Entrepreneurship Question


Have a conversation with a family member, friend, neighbor, etc. Discuss things that they may find frustrating about their home, neighborhood, a product/service, store, etc. Write the comments down and identify at least two potential business opportunities from the problem.

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Entrepreneurship Question
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Next, evaluate the business ideas to see if they would be attractive to potential customers and whether or not you have the skills and resources to create this business. Lastly, evaluate how you could offset any challenges to starting this potential business (hiring, training, etc.).

You should be able to answer the following questions for this assignment:

(1) Who did you have a conversation with and what did you all discuss?

(2) What are the potential business opportunities (at least two) that you were able to identify?

(3) Is there a market for this business idea?

(4) How could you offset any challenges that you may face with this idea?