then
your tar file name is “bon2345.tar”.
③. If you want to know more about the “tar” command, type “man tar”
at Linux prompt
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CSCI 5573
Homework Assignment 1
Spring 2024
Due Date: 5 pm, February 7 (Wed), 2024
1) Disclaimer
This homework is based on our textbook, Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces,
written by Remzi and Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau at the University of Wisconsin.
2) Goal
In this homework, you will familiarize yourself with the process management APIs
we learned.
3) Requirement
Write all codes with either C or C++, and you must test your code on the CSE
department Linux cluster, csegrid.ucdenver.pvt.
4) What to submit & how to submit
a) Answer all questions and add print output for each question.
b) All source codes in tar format, DO NOT INCLUDE *.O and executable image files.
• Please use the following convention when you create a tar file
①. Letters of your last name and the last 4 digits of your student ID
②. e.g., If your name is “James Bond” and your ID is 201812345, then
your tar file name is “bon2345.tar”.
③. If you want to know more about the “tar” command, type “man tar”
at Linux prompt
c) Upload all required materials to the class Canvas.
1. Write a program that calls fork(). Before calling fork(), have the main process access
a variable (e.g., x) and set its value to something (e.g., 100). What value is the
variable in the child process? What happens to the variable when both the child and
parent change the value of x?
2. Write a program that opens a file (with the open() system call) and then calls fork()
to create a new process. Can both the child and parent access the file descriptor
returned by open()? What happens when they are writing to the file concurrently,
i.e., simultaneously?
3. Write a program that calls fork() and then calls some form of exec() to run the
program /bin/ls. See if you can try all of the variants of exec(), including (on Linux)
execl(), execle(), execlp(), execv(), execvp(), and execvpe(). Why do you think there
are so many variants of the same basic call?
4. Now write a program that uses wait() to wait for the child process to finish in the
parent. What does wait() return? What happens if you use wait() in the child?
5. Write a slight modification of the previous program, this time using waitpid() instead
of wait(). When would waitpid() be useful?
6. Write a program that creates a child process, and then in the child closes standard
output (STDOUT FILENO). What happens if the child calls printf() to print some
output after closing the descriptor?
7. Write a program that creates two children and connects the standard output of one
to the standard input of the other using the pipe() system call.
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