Epidimiology and Biostatics part 1 and part 2 Homework.


Epidimiology and Biostatics part 1 and part 2 Homework. Both homework are different!!! file is below.

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Epidimiology and Biostatics part 1 and part 2 Homework.
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Part 1
1)Read this article about food outlet density. Use the correlation coefficient for
fast food restaurant density and diabetes prevalence in Table 2 for question 1.
a) What does this correlation coefficient tell you about the strength and
direction of the linear relationship between fast food restaurant density and
diabetes prevalence? (this should be in plain English) (2 point)
b) Conduct a test of significance for this correlation coefficient (to test if the
population correlation coefficient is different than 0) (assume that 46 counties
were included in the analysis). Make sure to show your work and complete all
of the steps of a hypothesis test described earlier in the semester. (5 points)
2)You read part of this article about influenza vaccination when you reviewed the
second set of lecture notes. Use the unadjusted (crude) odds ratio (model 1) and
model 2 in Table 2. Based on what you learned about confounding last week, the
material for this week, and the methods section of the article, why do you think
the investigators included gender, age, and marital status in model 2? (3 points)
Part 2
This week you will create a presentation about obesity in Powerpoint. Your presentation
must include either audio or a script in the notes. Your presentation should address the
1) Title slide (0.5 point)
2) This week you learned more about the miasma theory. Many people think that the
miasma theory was used to only explain diseases that we now know are infectious
diseases. However, miasma was thought to explain a wide variety of health conditions.
Pretend that you believe that obesity is caused by miasma. Describe (or illustrate) how
this is possible and what evidence supports this belief. (2 points)
3) We now know that obesity is a risk factor for diabetes. Reflect on how the Bradford
Hill guidelines apply to this exposure and outcome. Create at least 1 slide for each of
the 9 Bradford Hill guidelines which describes how the guideline relates to what is
known about the relationship between obesity and diabetes. (4.5 points)
4) References (0.5)
You will also be graded on the organization and aesthetics (1.5 points) and writing/audio
(1 point). This presentation must be in your own words.
Remember that paragraphs are not the most effective way to communicate information
in a presentation. Be creative and have fun with this assignment.

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