Experential Learning Project action plan


This module’s assignment is the second of five assignments to complete your Engagement – Experiential Learning Project. Each weekly assignment will build upon the last one. It is very important that you follow the directions carefully and review your teachers document/grading rubric for comments so that you can improve each week. In addition to the new questions on the week 2 template, you are to make corrections based on the feedback received from the grading on the week one template, please change the color of the FONT to red on the revisions. This week you will develop your Plan of Action, including analysis of the problem, determining your stakeholders, steps to help you meet your objectives and proposed solutions.

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Experential Learning Project action plan
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Build a foundation for understanding how the U.S. health care system functions.
Extend academic experience into areas of nursing practice interest, working with new ideas, issues, organizations, and individuals.
Demonstrate the ability to think and act critically and creatively about nursing practice issues.
Develop analytical and ethical leadership skills necessary to address and help solve these issues.
Utilize evidence based research and demonstrate proficiency in written and communication skills.


Minimum of six (6) total references: one (1) reference from required course materials and five (5) peer-reviewed references from your project research – this is cumulative from week one template – add references from week one. All references must be no older than five years.

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Engagement – Experiential Learning Project Plan of Action: Module 4
Assignment Objectives:
• Students will extend their academic experience into areas of nursing practice
interest, working with new ideas, issues, organizations, and individuals.
• Students will demonstrate the ability to think and act critically and creatively about
nursing practice issues and will further develop their analytical and ethical
leadership skills necessary to address and help solve these issues.
• Students will refine the ability to utilize evidence-based research and demonstrate
proficiency in written and communication skills.
Assignment Instructions:
The best approach to accomplish change must include a thoughtful analysis of the
problem. The first step in this analysis is to identify the problem and then answer several
questions that are useful in framing the problem:
1. What are the scope, duration, and history of the problem?
2. Who does it affect?
3. What data is available to describe the problem?
4. What are the implications of the problem?
5. How does/will your selected organization support your topic?
In the template below you will answer the questions above, outline your plan of action and
discuss a proposed solution. We realize that your plan of action may change as your
progress through your project. However, your problem and the framing of the problem will
not. Your answers should be based on your experience and supporting evidence. The
template below outlines critical parts of developing a plan of action. Be attentive to the
instructions and remember you are professional nurses; writing and thought processes
should be indicative of scholarly writing.
This week’s assignment is the first of five assignments to complete your Clinical Practice
Project (CPP). Each weekly assignment will build upon the last one. It is very important that
you follow the directions carefully and review your teachers document/grading rubric for
comments so that you can improve each week.
To complete this assignment type in the boxes below, the boxes will expand as you type. Be
sure to save your document frequently. Points will be deducted for incomplete work,
spelling/grammar errors, lack of thought and use of abbreviations. All content must be in
your own words, not directly quoted; however, you must provide supportive details by using
in text citations (Journal Article references at the end of the form-please see your rubric
for an explanation of refereed Journals). This assignment is worth 30 points…be sure your
work reflects 30 points. Save as a PDF and submit in Bb.
Last Revised: 8/16/23
Change the FONT to red to highlight your revisions from the module one template.
Student Name
Project Topic:
QSEN Competency: (example, Patient-centered Care)
QSEN Definition: Define your QSEN Competency in your own words (paraphrase) using the 2012 graduate
competencies link: 2012 graduate competencies (example: for competency Patient-Centered Care the
definition on the web site is Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in
providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs—
take this information then write your definition in your own words (paraphrasing, remember to cite the QSEN).
List two Knowledge/Skills/Attitudes (KSAs)- use two each (Knowledge/skills/attitudes) using the 2012
graduate competencies link: 2012 graduate competencies which are listed under your chosen competency
that you think will help you to meet your selected competency. Then write your KSAS in your own words
(paraphrasing/editing related to your specific project—remember to cite the QSEN).
Type the two original graduate
competencies you chose from
Type the two original graduate
competencies you chose from
Type the two original graduate
competencies you chose from
Paraphrase each selected
competency-relate to your specific
project topic- be sure to cite QSEN
for each:
Paraphrase each selected
competency-relate to your specific
project topic- be sure to cite QSEN
for each:
Paraphrase each selected
competency-relate to your specific
project topic- be sure to cite QSEN
for each:
Discuss Health Care Organization (this is not the facility/organization where you are implementing your
project, may be a nursing organization, or any organization which sets standards, conducts research, or
publishes evidence based literature in relation to your topic) that will help support your project. Discussion
should include the mission/values of the organization (in your own words). Provide citations and references (no
direct quotes).
Global Objective: the purpose of a global objective is to provide a vision for your overall project-what are you
developing and implementing-what is your expected impact on patient outcome? It should be broadly stated-in
one sentence. (Do Not Use Any Abbreviations)
Project Objectives: Project Objectives: Now your global objective should be broken down into more focused
steps. Be sure your Project Objectives support your Global Objective! How will you achieve your global
objective? Be specific. Write 4 Project Objectives…objectives should start with an action verb! (Do Not Use
Any Abbreviations) For example; Research on…Develop a tool/guide/protocol/policy/process to…Develop and
present education to staff on new tool…Implement new tool on ___number (the number should be adequate to
meet your minimum of 1-2 log hours in direct patient contact) of patients to improve (how will your project
impact patient outcomes)…
Possible Steps to Assist Me in Completing My Project: List at least 4 steps in
your project
(Do Not Use Any Abbreviations)
Week I hope to accomplish
Provide hopeful completion
Direct patient engagement: Describe in a one or two sentences how you will provide direct patient engagement
(contact) in your clinical practice project and describe how this will impact patient outcomes. (keep in mind you
are not required to actually measure your outcomes, but you will need to describe your potential/projected
improved patient outcomes) Be specific.
What is the history/background of the problem? What is the scope of this problem—>how big of an issue is this
problem–what is the duration—>how long has this been a problem, explain these with the data from your
facility, community, state, and/or national data. Write 3-4 paragraphs related to your selected problem. Provide
supportive details using in text citations. Give supportive data from facility, community, state, or national
data to explain why you feel this is an issue and to explain the history, scope, and duration of this issue.
Your paragraphs should be professionally written, single spaced with APA formatted citations and references
(there is a reference textbox at the end of this form. Use it for your references). (Supportive data requires
paraphrased citations from your research, not direct quotes)
Who does your problem affect? Write 1-2 paragraphs discussing individuals, communities, etc. that are affected
by this problem. Remember to include all parties that are affected. Your paragraph(s) should be professionally
written, single spaced with APA formatted citations and references (there is a reference textbox at the end of
this form. Use it for your references).
Your selected organization: (remember this is not the facility/organization where you are implementing your
project, may be a nursing organization, or any organization which sets standards, conducts research, or
publishes evidence based literature in relation to your topic) How does this organization support your topic?
Some things to consider when researching…Have they advocated? Do they support financially? Are they
involved in research to support your topic? Do they use it as part of accreditation requirements? Write 1-2
paragraphs. Your paragraph(s) should be professionally written, single spaced with APA formatted citations and
references (there is a reference textbox at the end of this form. Use it for your references.)
What are the implications of the problem? What will happen or not happen if the problem is not resolved? Write
1-2 paragraphs discussing the implications with supporting details (information from your selected organization
and/or health care facility would be important here). Your paragraph(s) should be professionally written, single
spaced with APA formatted citations and references (there is a reference textbox at the end of this form. Use it
for your references).
Plan of Action: In the space below outline your plan of Action. Remember your plan of action should assist you
in meeting your global and project objectives; therefore, they must be linked. Your plan of action can include
your action steps from week one or they may have changed. In either case, list your action steps (that you have
already completed and planned steps) and provide a one paragraph (per action step) explanation supporting this
action. You should have a minimum of four action steps (no more than five), this means you should have a
minimum of four paragraphs and no more than five. Your actions steps should have supportive details
(references). Your paragraphs should be professionally written, single spaced with APA formatted citations and
references (there is a reference textbox at the end of this form. Use it for your references).
Proposed Solution: Write 2-3 sentences describing your proposed solution to your problem. Remember that
your solution should be linked to your global and project objectives. Your proposed solutions should have
supportive details (references), professionally written, single spaced with APA formatted citations and
references (there is a reference textbox at the end of this form. Use it for your references).
Work with Mentor this week: In 2-3 paragraphs discuss activities with your Mentor (Preceptor) for this project
so far. Include positive and negative thoughts, what was helpful and what information or activity would have
been helpful. No citations or references are needed; it should still be professionally written.
Week Two Practice Log: Begin typing documentation on your Clinical Log, provide here a brief explanation
of time you have completed this week – you will need to document on your clinical log in addition to the
templates, this update does NOT take the place of completing your required log. This is a non-graded item.
— Do not include: Orientation off the Unit, Observation, writing or researching papers/assignments, Lunch or
Break time.
— Do include: A total over the course includes a Minimum of 3 hours with preceptor, Maximum of 6 hours on
research of topic, a minimum of 1-2 hours in direct patient contact and the remainder- 10-11 hours in
implementation of your project, Total of 21 true hours.
Total Time
(describe specifically what you did in one or two
(ex: 1 hour)
(a minimum of 3 hours is
required for the course)
Research on topic
(a maximum of 6 hours
is allowed for the course)
(the remainder should be
spent in implementation,
10-11 hours) can include
but not limited to; time
spent developing pt.
education tool, time spent
developing staff
education on topic/new
tool, Time spent teaching
staff on the use of the new
tool/topic, any
meetings to gain staff
input on new tool.
Total Time spent this
(by the end of the course
you should spend at least
21 true hours)
Total for
this week
References (double-space and use correct 7th ed. APA format)
This should include references from Module 1

Engagement- Experiential Learning Project Goals and Objectives: Module 3
Assignment Objectives:
x Students will identify QSEN’s competencies for nursing.
x Students will have the opportunity to synthesize knowledge and apply skills acquired
in the nursing academic and practice settings.
x Students will extend their academic experience into areas of nursing practice
interest, working with new ideas, issues, organizations, and individuals.
x Students will demonstrate the ability to think and act critically and creatively about
nursing practice issues and will further develop their analytical and ethical
leadership skills necessary to address and help solve these issues.
x Students will refine their ability to utilize evidence-based research and demonstrate
proficiency in written and communication skills.
Assignment Instructions:
The CP is the culminating academic endeavor of nursing students who earn a
baccalaureate degree in nursing from Ohio University. The project provides students with
the opportunity to explore a problem or issue of particular professional interest that is
somehow related to one of the following nursing QSEN competencies: patient-centered care,
teamwork/collaboration, evidence based practice, quality improvement, safety or
informatics (QSEN: http://www.qsen.org). Each of the QSEN competencies somehow link
to nursing excellence. You will actually implement your project during this seven-week
course. For your project you will need to:
1. Select an issue/problem that you have a professional interest in. Example: Creation of a
patient education tool to prevent falls
2. Select a QSEN competency that relates to that problem. Example: Example: Safety
3. Select a health care organization that can help support your issue: Example: The CDC
4. Develop a global objective: Example: At the completion of this project I will have developed a
patient educational informational sheet to present to staff on 1-South to be distributed to all
patients on 1-South to improve the patient’s knowledge to prevent falls.
5. Develop at least four project objectives: Example:
a. Research current literature on the prevention of falls and patient educational material
b. Develop a patient educational sheet on fall prevention.
c. Educate staff on use of the patient educational sheet.
d. Implement patient educational sheet and present this to at least ten patients on 1South to prevent falls.
6. Develop possible resources needed to help meet your goals/objectives.
a. Meet with unit manager and seek approval on project implementation.
b. Review the CDC web site for current references and resources on fall prevention.
c. Create patient educational sheet, copy and prepare to distribute.
d. Create a timeline to implement the patient educational information.
This week’s assignment is the first of five assignments to complete your Clinical Practice
Project (CPP). Each weekly assignment will build upon the last one. It is very important that
you follow the directions carefully and review your teachers document/grading rubric for
comments so that you can improve each week.
To complete this assignment type in the boxes below, the boxes will expand as you type. Be
sure to save your document frequently. Points will be deducted for incomplete work,

spelling/grammar errors, lack of thought and use of abbreviations. All content must be in
your own words, not directly quoted; however you must provide supportive details by
using in text citations (Journal Article references at the end of the form-please see your
rubric for an explanation of refereed Journals). This assignment is worth 25 points…be
sure your work reflects 25 points. Save as a PDF and submit in Bb.
Module 3: Engagement- Experiential Learning Project Goals and Objectives
Student Name
Rugiatou Jallow
Project Topic: Give a brief explanation of your topic.
My project topic is high blood pressure in
pregnant and postpartum women.
QSEN Competency: (example, Patient-centered Care)
Patient-Centered Care
QSEN Definition: Define your QSEN Competency in your own words (paraphrase) using the 2012 graduate
competencies link:2012 graduate competencies , (example: for competency Patient-Centered Care the
definition on the web site is Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in
providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs—
take this information then write your definition in your own words (paraphrasing, remember to cite the QSEN).
Patient-Centered Care is acknowledging the patient or their appointee as a partner when providing and coordinating care in
order to provide care that is empathetic and respectful of patient preference, value and needs (QSEN Institute, 2012)
List two Knowledge/Skills/Attitudes (KSAs)- use two each (Knowledge/skills/attitudes) using the 2012
graduate competencies link:2012 graduate competencies which are listed under your chosen competency
that you think will help you to meet your selected competency. Then write your KSAS in your own words
(paraphrasing/editing related to your specific project—remember to cite the QSEN).
Type the two original graduate
competencies you chose from
Type the two original graduate
competencies you chose from
Type the two original graduate
competencies you chose from
1) Analyze strategies that empower
patients or families in all aspects of the
health care process (QSEN Institute,
2) Analyze reasons for common barriers
to active involvement of patients and
families in their own health care
processes (QSEN Institute, 2012).
1) Engage patients or designated
surrogates in active partnership
along the health illness
continuum(QSEN, 2012).
2) Assess level of patient’s decisional
conflict and provide access to
resources (QSEN, 2012).
1)Value shared decision making with
empowered patients and families even
when conflicts occur (QSEN, 2012).
2) Respect patient preferences for
degree of active engagement in care
process (QSEN, 2012).
Paraphrase each selected
competency-relate to your specific
project topic- be sure to cite QSEN
for each:
Paraphrase each selected
competency-relate to your specific
project topic- be sure to cite QSEN
for each:
Paraphrase each selected
competency-relate to your specific
project topic- be sure to cite QSEN
for each:
1)Examing ways of empowering patients with
1)Engage patients and their families as
partners during their treatment of
pregnancy induced hypertension and
beyond (QSEN Institute, 2012)
2)Assess patients’s uncertainty about
the disease process and give them the
resources (QSEN institute, 2012).
1)Emphasize the importance of shared
decision making even when
disagreements occur (QSEN Institute,
2)Honor the patient’s choice of how
much they wish to be involved in their
care (QSEN Institute, 2012).
pregnancy induced hypertension and their
families in every aspect of their health care
process (QSEN institute, 2012).
2)Assess the barriers that hinder patients and
their families from participating in their health
care processes (QSEN Insittute, 2012).
Discuss Health Care Organization (this is not the facility/organization where you are implementing your
project, may be a nursing organization, or any organization which sets standards, conducts research, or
publishes evidence based literature in relation to your topic) that will help support your project. Discussion

should include the mission/values of the organization (in your own words). Provide citations and references (no
direct quotes).
The Preclampsia Foundation. This is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the outcomes of pregnancy related high
blood pressure by providing education, support and research to individuals, health care providers and researches (Preeclampsia
Foundation, 2023)
Global Objective: the purpose of a global objective is to provide a vision for your overall project-what are you
developing and implementing-what is your expected impact on patient outcome? It should be broadly stated-in
one sentence. (Do Not Use Any Abbreviations)
I will develop an educational guide for nurses on how and what to educate
their patients and families on the mother infant unit regarding high blood
pressure in pregnant and postpartum women.
Project Objectives: Now your global objective should be broken down into more focused steps. Be sure your
Project Objectives support your Global Objective! How will you achieve your global objective? Be specific.
Write 4 Project Objectives…objectives should start with an action verb! (Do Not Use Any Abbreviations) For
example; Research on…Develop a tool/guide/protocol/policy/process to…Develop and present education to staff
on new tool…Implement new tool on ___number (the number should be adequate to meet your minimum of 1-2
log hours in direct patient contact) of patients to improve (how will your project impact patient outcomes)…
Research on pregnancy related hypertension, its signs and symptoms, risk factors and what nurses and patients can do to prevent
Develop an educational guide for the nurses on our hospital’s updated perinatal hypertensive policy and blue bracelet initiative.
Educated patients and their families regarding our new blue bracelet initiative.
Implement new teaching guide on 3 patients.
Possible Steps to Assist Me in Completing My Project: List at least 4 steps in
your project
(Do Not Use Any Abbreviations)
1. Talk with manager on unit to discuss project.
Date I hope to accomplish
Provide hopeful completion
date for each
1. Complete by 1/16/15
Meet and consult with my preceptor
Review Hospital’s policy on perinatal hypertension
Review the literature and research available on pregnancy induced hypertension
Use a teach back method to check for comprehension.
Direct patient engagement: Describe in a one or two sentences how you will provide direct patient engagement
(contact) in your clinical practice project and describe how this will impact patient outcomes. (keep in mind you
are not required to actually measure your outcomes, but you will need to describe your potential/projected
improved patient outcomes) Be specific.
I will use our new blue bracelet initiative for patients and their families that educate on the signs
and symptoms of high blood pressure and when to seek immediate medical treatment.
I will create a teaching guide for our nurses on hypertension in pregnancy and postpartum.
This will impact patient outcome by decreasing readmission rates, hospital stays, mortality and mobidity rates.
I will implement this on 3 hypertensive patients
Week One Practice Log: Begin typing documentation on your Clinical Log, provide here a brief explanation
of time you have completed this week – you will need to document on your clinical log in addition to this
template, this update does NOT take the place of completing your required log. This is a non-graded item.
— Do not include: Orientation off the Unit, Observation, writing or researching papers/assignments, Lunch or
Break time.

— Do include: A total over the course includes a Minimum of 3 hours with preceptor, Maximum of 6 hours on
research of topic, a minimum of 1-2 hours in direct patient contact and the remainder- 10-11 hours in
implementation of your project, Total of 21 true hours.
Total Time
(describe specifically what you did in one or two
(ex: 1 hour)
1000am to
1 hr 10 min
Met and discussed my project idea. printed and reviewed
hospital perinatal hypertensive policy. Searched for and
discussed available resources and literature on my topic.
(a minimum of 3 hours is
required for the course)
1230pm to
15 mins
I emailed my teaching guide to preceptor, she reviewed it
over the phone and gave her suggesstions.
Research on topic
2 hours
Revieded hospital policy. Develop my teaching guide.
Reviewed literature on pregnancy induced hypertension
Total Time spent
this week
Total for
this week
(a maximum of 6 hours
is allowed for the entire
(by the end of the course
you should spend at least
21 true hours)
230pm to
3hrs 25 mins
References (double-space and use correct 7th ed. APA format)
Preeclampsia Foundation. (2023). Welcome to Preeclampsia Foundation. https://www.preeclampsia.org/
QSEN Institute. (2022). Graduate QSEN competencies. https://www.qsen.org/competencies-graduateksas

Engagement- Experiential Learning Project Goals and Objectives: Module 3
Assignment Objectives:
x Students will identify QSEN’s competencies for nursing.
x Students will have the opportunity to synthesize knowledge and apply skills acquired
in the nursing academic and practice settings.
x Students will extend their academic experience into areas of nursing practice
interest, working with new ideas, issues, organizations, and individuals.
x Students will demonstrate the ability to think and act critically and creatively about
nursing practice issues and will further develop their analytical and ethical
leadership skills necessary to address and help solve these issues.
x Students will refine their ability to utilize evidence-based research and demonstrate
proficiency in written and communication skills.
Assignment Instructions:
The CP is the culminating academic endeavor of nursing students who earn a
baccalaureate degree in nursing from Ohio University. The project provides students with
the opportunity to explore a problem or issue of particular professional interest that is
somehow related to one of the following nursing QSEN competencies: patient-centered care,
teamwork/collaboration, evidence based practice, quality improvement, safety or
informatics (QSEN: http://www.qsen.org). Each of the QSEN competencies somehow link
to nursing excellence. You will actually implement your project during this seven-week
course. For your project you will need to:
1. Select an issue/problem that you have a professional interest in. Example: Creation of a
patient education tool to prevent falls
2. Select a QSEN competency that relates to that problem. Example: Example: Safety
3. Select a health care organization that can help support your issue: Example: The CDC
4. Develop a global objective: Example: At the completion of this project I will have developed a
patient educational informational sheet to present to staff on 1-South to be distributed to all
patients on 1-South to improve the patient’s knowledge to prevent falls.
5. Develop at least four project objectives: Example:
a. Research current literature on the prevention of falls and patient educational material
b. Develop a patient educational sheet on fall prevention.
c. Educate staff on use of the patient educational sheet.
d. Implement patient educational sheet and present this to at least ten patients on 1South to prevent falls.
6. Develop possible resources needed to help meet your goals/objectives.
a. Meet with unit manager and seek approval on project implementation.
b. Review the CDC web site for current references and resources on fall prevention.
c. Create patient educational sheet, copy and prepare to distribute.
d. Create a timeline to implement the patient educational information.
This week’s assignment is the first of five assignments to complete your Clinical Practice
Project (CPP). Each weekly assignment will build upon the last one. It is very important that
you follow the directions carefully and review your teachers document/grading rubric for
comments so that you can improve each week.
To complete this assignment type in the boxes below, the boxes will expand as you type. Be
sure to save your document frequently. Points will be deducted for incomplete work,

spelling/grammar errors, lack of thought and use of abbreviations. All content must be in
your own words, not directly quoted; however you must provide supportive details by
using in text citations (Journal Article references at the end of the form-please see your
rubric for an explanation of refereed Journals). This assignment is worth 25 points…be
sure your work reflects 25 points. Save as a PDF and submit in Bb.
Module 3: Engagement- Experiential Learning Project Goals and Objectives
Student Name
Rugiatou Jallow
Project Topic: Give a brief explanation of your topic.
My project topic is high blood pressure in
pregnant and postpartum women.
QSEN Competency: (example, Patient-centered Care)
Patient-Centered Care
QSEN Definition: Define your QSEN Competency in your own words (paraphrase) using the 2012 graduate
competencies link:2012 graduate competencies , (example: for competency Patient-Centered Care the
definition on the web site is Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in
providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs—
take this information then write your definition in your own words (paraphrasing, remember to cite the QSEN).
Patient-Centered Care is acknowledging the patient or their appointee as a partner when providing and coordinating care in
order to provide care that is empathetic and respectful of patient preference, value and needs (QSEN Institute, 2012)
List two Knowledge/Skills/Attitudes (KSAs)- use two each (Knowledge/skills/attitudes) using the 2012
graduate competencies link:2012 graduate competencies which are listed under your chosen competency
that you think will help you to meet your selected competency. Then write your KSAS in your own words
(paraphrasing/editing related to your specific project—remember to cite the QSEN).
Type the two original graduate
competencies you chose from
Type the two original graduate
competencies you chose from
Type the two original graduate
competencies you chose from
1) Analyze strategies that empower
patients or families in all aspects of the
health care process (QSEN Institute,
2) Analyze reasons for common barriers
to active involvement of patients and
families in their own health care
processes (QSEN Institute, 2012).
1) Engage patients or designated
surrogates in active partnership
along the health illness
continuum(QSEN, 2012).
2) Assess level of patient’s decisional
conflict and provide access to
resources (QSEN, 2012).
1)Value shared decision making with
empowered patients and families even
when conflicts occur (QSEN, 2012).
2) Respect patient preferences for
degree of active engagement in care
process (QSEN, 2012).
Paraphrase each selected
competency-relate to your specific
project topic- be sure to cite QSEN
for each:
Paraphrase each selected
competency-relate to your specific
project topic- be sure to cite QSEN
for each:
Paraphrase each selected
competency-relate to your specific
project topic- be sure to cite QSEN
for each:
1)Examing ways of empowering patients with
1)Engage patients and their families as
partners during their treatment of
pregnancy induced hypertension and
beyond (QSEN Institute, 2012)
2)Assess patients’s uncertainty about
the disease process and give them the
resources (QSEN institute, 2012).
1)Emphasize the importance of shared
decision making even when
disagreements occur (QSEN Institute,
2)Honor the patient’s choice of how
much they wish to be involved in their
care (QSEN Institute, 2012).
pregnancy induced hypertension and their
families in every aspect of their health care
process (QSEN institute, 2012).
2)Assess the barriers that hinder patients and
their families from participating in their health
care processes (QSEN Insittute, 2012).
Discuss Health Care Organization (this is not the facility/organization where you are implementing your
project, may be a nursing organization, or any organization which sets standards, conducts research, or
publishes evidence based literature in relation to your topic) that will help support your project. Discussion

should include the mission/values of the organization (in your own words). Provide citations and references (no
direct quotes).
The Preclampsia Foundation. This is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the outcomes of pregnancy related high
blood pressure by providing education, support and research to individuals, health care providers and researches (Preeclamps