English Question


Annotated Bibliography

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English Question
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Research your topic and identify six relevant sources. Annotate three of the sources that you choose. At least one of this week’s sources needs to be a peer-reviewed scholarly article. To find scholarly articles, check the “Peer-Reviewed” box when searching the library databases. Other sources can be additional peer-reviewed scholarly articles or credible sources of a different type, such as professional publications. Also, consider using the Opposing Viewpoints Database entries on your topic to find current sources.

For each source in your bibliography you should include the following:

A reference citation in APA format. The sources should be listed in alphabetical order.

A brief summary and overview of the source, focusing on the arguments and conclusions made by the author or authors.

A brief discussion of the credibility and reliability of the source.

A brief discussion of the relevance of the source to your project and its relationship to other sources you have found.

The annotations for each source should be one to two paragraphs long.

The sources should have been published in the last five to seven years.

For more information about annotated bibliographies, including an example that you should follow for your own bibliography, visit the CSU Global Writing Center’s page on Annotated Bibliographies. The CSU Global Library and Writing Center links can be found in the course navigation panel.

Writing should not be an entirely solitary activity. Good writers share their work with others to get feedback and improve their writing. Consider submitting a draft of your assignment to the university’s tutoring services (accessed via your Student Portal or the left navigation menu of this course) and then using the feedback to revise your paper.


Length: Three sources with annotations and three additional sources, one to two paragraphs per annotation. The overall paper should include a title page, but you do not need to include a references page.

In general, you should use third person and neutral pronouns in academic writing. Attribute arguments and claims to authors and not articles because articles are inanimate objects.

Cite at least six credible sources for this assignment. The CSU Global Library is an excellent place to search for credible, scholarly sources.

Your paper must be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center APA guidelines. The CSU Global Library and Writing Center links can be found in the course navigation panel.

You should model your annotated bibliography after the sample bibliography available from the CSU Global Writing Center.

Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment Rubric for more information on assignment expectations and grading.