Epics and users stories email


People have big ideas. In general, when someone starts a project, it starts with what they want the final product to encompass, but they don’t know how to get there. This big idea that can be broken down into smaller chunks is known as an epic, and the user story is the work that needs to be done. Hunt (2018, p. 182) provides a great example in “An Epic Metaphor” of a jigsaw puzzle. She says you buy the puzzle (epic) based on the picture of the box. When you open it up, it’s a bunch of small pieces (user story) that need to be put together. Project managers need to be able to take the epic and break it down into user stories to get buy-in from the stakeholders.

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Epics and users stories email
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Imagine this scenario: Your project is moving forward, and you need to complete the next step of defining your epic and user stories. You’ve been asked to present this information to your stakeholders (e.g., company management or family) in the form of an email.

Review your presentation from the Week 2 – Apply: Summative Assessment: Agile Training Presentation and consider the following questions:

How do you plan to incorporate the agile methodology to the project or task you selected in Week 2?
How will you get stakeholders on board with your plan?

Create an email draft to the stakeholders in a Microsoft Word document that incorporates the following:

A defined epic that is clearly representative of the project themes and requirements, including why this is the chosen epic
3 user stories that support the epic, themes, and requirements, including any relevant personas
A summary of the user stories and related attributes (INVEST) to your project goals

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Agile Training Presentation
Elizabeth Chase
University of Phoenix
 Conducting company-wide training initiatives is one of
the projects I am working on.
 The importance of company-wide training efforts is
 This presentation explores how using agile solutions might
improve the outcome of our company-wide training
 By using agile approaches, we hope to provide an
effective training program.
Application of Agile Concepts to
Provide Continuous Improvement

Agile project management approaches
provide a revolutionary approach.

These approaches may represent a new
phase of ongoing progress.

We can divide the training material into
easy-to-understand sections.

With the help of this strategy, we can quickly
adapt our strategies to our audience’s
changing demands.
 Integrating cross-functional teams is critical to optimizing
our workforce’s collective intelligence.
 Agile promotes dismantling departmental barriers and
fosters a setting where many points of view come
 This entails including people from different departments,
each of whom brings a specialization to the table.
 The synergy that arises from cross-functional
collaboration improves the training program.
How the Team Can Change Their
Mindsets and Incorporate Agile

A significant change in mindset is necessary
to successfully implement agile concepts.

A decentralized strategy that grants team
members the authority to make choices can
supplant conventional hierarchical decisionmaking methods.

Team members benefit from this model
change by feeling more accountable and

By removing the barriers associated with topdown decision-making, we may foster an
atmosphere that encourages creativity.
 Providing specialized training and seminars centered on
agile concepts is crucial for cultivating an agile mindset.
 Throughout these sessions, the team thoroughly grasps
the principles and practices of the agile approach.
 We enable team members to make decisions that
support the company-wide training project.
 A critical factor in this shift is leadership, as upper
management must set an example.
Potential Artifacts for

Communication artifacts promote openness,
cooperation, and well-informed decisionmaking.

Daily standups provide a brief and efficient
way for teams to coordinate.

Team members can exchange progress,
discuss difficulties, and agree on objectives
during these quick daily sessions.

Daily standups provide an agile atmosphere
where changes may be made quickly.

Status reports also provide a detailed
rundown of the project’s development.

These reports give a quick overview of
accomplishments, difficulties, and deadlines.

Status reports help decision-makers evaluate
the efficacy of agile techniques.

We improve openness and enable better
decision-making by routinely providing this
thorough project status.
 Implementing agile principles for our company-wide
training program is a modification of our work
 A dynamic, cooperative, and ever-improving training
program is what agile approaches guarantee.
 We hope to simplify our present project and create the
foundation for a creative and flexible company culture.
 Our company-wide training project constitutes an agent
for beneficial transformation through this comprehensive

Kaur, M., & Iftikhar, S. (2022). Why is it not important to follow
guidelines when conducting Daily Standup Meetings?

Kerzner, H. (2022). Project management metrics, KPIs, and
dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project
performance. John Wiley & Sons.

Olszewski, M. (2023). Agile project management as a stage for
creativity: a conceptual framework of five creativity-conducive
spaces. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 16(3),

Zhao, X., Ai, P., Lai, F., Luo, X., & Benitez, J. (2022). Task management
in decentralized autonomous organization. Journal of Operations
Management, 68(6-7), 649-674.

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