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Student Last Name 1
Student Name
Mrs. Jacob
Accelerated English I
9 January 2024
Critical Thinking Journal for Chapters 1-11
“Now you tell your father not to teach you anymore. It’s best to begin reading with a
fresh mind. You tell him I’ll take over from here and try to undo the damage–” (Lee 23).
The context behind this quote is that Miss Caroline had called on Scout to read and
noticed that she was very aliterate. This came in shock to her since many other students had
failed the previous years. She was described as distaste when she found out. This is when she
had asked Scout to tell her father to stop teaching her. But Scout didn’t even think that Atticus
teaches her, but that she was just able to do it.
This quote was significant to Scout because it teaches her that people had different
viewpoints on topics that we might now all agree on. Everyone will believe that you should do
certain things in a specific way. Miss Caroline, thought that learning should stay in school. And
this also goes for Harper Lee’s readers as well. It proves a point that we don’t always have to
Student Last Name 2
agree with each other, but we can’t use that against each other. Because of what Caroline has said
it led to her father teaching her this lesson of not everyone will agree with each other.
Something we readers can infer from this quote is that Miss Caroline didn’t say this to
hurt Scout. She thought that Scout reading and being taught outside of school would hurt her
education. Since she is a teacher she wants to look out for her students. Scout is very stubborn
and back-talked the comment Caroline made toward her education. This is why she made the
comment on undoing the damage because she thought that since she was learning outside of
school it was putting a burden on her learning.
This quote I can connect with on a personal level. My dad taught me a method of solving
problems in math because I was struggling with the methods my teachers were teaching me. He
didn’t teach this to damage my learning in any way. The next day when I would go to school my
teacher wasn’t happy with the idea of me not using the methods she taught. Even when getting
the question right. This made me feel judged because she didn’t think I was capable of using
another way to learn. She tried unteaching me this new method and made me use hers.
A question I thought to myself when reading this quote made by Miss Caroline is why
she was so against Scout furthering her education at home. Because of Scout reading and
challenging herself every night with her father Atticus, she was able to understand her work and
Student Last Name 3
move on later to grade two, unlike other fellow students. From a reader’s point of view, I don’t
see much damage that has been done. But from a modern-day student at-home learning is
praised. Was that wrong back then?
When beginning to read the book the first chapter shows a brief backstory about the main
family, the Finches. Introducing each family member. This style shows a very professional setup
of the chapter. But after the introduction, the style becomes more laid back. Instead, it is Scout
telling the story through her eyes like she is talking to the readers. Because of this style
transition, the book becomes more relatable. You get to understand the time this is taking place
and the different people through her eyes instead of an outsider’s point of view.
TKaM Critical Thinking Journal Reading Assignment
For each of the four sections of the novel, you will create a Critical Thinking Journal.

Ch. 1 – 11, due Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Ch. 12 – 16, due Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Ch. 17 – 24, due Friday, January 26, 2024
Ch. 25 – 31, due Friday, February 2, 2024
*Please be sure to look at the formatted example to use as a model for each of your four Critical Thinking Journals.
To know what to write about, you should choose a meaningful quotation that (1) catches your attention, (2) disturbs
you, (3) teaches an important lesson, or (4) is just plain beautiful or outstanding.
Follow the instructions below for specific content for your journal.
FORMAT: EACH ASSIGNMENT MUST BE TYPED and must follow Standard English grammar rules and conventions
(punctuation, capitalization, complete sentences, etc.). Use an MLA Report Template to create each of your journals. Submit
each entry to Google Classroom. Each entry must include the following:
1. Quotation (Must be specific and accurate) – 2 points
Write out the entire passage and the page number. Do not forget to put quotation marks around the quotation.
2. Context – 2 points
Describe the context in which the quotation appears: What is going on when this quote arises? Who is
speaking? Who is listening?
3. Significance – 3 points (this one is worth more points than the other sections)
Importance of the quotation: Is the quotation significant because it foreshadows an upcoming event? Is it giving
insight into a character? Is it validating an earlier quotation or event (text-to-text reading)? Is it important to an
important thematic or structural element in the piece? What identity issues are addressed?
4. Inference – 2 points
What inferences can you make at this point based on this quotation? (What your inference is about will depend
upon the quotation you select. It could be about a character, event, etc.)
5. Personal connection – 2 points
In what way do you have or feel a personal connection (text-to-self reading) to this quotation? How does it apply
to your life? What implications does it have in connection with your sense of identity-how people judge others?
6. Questions – 2 points
What questions do you have that come from this quotation or what you have read in the novel so far? What
questions do you have that you might want to ask another individual about issues or events that have come up in
the novel so far?
7. Style – 2 points
What do you notice about the style of writing? What rhetorical and/or literary devices does the author use?
What purpose do they serve? BE SPECIFIC. (ex: symbolism of character’s names. Boo is the sound a ghost makes
and he is a vague, mysterious, scary character in the book.)
*Each Critical Thinking Journal is worth 15 points = Therefore, they are worth a ‘project grade’ of 60 points total.

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