Ethical Systems, Moral Dilemmas


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Ethical Systems, Moral Dilemmas
Assignment 2
Select a dilemma related to one of the moral dilemmas we have recently discussed in class:
Voting, Vegetarianism, Experimentation on Animals, Capital Punishment, Trolley Problem,
or Distribution of Public Resources.
Select a moral theory: Utilitarianism, Kant’s Principle of Universalizability or Humanity from
the Categorical Imperative, or Scanlon’s Contract theory.
Write an essay in which you apply your chosen moral theory to your chosen dilemma,
defending a position about what the moral theory entails about how the dilemma should be
I. Introduction
• Introduce the dilemma. Cite the resource.
• Introduce and define the moral theory. Cite the resource.
• Thesis statement – succinctly state the selected moral dilemma, the chosen moral theory, and the
position being defended regarding how the moral theory applies to the dilemma.
II. Paragraph 1
• Explain the dilemma.
• Explain what makes this problem a moral dilemma.
III. Paragraph 2
• Explain the ethical theory. Cite the resource(s).
• Apply the theory to the moral dilemma and discuss how the dilemma should be resolved, supported
by your argument.
IV. Paragraph 3
• Address objections, showing criticisms or weaknesses of the argument from within the theory.
V. Conclusion
• Restate the thesis statement (in different words).
• Summarize the main ideas of your essay.
First, select a dilemma related to one of the moral dilemmas we have recently covered
in class (voting, vegetarianism, experimentation on animals, capital punishment, Trolley
problem, distribution of public resources,). This controversy must come from class or
course readings.
Second, select one of the moral theories that we have studied in class this semester
(Utilitarianism, Kant’s Principle of Universalizability or Humanity from the Categorical
Imperative, or Scanlon’s Contract theory). Third, write an essay in which you apply your
chosen moral theory to your chosen dilemma, defending a position about what the
moral theory entails about how the dilemma should be resolved.

A few things to note:
● Remember a dilemma is open to different solutions – it cannot have only one
clear solution. But you must choose your solution and support it with your
● A strong paper will address objections. It will shows criticisms or weaknesses of
the argument from within that theory.
● Be sure to have a clear thesis #thesis
● Note: The LOs that ought to be exercised in this essay will differ across students,
depending on their chosen topics. #Moralstatus will only be necessary if the
essay is discussing the different ethical rights of people or animals
● Use APA formatting, use footnotes for LO’s. Make sure you have a reference list.
You do NOT need a Contents page but you must have a Cover page with your
name, ID, Course name and number, essay title.
● You must only use sources from the course materials to support your arguments.
This will be assessed using #Evidencebased
● The LO #Professionalism will be applied to assess correct use of in-text citations,
references, effective paraphrasing – using your own words and essay structure.
● Important: You do not need to use Generative AI tools to write your essay. The
writing is expected to be your own – in your words. You can only use Generative
AI such as Grammarly if your instructor gives permission. If this is the case, you
must acknowledge where and how it has been used in your essay – either in
footnotes or in the reference list.
Assignment Information
1000-1200 Words
Learning Outcomes Added

Thesis: Write a clear declarative sentence that takes a firm position on the topic
under consideration and serves to organize the rest of the work.
EvidenceBased: Identify and appropriately structure the information needed to
support an argument effectively.
Professionalism: Ensure that your communication follows established guidelines
and use a careful editing process.
EthicalTheory: Identify the main claims, concepts, criticisms and justifications of
an ethical theory.
MoralStatus: Assess the moral status of different stakeholders and evaluate what
course of action should be taken given their status.
EthicalDilemmas: Discuss specific ethical dilemmas posed by the distribution of a
public good, international issue, and taking or saving a life.

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