Ethnopsychology and Individual Differences


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Ethnopsychology and Individual Differences
Ethnopsychology and Individual Differences
Do a cultural analysis in which you describe the beliefs, values, worldviews and
cultural practices that are associated with a particular cultural or ethnic group. You
may choose one of the more traditional ethnic groups in the United States such as
African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native-Americans, or
Anglo-Americans. Your choice may also extend to cultures outside the United States
as well as other minority cultures and identities such as Biracial individuals, Women,
Gays, Lesbians, the Handicapped or the Elderly. In previous classes, students have
chosen to write about such alternative cultures or subcultures as Gypsies,
Bhuddist monks, Catholic Nuns, etc.
In your analysis, discuss the group’s experience as well as the social, historical and
political forces that shaped the group’s cultural orientation and its particular mode of
adaption, i.e. integration, separation, marginalization or assimilation. You may also
want to consider the various stages of cultural identity development as a basis of intragroup variations.
While this paper may be descriptive, I also expect that you will apply the relevant
theoretical concepts and perspectives which we have learned in the course. In so
doing, you are expected to go beyond simply description to a more analytical level
whereby you apply the relevant theoretical concepts. Your grade will be highly
contingent on you doing so. The paper should be ten pages in length and conform to
APA guidelines. I require you to cite your sources and use references in the body of
the paper. You should also include a bibliography at the end.(use only
journal articles). You may turn in an early draft that you may then revise before
receiving a final grade.
Suggested Outline for Paper
1) Introduction
Describe the demographic characteristics of the population i.e. How many people
constitute the population, their various nationalities or subgroups, their primary
locations, the various waves of immigration they have experienced etc. The
historical and social experiences of the group.
Cultural characteristics
2) Discuss the cultural characteristics of the group. In so doing provide a definition
of culture, describe the various dimensions and models of culture i.e. surface vs.
deep dimensions (ontology, axiology, epistemology), worldview, tight vs. loose,
male vs. female, collectivism vs. individualism, subculture vs. dominant culture,
Kluckholm’s model of culture etc.
3) Acculturation
Describe the acculturation experiences of the group and in so doing, apply the
model of acculturation presented in class. This includes talking about stages such
as pre-contact, contact etc. Also describe the particular mode of acculturation
such as assimilation, integration, marginalization etc. In addition, discuss the
moderator variables that influence the acculturation process i.e. socio-economic
status, cultural characteristics, experiences of discrimination etc. Finally describe
some of the outcomes of acculturation. For instance, negative mental health
outcomes etc.
4) The Influence of Minority Status
Discuss the issue of majority-minority relations in relation to the group you are
writing about. Say in what ways that the group represents a minority or majority
in terms of its status and how this shapes the group members experiences in the
United States both socially and historically. In doing so describe how the issue of
prejudice and discrimination relates to the group’s experiences particularly as this
pertains to the relationship it has with its own group members as well as with
other groups in the society. You may also want to explain the causes of prejudice
by incorporating the various theories that were presented in class. In addition
describe the effects that such discrimination may have had on the psychological
wellbeing on both majority and minority group members
5) Racial/Ethnic Identity/ gender identity/sexual identity etc
Describe the models of racial identity presented in class and in the readings. In
doing so, describe how these models may be applied in describing how group
members perceive themselves as racial beings.
Grading Considerations: Answers will be graded based on the following criteria:
a)Clarity, organization and style of presentation
b)Knowledge of the theoretical and empirical basis of the issue and the
demonstration of this knowledge by using the texts and articles
presented in class, making appropriate references where necessary
c)Analytical and critical dimensions of one’s ideas
d)Elaborateness and degree of sophistication of one’s arguments
e)The use of concrete, reality based examples to support one’s conclusion
f) Conform to APA Style Guidelines
Ethnopsychology and Individual Differences
Ethnopsychology and Individual Differences
Do a cultural analysis in which you describe the beliefs, values, worldviews and
cultural practices that are associated with a particular cultural or ethnic group. You
may choose one of the more traditional ethnic groups in the United States such as
African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native-Americans, or
Anglo-Americans. Your choice may also extend to cultures outside the United States
as well as other minority cultures and identities such as Biracial individuals, Women,
Gays, Lesbians, the Handicapped or the Elderly. In previous classes, students have
chosen to write about such alternative cultures or subcultures as Gypsies,
Bhuddist monks, Catholic Nuns, etc.
In your analysis, discuss the group’s experience as well as the social, historical and
political forces that shaped the group’s cultural orientation and its particular mode of
adaption, i.e. integration, separation, marginalization or assimilation. You may also
want to consider the various stages of cultural identity development as a basis of intragroup variations.
While this paper may be descriptive, I also expect that you will apply the relevant
theoretical concepts and perspectives which we have learned in the course. In so
doing, you are expected to go beyond simply description to a more analytical level
whereby you apply the relevant theoretical concepts. Your grade will be highly
contingent on you doing so. The paper should be ten pages in length and conform to
APA guidelines. I require you to cite your sources and use references in the body of
the paper. You should also include a bibliography at the end.(use only
journal articles). You may turn in an early draft that you may then revise before
receiving a final grade.
Suggested Outline for Paper
1) Introduction
Describe the demographic characteristics of the population i.e. How many people
constitute the population, their various nationalities or subgroups, their primary
locations, the various waves of immigration they have experienced etc. The
historical and social experiences of the group.
Cultural characteristics
2) Discuss the cultural characteristics of the group. In so doing provide a definition
of culture, describe the various dimensions and models of culture i.e. surface vs.
deep dimensions (ontology, axiology, epistemology), worldview, tight vs. loose,
male vs. female, collectivism vs. individualism, subculture vs. dominant culture,
Kluckholm’s model of culture etc.
3) Acculturation
Describe the acculturation experiences of the group and in so doing, apply the
model of acculturation presented in class. This includes talking about stages such
as pre-contact, contact etc. Also describe the particular mode of acculturation
such as assimilation, integration, marginalization etc. In addition, discuss the
moderator variables that influence the acculturation process i.e. socio-economic
status, cultural characteristics, experiences of discrimination etc. Finally describe
some of the outcomes of acculturation. For instance, negative mental health
outcomes etc.
4) The Influence of Minority Status
Discuss the issue of majority-minority relations in relation to the group you are
writing about. Say in what ways that the group represents a minority or majority
in terms of its status and how this shapes the group members experiences in the
United States both socially and historically. In doing so describe how the issue of
prejudice and discrimination relates to the group’s experiences particularly as this
pertains to the relationship it has with its own group members as well as with
other groups in the society. You may also want to explain the causes of prejudice
by incorporating the various theories that were presented in class. In addition
describe the effects that such discrimination may have had on the psychological
wellbeing on both majority and minority group members
5) Racial/Ethnic Identity/ gender identity/sexual identity etc
Describe the models of racial identity presented in class and in the readings. In
doing so, describe how these models may be applied in describing how group
members perceive themselves as racial beings.
Grading Considerations: Answers will be graded based on the following criteria:
a)Clarity, organization and style of presentation
b)Knowledge of the theoretical and empirical basis of the issue and the
demonstration of this knowledge by using the texts and articles
presented in class, making appropriate references where necessary
c)Analytical and critical dimensions of one’s ideas
d)Elaborateness and degree of sophistication of one’s arguments
e)The use of concrete, reality based examples to support one’s conclusion
f) Conform to APA Style Guidelines

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