English Question


Readings for Essay # 1 on an Immigration Issue

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Since, this is a ZTC (Zero Textbook Cost) class, we have to put up with the advertisements: but don’t allow yourself to be distracted by the ads. Focus on the Readings only!

Since Essay 1 is on Immigration scroll down to look for stories on this topic marked with ✅

Click below to read the Readings A-J listed in violet and also the latest research that appears below: Feel free to update with your own research. Consider these readings to be your textbook. In other words, in an essay you’re REQUIRED to refer to at least 3 readings, do the ‘Discussions’ and ‘Summarize’ them with proper documentation to make them suitable to be inserted into an essay, to support your ‘Thesis’. The ‘quoted’ terms will be explained before you undertake to write your first essay.

Groups DON’T need to write about each one! Pick 3-4 Readings 1 Reading per member, and list them in Works Cited and attach it to Essay #1. Select data from these Readings to support the thesis. For a Research Essay, Google, to supplement with your own research and update the readings with current events! On your Desktop, to save time, keep a list of the sources & Readings you will want to use in the essay. Summarize these readings, then insert them in the BODY paragraphs of the essay. Every step will be explained here:

I. Decide on a thesis (scroll down to: Example of a Thesis) for the essay on immigration.

II. Construct a short, skeletal outline to support this thesis. Every essay REQUIRES an outline. (See an example *of this below)

III. Pick 3-5 readings that resonate with you to flesh out the skeletal outline.

IV. Summarize these readings. (Remember your essay will run about 750-800 words only, so you cannot reproduce complete readings–you need to put them in your own words and use ‘quotes’ from readings to reinforce the thesis). This shows you not only critically understand what you have read but can summarize what you read by putting it in your own words to make a point–which is to support the thesis.

V. List all sources (readings, videos, research, news articles etc) in Works Cited in MLA Format.

VI. Proofread, make sure you have followed the MLA Format throughout– then, submit essay.

Google/research latest statistics that support your thesis for A Research Essay.

The latest news on the immigration issue.

Thousands of Haitian migrants wait under bridge in South Texas after mass border crossing

Thousands of Haitian migrants sleep outdoors under Texas bridge

Play media comment.

By Arelis R. HernandezLinks to an external site.


Nick MiroffLinks to an external site.

September 16, 2021, Washington Post


DEL RIO, Tex. — Thousands of Haitian migrants who have crossed the Rio Grande in recent days are sleeping outdoors under a border bridge in South Texas, creating a humanitarian emergency and a logistical challenge U.S. agents describe as unprecedented.

Get the fullAuthorities in Del Rio say more than 10,000 migrants have arrived at the impromptu camp, and they are expecting more in the coming days.Links to an external site.The sudden influx has presented the Biden administration with a new border emergency at a time when illegal crossings have reached a 20-year high and Department of Homeland Security officials are straining to accommodate and resettle more than 60,000 Afghan evacuees.

The migrants arriving to Del Rio appear to be part of a larger wave of Haitians heading northward, many of whom arrived in Brazil and other South American nations after the 2010 earthquake. They are on the move again, embarking on a grueling, dangerous journeyLinks to an external site. to the United States with smuggling organizations managing the trip, according to border authorities and refugee groups.

More than 29,000 Haitians have arrived over the past 11 months, the latest Customs and Border Protection figuresLinks to an external site. show, including some in mixed-nationality families with children born in Brazil, Chile or other South American nations.

They have trekked through the jungles of Panama’s Darien Gap, navigated migrant camps and criminal gangs in Central America, and dodged border guards and troops along the highways of southern Mexico. Some say the economic toll of the pandemic pushed them to leave, while others see a more welcoming U.S. administration offering them a fleeting opportunity to reach the United States.

“I see brave people who instead of being trapped by conformity chose to find a better life,” said Wendy Guillaumetre, 31, who spent four years in Chile before setting out with his wife and 3-year-old daughter for the United States.


✅ America accepts refugees from all over the world including from Haiti (above) & Afghanistan (below)

Google the latest news reports about how the US is going to accept the Afghans as new immigrants to the US because they have been loyal to the Americans in the past. For example, CNN International reported, on Sept 2, 2021:“Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that he is ‘proud’ of how military members have welcomed Afghan refugees to the United States. … “Some of these courageous Afghans fought alongside us, and they and their families have more than earned their places in the land of the free and the home of the brave.”


✅ For Immigrants serve their adopted homelands:

Statistics: Foreign-Born Service Members. Links to an external site.Scroll down for: Between 2013 and 2018, according to the DOD, more than 44,000 non-citizens enlisted in the U.S. Armed Forces. The top two countries of origin for foreign-born military personnel in the U.S. are the Philippines and Mexico, with 17% of those serving in the armed forces being of Hispanic origin.

NOTE: The military benefitsLinks to an external site. greatly from the service of its foreign-born members. Non-citizen recruits offer greater racial, ethnic, linguistic, and cultural diversity than citizen recruits. This diversity is particularly valuable given the military’s increasingly global agenda.

Additionally, statistics show that the difference between non-citizens and citizens who serve then leave are nearly 10 percentage points, with citizens being more likely to leave the service.

Research the latest statistics for immigrants who serve in the US armed forces to become citizens.


New Research:

Haitian Refugees being Returned to HaitiLinks to an external site.

Counterargument: As critics of the Biden administration complain that it is not humane to send the refugees back to their country. In the midst of the pandemic in America, the CDC feels it is unsafe to endanger the health of people in the border towns. Besides, America is straining to resettle more than 60,000 Afghan evacuees (see highlighted above) who entered last month.

[Possible rebuttal=under the circumstances, the Biden Administration, putting the health of Americans first, in the present Covid crisis, is doing the best it can.]

Gov of Arizona Welcomes Afghan RefugeesLinks to an external site.

New Afghan ImmigrantsLinks to an external site.

Latino Culture in In the Heights musical shows how it’s a part of American culture. Research the musical and include lyrics or a musical clip in your essay for extra credit!

The Struggle of ImmigrantsLinks to an external site. ✅

Compare conditions in the US with those in Europe. Ex: People from African countries look for a better life in Europe. They enter via Greece, Italy and Spain, headed for European countries—Germany, France and the UK etc

European MigrationLinks to an external site.

✅ For: American multicultural traditions

Google: Food Festival in DTLA

How American Culture EvolvedLinks to an external site.:✅

Mexican Vaqueros inspired the development iAmerican Cowboy—How the melding of cultures has resulted in the unique American culture.

Look for compelling statistics from UCLA research, below. ✅ Research Update

UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Initiative | March 23, 2021 (Google this for update or write: In a recent study conducted by the

Click the following link, for: A UCLA study published recently that found that providing citizenship to all unauthorized immigrant workers in the United States would add at least $1.5 trillion to the American economy and $367 billion in federal and state tax revenue over the next decade. Remember to use the 5 Ws summarize this—so nothing is overlooked: Go to: Module 1 to check: How to Summarize and How to Embed Quotes.

https://Immigrants’%20Impact%20on%20US%20EconomyLinks to an external site.

12 Immigrants who made America GreatLinks to an external site.

Google a recent article titled, ‘How 12 Immigrants Have Made America Great’, published in Esquire, author Michael Neidert, (introduces Andy Grove of Intel to reader) points out: “It is a very important truism that immigrants and immigration are what made America what it is. We must be vigilant as a nation to have a tolerance for differences, a tolerance for new people.” In the first two lines above: Notice the 5 Ws: Where, (Esquire) When(2000), Who (Andy Grove) What(the quote) & Why (because “. . . we must have tolerance for new people and for differences” or immigrants: support thesis of essay.

Locate the following article summarize it and embed this quote in the summary: ✅ Update with research.

“There is no California dream without California community college students succeeding . . . There are millions of people who have not been able to access opportunities who have tremendous talent…,” says Chancellor Oakley. Chancellor, Oakley is the first Latino to serve as Chancellor for the largest system of higher education in the country. He also sits on the board of Regents for the University of California.

✅ Excellent argument on WHY immigrants leave their homes to come to a foreign land:

Migrant Crisis at the BorderLinks to an external site.

Migrant Children at the BorderLinks to an external site.

The Undocumented AmericansLinks to an external site. by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio

Dream DaughterLinks to an external site.

A For—America is a land of Immigrants: ✅

The Day After 9/11 by Paul RobinsonLinks to an external site.

Links to an external site. Please click on links & READ carefully before you summarize the article you read, in 2-3 sentences, using a quote to illustrate the summary and support your thesis.

Scroll down to Essay #1 Topic: Immigration in America. Locate readings and videos. Use all those you feel supports your thesis. Scroll down to see an example of a thesis.

‘The Dreamer’ by Junot Diaz

‘Families Belong Together’ in Think Progress

Summarize readings in 2-3 sentences.

See below: SAMPLE SUMMARY of The Day After 9/11:


Professor (WHO) Paul Robinson, writing in an article titled “The Day After 9/11, published(WHERE, WHEN) in The Los Angeles Times, a year after the 9/11 attack, (use present tense Verbs in embedding quotes) Robinson remembers (WHAT) his daily soccer game, that “was a virtual United Nations”, with players from all over the world. But what touches him was how the players—all immigrants, stood in a quiet circle and voiced their devotion to their adopted country and how they valued the opportunity and freedom in America. He gets emotional thinking of that day, and he wonders “whether there ever has been another country in the history of the world to which so many people from so many countries have so badly wanted to go and, once there, have been so devoted”. (EXPLAIN WHY you picked this quote) : Here, Prof Robinson realizes immigrants are loyal to their adopted country—perhaps even more than native-born Americans! (Notice how this summary supports the part of your thesis that states immigrants are devoted to their adopted country. Also, find more quotes above and see how they reinforce the thesis).

Notice in 2-3 sentences and two quotes you can capture the main idea and Prof Robinson’s message in his article, that immigrants feel patriotic towards America.

You can insert the summary into your essay on Immigration, when explaining immigrants make up a large percentage (google for exact # from Dept of Defence) in the armed forces, and put their lives on the line for this country and should, therefore, be appreciated and protected . . . This is only one EXAMPLE! You can use any number of quotes, and examples from the many readings to prove your point!

Pick from the many readings here and supplement with your own research to support the thesis!

Cite a video, a poem, a news report, or any reliable research: summarize/paraphrase the main idea to support the thesis for essay #1:

B ✅

The first undocumented lawyer in New York: After the court ruled in his favor, that despite being undocumented, he could practice law in New York. The first thing he did was call his mother who brought him to the US at the age of five. His story is similar to Junot Diaz’s. See: The Dreamer (E).

Research how Cesar Vargas defends other undocumented immigrants and DACA recipients. Read his inspiring story:

Now a US citizen and in the Army ReserveLinks to an external site.

Try sending him a tweet: @DREAMer_Esq


The Struggle of Japanese ImmigrantsLinks to an external site.

Watch the video and read the transcript: Note how George Takei compares Japanese immigrants with those crossing over the Mexican border today.

D (Video) ✅

Why America Should Welcome Immigrants Links to an external site.

Using lines from a poem in your essay: analyze The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus. which lines will enhance your thesis? Iconic poem by Emma LazarusLinks to an external site.: ‘G’

Click on: “Learn More about the poem & the poet”, whose family immigrated from Russia. Then, compose the summary of the poem.

Summarize the Readings in a few sentences.

Refer to these Summaries and Discussions to support the thesis for Essay # 1 (on the topic of Immigration)

Note: This website is excellent for understanding how to construct a thesis statement: Go to: writingcenter.unc.edu Link SCROLL TO: TIPS & TOOLS. Find: ‘Thesis Statements’: Be sure to read their handout on thesis statements carefully. Also read why reading your essay aloud helps to eliminate grammatical errors and makes the essay flow!

Note: IT IS REQUIRED THAT STUDENTS make and submit an OUTLINE, with every essay. Make an outline before beginning to write the essay. Check: In Chapter 5 of Writing: A Guide in your syllabus, see: For one main idea, turn in at least 3 supporting ideas in separate paragraphs and attach to the essay, a separate ‘Works Cited’ page, listing sources used in the essay. At least 3-5 sources are required.

Take Your Pick from the Readings listed here. You don’t have to use all of them!

This is a sample outline for the structure only! All the information related to the thesis on immigration is in the readings posted here. Refer to these readings, in examples, and use quotes from them in your essay.

Summarize/paraphrase the main idea in Readings to support the thesis for essay #1: You may use a poem, a news story, a video, or any media to support your thesis. Research media to find reliable data. Ex. Research ‘DACA’ & ‘Dreamers’. Supreme Court handed down a new ruling recently. *********************************

Remember you need to write a Descriptive Title: Ex.

Why Immigrants are Essential

A vague title like ‘Immigration’ will lose points. Follow MLA Format: Do NOT underline, quote, bold or enlarge the title! MLA guide to Works Cited.(Scroll down to page 35 & page 41) This also shows ‘how to quote from a poem’.

See A Sample Argumentative Essay for Eng 101 Here> LinkLinks to an external site. https://guides.skylinecollege.edu/ld.php?content_id=17127829Links to an external site. Notice how the writer states his thesis, develops it, presents a fair counterargument, and then refutes it. Use this example for Format only. Scroll to the very end to see: Works Cited Page: YOUR WORKS CITED PAGE MUST HAVE HANGING TABS/INDENTED LEFT MARGIN LIKE THE ONE in the SAMPLE!

Example of a Thesis:- Immigrants are an integral part of the American population because they pay taxes, are a strong labor source, boost the economy as consumers of goods and services, and enhance the multicultural character of the United States. (The underlined words are keywords, on which the BODY paragraphs are based: Write a new paragraph for each keyword.)

The underlined keywords are used to develop 3-4 separate paragraphs, as in the sample outline below, using data & quotes from the readings, videos and news reports, and the poem ex. The New Colossus: See ‘G’ (quote 2-3 lines from the poem)

Note: Every essay needs an outline before you begin to write the essay. Check: Sample of an outline to see how for one main idea,(or keyword) you will turn in at least 3 supporting ideas, before proceeding to the next BODY paragraph. Add a counterargument and a rebuttal, before you conclude the essay. On a separate sheet compose a Works Cited page, in MLA format, listing all sources you used in the essay.

Adhere by the sample page format for Works Cited in the Argument Essay LINK above or ‘SEARCH’ in: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/12/


Sample of a Skeletal (bare bones) Outline *(Keep it simple! See: ‘Structure of an Essay’ on which the Outline is based, in Module 1)


Title: Must be Descriptive (capitalize the first letter of major words) Ex. Immigrants are Valuable for America (Title: Immigrants = is not descriptive and therfore not suitable)

Hook: Ever since Columbus discovered America, immigration to this country has been a contentious (hot button) issue.

Debatable Thesis statement (usually at the end of first paragraph): Immigrants are an asset for the United states because they pay taxes, are a strong labor source, boost the economy as consumers of goods and services, and enhance the multicultural character of the United States. (list at least 3 points as in underlined words above: each to be developed in a separate BODY paragraph. Scroll through Readings in this module to find relevant data for these BODY paragraphs)


The BODY of the essay:


Ex. Under the main idea Economy- 3-4 separate supporting ideas can be listed:

1. Immigrants are a strong labor force: include examples & a quote

2. They pay taxes, for example, payroll and sales tax as they are consumers of goods and services. Cite statistics for support (as in UCLA research listed above).

3. Some are successful entrepreneurs—they provide employment for workers & boost the American economy.


Immigrants are devoted to their adopted homeland

1. They defend their country as members of the armed forces

2. Represent the US in international sports.

3. Are proud inventors and scientists that put the US on the cutting edge of research and development (R & D) for which America is known


The many ethnicities of the immigrants enhance the multicultural character of the United States. A variety of food, music and traditions make this a unique country to call home.

In the BODY, give examples, embed quotes and cite statistics for support, from ex. The Labor Board, the Dept of Defense and other reliable sources.


Counterargument: Republicans and conservatives viewpoint that immigrants are a drain on the American economy.

Rebuttal: These arguments are disproved by hard statistics (cite) Immigrant contributions to the US out weigh the resources spent on them.

Conclusion: Restate/extend thesis statement, proving your thesis is valid!


(List ALL sources used in Works Cited in MLA format)

Proofread & SUBMIT Essay in Assignments.

Note: In the BODY of the essay:

Ex. Under the main idea ‘’Economy”- 4 separate supporting ideas can be listed:

1. Immigrants are a strong labor force: include examples & a quote

2. They pay taxes, for example, payroll and sales tax as they are consumers of goods and services

3. Some are successful entrepreneurs—they provide employment for workers & boost the American economy.

4. The many ethnicities of the immigrants enhance the multicultural ethos of the United States. Give examples and embed quotes for support.

Be sure to check this link: Note: This website makes it easy to understand how to construct a thesis statement: writingcenter.unc.edu Link: Read their handout on thesis statements carefully. Click this link and SEARCH: Tips and Tools to find “thesis statements”.


—The Dreamer: Link. by Junot Diaz

What is the thesis of this reading? What is the message of the writer? In other words, what’s the main idea?

Google Junot Diaz’s bio, to enhance your understanding of this short story.

Summarize The Dreamer in 2-3 sentences.

Do you feel all human beings on earth have the right to basic necessities like food, shelter, healthcare, and jobs? Should hard work be enough to earn these necessities?

Essay #1 Topic: Immigration in America. Students will work with, and respond to peers in ‘Discussions’. Read and summarize a variety of readings. You need at least 3-5 for your essay.


Read and summarize:”Families Belong Together” if you choose this reading for your essay.

As you Summarize these readings, ask yourself:

What is the main idea? Is it obvious or implied? Summarize this article in 2-3 sentences. Ex. Reporter, E. A. Crunden writing in ThinkProgress, recently, states, over 8000 protesters demonstrated against the government’s immigration policies in the state’s capital and points out, “Residents of color outnumber white residents in the state, where both the undocumented and overall immigrant population are the second-largest in the country, and emotions run high on the issue of family separations. A poll taken earlier this month found that most Texans oppose family separations. Only 28 percent supported the White House policy.”

(Remember to explain ‘why?’ you used this quote. Also, employ the 5 Ws to summarize the reading for your essay. Pick any quote you feel supports the thesis.)

Share summaries with peers in Discussions.


Google: Link. >Links to an external site.The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus. Research on the Internet to analyze the poem: summarize the main idea and pick a few lines you might want to put in your essay to enhance it.

Refer to About Writing: A Guide (see syllabus) and this Link below will make it clear for you! Scroll down to: ‘Thesis Statements’ to learn:

What is a thesis statement?

Arrive at a thesis statement. Check if it is a strong thesis at:writingcenter.unc.edu Link

How to embed quotes in an essay. Use the five Ws: Whose words are these? Where, when, and in what context were the words used?And most important, why are you using them in your essay?

Submit at least 3-5 sources used in your essay, in MLA format titled Works Cited, on a separate page.

Check the format here–no excuses! See an example of a “Works Cited” page here:


Example of a summary:

According to The Houston Chronicle, in Houston, the fourth-largest city in the country and the nation’s most diverse, thousands marched from City Hall to the offices of Sen. Cruz, in a show of anger directed at the Texas lawmaker. Many demanded protections for the hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants previously granted temporary relief from deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program,

Recently, in Austin, Texas, where only 28 percent of residents agree with the White House policies, citizens vehemently protested against Trump.

According to the latest census, in 20169.3 million Californians had at least one immigrant parent.

(Update info: check in Google)


New Research: Karla Cornejo Villavicencio Author, “The Undocumented Americans” Check it out!

DACA: The information below is not the latest. Research this on the Web: Google the latest status of DACA and Dreamers.

*** The Updated SCOTUS ruling: LinkLinks to an external site.

On January 9, 2018, the U.S. District Court in San Francisco ruled that “Dreamers” are protected.

Those eligible for DACA cannot be deported until the matter is resolved in court. The judgment overrides Trump’s announcement that he would end DACA on March 5, 2018. Trump wants Congress to create a replacement.

On April 24, 2018, the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that the Department of Homeland Security must better explain its reasons for canceling DACA. If it doesn’t do so in 90 days, the department must resume processing DACA applications.

New York Times accessed 7/23

The fate of at least 700,000 undocumented immigrants, brought to the United States as children, is in jeopardy.

Research the Supreme Court’s latest ruling on the web. It was considered a ‘win’ for DACA recipients.

Extension for DACALinks to an external site.

For the Research Paper, anyone considering different aspects of the topic of ‘Immigration’ could gain much information from websites like:PBS.ORG/NEWSHOUR

Ex. ‘What I saw happening at the U.S. Mexico border’ by Amna Nawaz.


Latest SCOTUS update regarding migrant children: LinkLinks to an external site.


At the Border (PBS)Links to an external site.


Most Famous ImmigrantsLinks to an external site.

LATEST UPDATE: 7/28/20 check NY Judge blocks Trump’s Immigration Order: N. Y. Judge Blocks Trump: Google this: research the latest update to add to the essay!

Always document SOURCES as you take notes to gather data for your essay–this will help with composing ‘Works Cited’ : https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/12/

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Group Discussion #3: How to Write a
Debatable Thesis Statement – Group 1
From ENGLISH_101_12007WI24V
11 unread reply.11 reply.
Taken from an authority on Writing Essays: Readings for Writers by Jo Ray Winkler
Anthony & McCuen-Metherell.
Read carefully:
1. A thesis expresses an opinion with reasons. Ex. If the topic of essay is ‘Immigration’, a
debatable thesis could be:
Immigrants are an asset for America (opinion) because. . . List 3 reasons (for BODY
2. A thesis cannot be vague: Be direct: take a stand–express your opinion in third person
point of view–avoid: “I think. . . ”
3. A strong thesis can not be poetic / it does not use figurative language.
4. A debatable thesis generates a counterargument. A critic should be able to question
Someone against community colleges may say the tuition is no longer
affordable. Then you write a rebuttal to the counterargument before you conclude the
essay, by comparing tuitions of these colleges to what is charged by the universities and
proving that your thesis is valid.
Also click Module 1 for “Taking a Stand” in composing a thesis.
to check if the thesis is “strong”.
Please read these tips carefully, then write a debatable thesis statement based on the
Readings in Module 2. Submit it along with the OUTLINE FOR ESSAY 1.
Submit Debatable Thesis + OUTLINE = 50 points.

Purchase answer to see full