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F23 Excel 3 Documentation Form

Paragraph 1: a) Describe your data, b) # of rows and columns, c) describe what is in the data and d) where you got it – source.

Paragraph 2: a) Describe what each worksheet is about, b) what analysis is performed, c) what you learned about your data & d)
your analysis conclusions.

Skills Table – fill this out. Do not delete any rows. Only add comments to the 3 right-most columns
Wrapped titles that stay
wrapped when column
width increased
Named tabs w/ color
Chart w/gradient, color
font, background
Date function – so date
changes when
worksheet is opened
Named range
Vlookup w/iferror
IF function
Color borders
Color fonts
Merge & centered data
Conditional formatting
Note or comment
Shape feature
Worksheet protection
Data validation
Calculation formulas
Sorted data
2 pivot tables, 1 with a
2 filtered worksheets
Data formatted, aligned
– consistent, attractive
Used in which
Used in which
How used
Excel 3 Assignment – ISM3011
Ask before/after/during class or come into office/online hours if you have questions on any of this. Refer to the syllabus on
Academic Dishonesty and group/individual work and allowable help for all projects – also remember it’s your responsibility to protect
your work.
Before you start — read this whole assignment and use an optional text and/or review the tutorials as necessary.

As a scenario, imagine you are at an interview, and you are asked to show a workbook that demonstrates your Excel skills. I
To do this, you’re going to create a workbook with at least 2 worksheets. It can be something to keep track of your hobbies
(baseball, football, movies, fitness, nutrition), your budget, a small home business, etc. It can also be a review of statistics
that are online (voting, nutrition, state or federal statistics, etc.)
Be sure to incorporate the following skills in appropriate ways. This should not be a random demo of skills. The idea is to
use your workbook to incorporate techniques in ways that make sense with your data and project. We’ll be reviewing the
project to look at Excel techniques, but more importantly to see how they were used to analyze the data or work with the
data for decision making and conclusions.
This should not look just like the Excel 1 or Excel 2 project.
This should also start with a blank worksheet – not a template or any past workbooks.

Part 1: Start with a blank workbook / worksheet.
• Be sure you have downloaded and installed Excel from portal.office.com/home (top right ‘Install Apps’)
• Then 1) open Excel and 2) open a blank document (in this order). This will ensure that the unique internal file
information is kept. If this isn’t done, your project won’t be graded or if graded, will lose points.
Part 2: Figure out what you want to do for your project and what your data will look like. Do not use an existing workbook or
worksheet to start your project. If you are using data from another source, copy and paste the data into your blank workbook and
include the source in your documentation. Your data should have at least 50 rows and 5 columns.
Part 3: Think about your project. What you want to show, how you will use the skills below in a way that makes sense.
Wrapped titles that
stay wrapped when
column width
e) Named range
i) Color fonts
m) Shape feature
q) Sorted data
Skills to incorporate
b) Named tabs w/ color
c) Chart w/gradient, color
font, background
d) Date function – so date
changes when worksheet
is opened
Vlookup w/iferror
g) IF function
h) Color borders
Merge & centered data
k) Conditional formatting
l) Note or comment feature
Worksheet protection
o) Data validation
p) Calculation formulas
2 pivot tables, 1 with a
s) 2 filtered worksheets
t) Data formatted, aligned chart
consistent, attractive
Check your formulas, be sure they are correct and make sense. For example, if you are subtracting 2 numbers don’t use the
SUM formulas (sum is for adding). Excel may figure out what you mean, but we want the formulas to be used correctly
(show that you understand how to use them).
Part 4: When you have fine-tuned your project, create your documentation in Word
• Download the documentation form and rename it with your last name, first initial and _3EX Documentation,
ex: WarnerB_3EX Documentation.docx
• Add your name to the form at the top
• Paragraph 1: Paragraph 1: a) Describe your data, b) # of rows and columns, c) describe what is in the data and d)
where you got it – source,
• Paragraph 2: a) Describe what each worksheet is about, b) what analysis is performed, c) what you learned about your
data & d) your analysis conclusions Table: Describe each skill – in alphabetical order and where and how you used it.
• Use the accompanying table (see the project instructions). Do not delete any rows, fill out the 3 right-most columns
for each skill used.
• Grade based on the documentation form as well as the workbook submitted and skills demonstrated.
Skill letter
Named tabs
w/ color
Sorted data
Used in which
Budget categories
All worksheets
Used in which
Column headings,
row 1
Budget items
How used
I used this to identify what is in each column
and used the wrap format
Identifies and highlights what each
worksheet contains
Sorted my budget items by date
Part 5: Submit the Excel Workbook and Word document to Canvas
• If either the Word or Excel document is late, the whole assignment is considered late

Workbooks cannot be graded without the completed documentation file.

Office/online hours get busy as deadlines approach. If you procrastinate and wait until the last days to work on your project,
you may not be able to get all the help you want.

The only way we can fairly grade the projects is if we check for each requirement. Please go through the instructions before you
submit & be sure you have done each one correctly, so you don’t miss out on points. Compare your solution to the project


Remember to leave all of the internal file properties intact for your project, if they are modified or deleted, you project
won’t be accepted (see syllabus for more on this).
Read and follow the instructions in the Assignments section of Canvas on uploading and checking your upload. If you
follow these instructions, you can ensure that your project is uploaded correctly (and is the correct project). Be sure
that Access / Excel are closed before you try to upload your project files.
If your project doesn’t upload correctly before the due date, it will be considered late and be assessed the late penalty
– even it was finished on time. This is the only way we can ensure that students check their Canvas submissions.
Technology problems relating to your home computer (Windows based or Mac), internet connection or slow Canvas access are
not valid excuses for late/missing work, unless Canvas is down for 6+ hours on the due date. Computers at USF computer labs
and the library are available; leave enough time to access them as needed. Also give yourself enough time that if a TA can’t
answer a question, you’ll have time to contact me during office hours or online hours & I can either help you or make an
allowance in your grade. If you wait until the last weekend, I may not be able to do either.
Enter Model
name to search
Pivot table
included in project

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