English Question


Our readings this week focused on how writing is a fundamental part of nursing and why good writing matters for nurses at different stages in their careers.

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In “Writing in NursingLinks to an external site.,” Dr. Nancyruth Leibold includes a list of almost thirty different kinds of writing that nurses might produce in their careers. Read through this list and choose one kind of writing that interests you.

Next, spend some time researching this form of writing online:

Start by looking for general definitions, descriptions, and how-to articles that explain the basics of this kind of writing.
Continue by looking for nursing-specific information on this kind of writing, identifying how this kind of writing is produced in the field of nursing.
Locate a 1-2 nursing-specific examples of this kind of writing and spend some time looking them over.
Finally, choose one strong, nursing-specific example of the kind of writing you’ve researched and read it carefully.

Create a document that includes the following:

A general definition of the kind of writing you chose to research.
A description of how this kind of writing is used specifically in nursing. What purpose does it serve in nursing, and who is the most common target audience?
A link to your example and a summary that includes its purpose and main points.
Your own opinion or analysis of the writing in the example. For example, is the writing complex or simple? Concise or wordy? Vague or specific? Formal or conversational? Persuasive or descriptive? What else did you notice about this writing that you found noteworthy or interesting?

Your document should:

Include your name, assignment title, and date at the top.
Be 12pt, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, double spaced.
Be at least 3 paragraphs long (with a minimum of 5 sentences per paragraph).

GE Concept Worksheet Rubric_ENG310

GE Concept Worksheet Rubric_ENG310

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent (70%)Assignment meets required length and setup expectations as outlined in the assignment description.

24.5 to >17.5 pts

Exemplary (70%)

Meets all guidelines with no errors.

17.5 to >0.0 pts

Acceptable (50%)

Meets some of the guidelines; contains errors.

0 pts

No Submission

24.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Structure (30%)Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are correct. Both sentence and paragraph structures conform to current conventions.

10.5 to >7.0 pts

Exemplary (30%)

Meets all guidelines with no errors.

7 to >0.0 pts

Acceptable (20%)

Meets some of the guidelines; contains errors.

0 pts

No Submission

10.5 pts

Total Points: 35