Evaluating the Future of Organization Development and the Role of the OD Consultant


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Evaluating the Future of Organization Development and the Role of the OD Consultant
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Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 16 of the text and the article Navigating the Future of Organizational Design in a Digital Age

Change is the stimulus for the OD process. It would be reasonable to assume that the OD process must also evolve to be valuable to the organization. For this final paper, you will comprehensively evaluate the history of organization development, the current perspective of OD and the OD consultant, and the ongoing capacity to provide value to the organization and the change processes they may face in the future.

In your paper,

Review the history of Organization Development.
Analyze the current process of Organization Development.
Examine the current role of the Organization Development Consultant.
Elaborate on the possible change problems the organization may face in the future.
Discuss how future change problems are different from current change problems.
List key skills the OD Consultant may need to reshape their future role.

The Evaluating the Future of Organization Development and the Role of the OD Consultant final paper

Must be 10 full double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages and formatted according to APA.

Must include a separate title page with the following in title case:
Title of paper in bold font
Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
Student’s name
Name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Due date
Must utilize academic voice
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph
Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
Must use at least seven scholarly and/or credible sources in addition to the course text published within the last 5 years. Course Book: Anderson, D. L. (2020). Organization development: The process of leading organizational change (5th ed.). SAGE Publications.

Requirements: 10 Full Pages Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages | .doc file

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Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions.

No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each body paragraph.

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Insight into Action
Navigating the Future of Organizational
Design in a Digital Age
By Marc Sokol
hile it is common to contrast present with anticipated future when focusing
on change, this issue of People + Strategy
offers a different image of how we move
toward organization design for a digital
age. Think of yourself as having to navigate toward the future; the path is not
a straight line. You will, in fact, need
to tack back and forth, embracing the
seas and winds that surround you. You
learn as you go, making adjustments
and keeping your crew aligned as you
discover the way forward. Here are
some implications I see from contributors to this issue.
There are many paths forward. As
Bob Johansen notes, the future will
combine digitally amplified humans
and human-centered machines. The
easy part is recognizing where automated process and technology dramatically
adds value and clearly should replace
human action. Also easy is where digital
capability enhances human insight, but
human-centered performance must
remain at the forefront. Robo-advisors
at the low end of wealth management
and personal advisors at the high end is
just one example. Harder to determine
are situations where it depends, requiring us to discover how we offer unique
value. HR can partner with technology
and finance groups to facilitate such
evidence-based discovery, mitigating
emotional resistance away from or overzealous movement toward digitallybased designs.
Organizational transformation for a
digital age requires a multi-dimensional
playbook. Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann
offers a compelling view that this
requires a team, whose members bring
each other along, and where leaders
understand how to engage those at
different ends of the change spectrum.
With help from HR, leaders then
manage tensions that arise when we
jointly rethink customer experience
and business operations as integrated
digital processes, and as we balance
customer, employee and shareholder
expectations. Ingrid Estrada shares the
story of how Keysight Technologies
achieves world leadership via innovation in digital design with a clear
leadership model that guides action at
all organization levels, and by engaging
employees and customers as partners
in process evolution.
HR can prioritize a climate to engage
and learn as central for the journey.
Christopher Worley reviews how agile
practices enable learning and change.
The Coca-Cola Company similarly
provides real life examples of being a
learning organization at scale. Quoting
one of their leaders, the core competency is being “okay with not knowing the
ultimate answer, being clear on principles
and strategy to get started, then let learning
and agility drive our answers.”
The soul of organizational design in a digital age
lies not in technology alone, but also in each
employee’s experience of purpose and meaning.
The winners will equip their people to be agents
of design and foster a culture of collaboration.
Purpose powers performance. Joe
Whittinghill and CEO Satya Nadella of
Microsoft each share a perspective for
organizations of the future. They believe
the soul of organizational design in a
digital age lies not in technology alone,
but also in each employee’s experience
of purpose and meaning. Yes, digital
capabilities will allow companies to
emerge from the pandemic faster and
stronger, but the real winners will equip
their people to be agents of ongoing
design and foster a culture of collaboration. Start with why and let the ensuing
organizational design enable values
into action. As leaders draw attention to
these actions and what they represent,
we see culture become more coherent
and stronger across the enterprise.
Organizational design in a digital
age needs to balance compliance,
influence and value creation. The path
to rethinking digital design starts with
changing our mental maps. Metaphors
like “navigating the journey” are helpful.
Niels Pflaeging, Silke Hermann and Brad
Winn also suggest we change our visual
images, getting beyond those rooted in
the traditional organization chart. That
still has value for its capacity to suggest
control, but other visuals are just as
important, such as social network models
of how people are really connected and
influence via relationships. They advise
us to also visualize a customer value chain
where external reputation drives design.
Digital design, extending from this
perspective, embodies all three mindsets,
designing for control and compliance,
for influence and for value creation.
Manage the level of tension to drive
change forward without derailing it.
Executive Roundtable participants re-
flect on their lessons of leading change.
While there are many, one to remember is that senior executives have to create enough discomfort to shake people
out of old patterns of thinking, but not
so much that they become paralyzed.
It’s like a chef turning up the temperature to get a good simmer going while
things cook while not letting it boil over
or cool down prematurely.
How then do you navigate toward
organizational design in a digital age?
Five elements seem essential:
1. Embrace PDCA (plan-do-check-adjust) cycles of continuous learning.
2. Prioritize value creation, looking to
informal networks and hierarchical
controls to be in sync.
3. Leverage teams for innovation and
an enterprise mindset to drive overall system performance.
4. Be willing to disrupt status quo,
challenge sacred cows and increase
others’ anxiety up to point where it
isn’t paralyzing.
5. Design based on the core principle
to enable, not just control, performance.
All have existed well before the current century. Digital capabilities however accelerate all five, allow increased
insight and transparency, and permit
us to move beyond geographical and
brick-and-mortar constraints of the past.
As you navigate your company’s future,
focus on digital execution of these practices, and you will surely find yourself
sailing in smoother waters.
Marc Sokol, Ph.D., is Editor-at-Large for
People + Strategy and Founder and Principal
Consultant at Sage Consulting Resources,
VOLUME 43 | ISSUE 4 | FALL 2020
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