Environmental science discussion


In this assignment you are required to write a discussion post describing the field of environmental science, as well as reflecting on your own relationship with, and impact on, the environment.Broadly describe the role of environmental scientists in your own words. (5pts)Identify and name at least two ecosystem services that you rely on. Opinion answer: Do you think that access to the ecosystem services you named are equally available to all people in our global society? Use an example from a reliable source (and give citation used) to justify your answer. (15pts)Using the ecological footprint calculator at Footprint Calculator ( or see URL: https://www.footprintcalculator.org/), determine your ecological footprint (in global hectares, gha). Embed a picture/screenshot of your Ecological footprint results (‘Results 2’ page) in your discussion post. (10pts)How do your Ecological footprint results make you feel? Give at least two potential changes you could make to lower it. (5pts)

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