Explain the role data visualizations play in business.


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Explain the role data visualizations play in business.
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Part 1 Assignment Instructions
Write a two-page research paper on the role of Excel in data visualizations using tools such
as Tableau and PowerBI. Discuss the key differences between Excel and these other tools
and explain how Excel is used in combination with these tools to create effective data
In your paper, explore:

The key features and capabilities of Excel, including its ability to handle large data
sets and its wide range of built-in functions and features for data manipulation and
• Excel’s data visualization limitations, such as its difficulty in handling very large data
sets and its lack of specialized features for certain types of data analysis and
• How Excel is used in combination with other data visualization tools, such as
Tableau and PowerBI, to create more sophisticated and effective visualizations of
Part 2 Assignment Instructions
For this part of the assignment, you will install the free application Tableau Public and use it
to build a simple data visualization from a sample data set. You will also discuss your

1. Download Tableau Public.
2. Download the sample data set from the Business category and select the
dataset icon next to Millennial vs Baby Boomer Employment. Save this Excel
file to your computer.
3. Connect to the sample data in Tableau Public.
4. Click on National, 2-digit under Sheets. You will now see all of the data.
5. Click on the Sheet 1 tab to open in the workspace.
Hint: Hover over the bars in the chart to see the details.
Assignment Requirements
Part 1
Your paper should:

Be two-pages in length (not including the separate title and reference pages).
Be double-spaced.

Follow APA formatting guidelines. For more information on APA style formatting, visit
Academic Writer under Academic Tools of this course or visit the Writing Center.
Part 2

Embed a screenshot of your visualization at the end of your Part 1 document.
Include a short paragraph addressing the four questions outlined in the Instructions
You work as a teacher at a private school. Except for art, computers, and physical
education, you teach every subject to the four students in your gifted class. To help you
determine a student’s grade for a semester, you ask the art, computers, and physical
education instructors to send you grades for your four students.
For part 1 of this assignment, you will create a spreadsheet that includes the formula to
calculate the average for each student in each subject.
For part 2 of this assignment, you will create a new worksheet and use the subtotal feature
to create overall averages and a grand average.
For part 3 of this assignment, you will use the scenario manager feature to build a scenario
summary showing the impact of possible extra credit points.
Part 1 Instructions:
Open the template Unit 10 Assignment Data File.
Calculate the Average of the Midterm and Final grades in cell E4.
Copy the formula down to cell E15.
Name the worksheet tab Grades Summary. Color the tab green.
The worksheet for part 1 should resemble the screenshot below.
Part 2 Instructions:
6. Copy the worksheet.
a. Name the new Worksheet Tab Grades Average.
b. Color the tab Red.
7. Copy Art, Computers, and Physical Education to the blank cells in column A.
8. Using the SubTotal feature in the Data Ribbon, compute the Average for each Class.
c. In the subtotal dialog, choose: At each change in: column A, Use Function:
Average, Add Subtotal to: Average, Summary below data. Click OK.
9. In cell A21, add the label Extra Credit. Use the format painter to apply the same
styling to this cell as in E3. Widen the cell to show the text.
10. Add an initial extra credit value of zero to cell B21.
11. In column F, add the label New to cell F3. Use the format painter to apply the same
styling to this cell as in E3.
12. In cell F4, calculate the average plus extra credit using an absolute reference for cell
B21. Copy and paste the formula from cell F4 into cells F5 through F19. The
average and new average will be the same at this point.
The worksheet for part 2 should resemble the screenshot below.
Part 3 Instructions:
13. The students can earn anywhere from 0 to 3 points extra credit on top of their final
grade for doing an extra project as a group. They would like to know how this will
impact their final grade, their class averages, and their overall grand average for
these three courses. Using scenario manager, create a scenario summary that
shows their New averages for the following scenarios:
o High extra credit – 3 points
o Medium extra credit – 2 points
o Low extra credit – 1 point
o No Extra Credit (current) – 0 points
14. First, we will define names for the averages so that the output will have meaningful
labels in our scenario summary. You can do this by right-clicking the cell and
choosing Define Name. Name cells F8, F13, F18, and F19 to correspond to their
labels in column A. Name cell B21 as Extra Credit. Note that you cannot include
spaces in the names.
15. Go to the Data tab and choose Scenario Manager from the What-If Analysis in the
Forecast group on the ribbon.
A. In the Scenario Manager dialog, choose Add… and add your first scenario as
i. Scenario Name: High Extra Credit
ii. Changing Cells: $B$21
iii. Click OK
iv. Enter a value of 3 for this scenario.
B. Repeat the steps above to add the scenarios for medium and low extra credit.
C. After adding the three scenarios for high, medium, and low, choose
Summary. (Note: you will not need to add a new scenario for the original
values. It will display as current in the summary report automatically.)
D. On the Scenario Summary dialog set the Results Cells to F8, F13, F18, and
F19 and click OK to produce your scenario summary sheet.
The worksheet for part 3 should resemble the screenshot below.
Your completed assignment should include an Excel workbook with three tabs formatted
according to the directions in the Instructions tab.

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