Evaluation Plan Design.


Develop a 4-6 page plan that will allow you to evaluate your intervention.

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Evaluation Plan Design.
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Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

Once an intervention is planned and implemented it is important to evaluate the degree to which the outcomes of the project were achieved. By evaluating the desired outcomes of an intervention, it is possible to make more informed decisions about opportunities for continuous improvement. It is also possible to identify strategies and approaches that could be useful in improving one’s personal practice in other contexts or care areas.

Read Guiding Questions: Evaluation Plan Design [DOC]. This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete this assessment.
As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.
What specific piece or pieces of technology did you propose using in your implementation plan?
How did the type of technology you chose impact the development of your implementation plan?
How will the incorporation of the technology you propose make your implementation plan more successful? Instructions
Note: The assessments in this course are sequenced in such a way as to help you build specific skills that you will use throughout your program. Complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.Your evaluation plan design will be the forth section of your final project submission. The goal for this is to finalize the outcomes that your plan is seeking to achieve and to create a plan to evaluate the degree to which those outcomes would have been achieved if your intervention plan has been implemented. This will allow you to determine the degree to which the plan was successful in addressing the identified need of your target population and setting.You will also discuss ways in which your role allows you to lead change and drive quality improvement, and to potentially improve the project in the future. In addition, you will reflect on how the project will leave you better prepared for success in other aspects of your current and future career. Provide enough detail so that the faculty member assessing your implementation plan design and discussion will be able to provide substantive feedback that you will be able to incorporate into the final draft of your project.At minimum, be sure to address the bullet points below, as they correspond to the grading criteria. You may also want to read the scoring guide and the Guiding Questions: Evaluation Plan Design [DOC]document to better understand how each criterion will be assessed. In addition to the bullet points below, provide a brief introduction that refreshes the reader’s memory about your problem statement, your planned intervention, and how you intended to implement your intervention (this should only be a single paragraph).Reminder: These instructions are an outline. Your heading for this this section should be Evaluation of Plan and not Part 1: Evaluation of Plan.
Part 1: Evaluation of Plan
Define the outcomes that are the goal of an intervention plan.
Create an evaluation plan to determine the impact of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.
Part 2: Discussion
Analyze the nurse’s role in leading change and driving improvements in the quality and experience of care.
Explain how the intervention plan affects nursing and interprofessional collaboration, and how the health care field gains from the plan.
Future Steps
Explain how the current project could be improved upon to create a bigger impact in the target population as well as to take advantage of emerging technology and care models to improve outcomes and safety.
Reflection on Leading Change and Improvement
Reflect on how the project has impacted your ability to lead change in personal practice and future leadership positions.
Reflect on the ways in which the completed intervention, implementation, and evaluation plans can be transferred into your personal practice to drive quality improvement in other contexts.
Address Generally Throughout
Integrate resources from diverse sources that illustrate support for all aspects of an evaluation plan for an intervention, as well as for professional discussion about the plan.
Communicate evaluation plan and discussion of the project in a professional way that helps the audience to understand how the outcomes will be evaluated, as well as what was learned through the project process.

Length of submission: 4–6 double-spaced pages.
Number of resources: 3–6 resources. (You may use resources previously cited in your literature review to contribute to this number. Your final project will require 12–18 unique resources.)
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style. Header formatting follows current APA levels.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Lead organizational change to improve the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.
Reflect on how the project has impacted one’s ability to lead change in personal practice and future leadership positions.
Reflect on the ways in which the completed intervention, implementation, and evaluation plans can be transferred into one’s personal practice to drive quality improvement in other contexts.
Competency 2: Evaluate the best available evidence for use in clinical and organizational decision making.
Analyze the nurse’s role in leading change and driving improvements in the quality and experience of care.
Competency 3: Apply quality improvement methods to impact patient, population, and systems outcomes.
Create an evaluation plan to determine the impact of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.
Competency 4: Design patient- and population-centered care to improve health outcomes.
Define the outcomes that are the goal of an intervention plan.
Competency 5: Integrate interprofessional care to improve safety and quality and to decrease cost of care.
Explain how the intervention plan affects nursing and interprofessional collaboration, and how the health care field gains from the plan.
Competency 6: Evaluate the ability of existing and emerging information, communication, and health care technologies to improve safety and quality and to decrease cost.
Explain how the current project could be improved upon to create a bigger impact in the target population as well as take advantage of emerging technology and care models to improve outcomes and safety.
Competency 7: Defend health policy that improves the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.
Integrate resources from diverse sources that illustrate support for all aspects of an evaluation plan for an intervention, as well as for professional discussion about the plan.
Note: You will also be assessed on two additional criteria unaligned to a course competency:
Communicate evaluation plan and discussion of the project in a professional way that helps the audience to understand how the outcomes will be evaluated, as well as what was learned through the project process.
Demonstrate completion of hours toward the practicum experience.

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NURS-FPX6030 Assessment 5
Guiding Questions
Evaluation Plan Design
This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help
you successfully complete the Evaluation Plan Design assessment. You may find it useful to
use this document as a pre-writing exercise, an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that
you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assessment. This document is a
resource to help you complete the assessment. Do not turn in this document as your
assessment submission.
Part 1: Evaluation Plan
Define the outcomes that are the goal of an intervention plan.

What are the outcomes that you are attempting to achieve with your intervention and
How do the outcomes illustrate the purpose of your intervention and project?
How do the outcomes illustrate what you hope to accomplish your intervention and
How do the outcomes establish a framework that can be used to achieve an
improvement in the quality, safety, and experience of care?
Create an evaluation plan to determine the impact of an intervention for a health
promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.

How are you going to measure and evaluate the degree to which you achieved your
What data do you need to fully evaluate the outcomes?
How will you collect the needed data?
What tools or technology will you use to aid in data collection?
What strategies will you use to analyze and evaluate the collected data?

What tools or technology will you use to aid in data analysis?
How will the evaluation plan illustrate the impact that your intervention plan had, or will
Part 2: Discussion
Analyze the nurse’s role in leading change and driving improvements in the quality and
experience of care.

How does the nurse help to lead change in professional practice and interprofessional
NURS-FPX6030 Assessment 4

How does the nurse help to drive improvements in the quality and experience of care in
professional practice and interprofessional teams?
Explain how the intervention plan affects nursing and interprofessional collaboration,
and how the health care field gains from the plan.

How does your intervention plan affect the nursing profession and role?
In other words, how does your intervention plan improve the nursing profession and

How does your intervention plan affect interprofessional collaboration related to
improving outcomes for the target population and setting of your intervention plan?

What are other gains and benefits to the health care field in general from your
intervention plan and project?
Future Steps
Explain how the current project could be improved upon to create a bigger impact in the
target population as well as to take advantage of emerging technology and care models
to improve outcomes and safety.

How could your intervention plan and project be revised to create improved or broaderreaching impacts for your target population?

How could your intervention plan and project better take advantage of emerging
technology to improve performance related to the outcomes of the intervention plan?

How could your intervention plan and project better take advantage of emerging care
models to improve achievement of the project’s outcomes, as well as to improve patient
Reflection on Leading Change and Improvement
Reflect on how the project has impacted your ability to lead change in personal practice
and future leadership positions.

How has your work on your capstone project impacted your ability to lead change in your
personal practice and current care setting?

How has your work on your capstone project impacted your ability to lead change in any
future leadership positions you may have?
Reflect on the ways in which the completed intervention, implementation, and evaluation
plans can be transferred into your personal practice to drive quality improvement in
other contexts.

How can the work you have undertaken with your capstone project be transferred into
your current practice and care setting?

How can the work you have undertaken with your capstone project be transferred into
other care settings and contexts?
NURS-FPX6030 Assessment 4
Address Generally Throughout
Integrate resources from diverse sources that illustrate support for all aspects of an
evaluation plan for an intervention, as well as for professional discussion about the plan.

Do the resources cited support all aspects of your evaluation plan?

Do the resources cited support your professional discussion of the plan and your

Do your resources come from a diversity of sources?

For example: the literature, professional standards, existing health care policy,
relevant health care laws, et cetera.
Do you cite a minimum of 3–6 resources?
Communicate evaluation plan and discussion of the project in a professional way that
helps the audience to understand how the outcomes will be evaluated, as well as what
was learned through the project process.

Is your writing clear and professional?

Does your writing effectively communicate your proposed evaluation plan?

Does your writing effectively communicate what was learned throughout the project

Is your writing free from errors?

Is your submission 4–6 pages?

Does your submission conform to current APA style standards?

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