English Question


Compare and Contrast Young Goodman Brown’s character and faith to Balthasar Espinosa’s character and tragic fate in “The Gospel According to Mark”
Identify the main qualities of each character
Identify the themes and main ideas in each story
Examine the central role of a protagonist in a short story
Analyze the rhetorical use of allusion, epiphany, allegory and setting as contributing elements in fiction.

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Your original paragraph should be at least 18 complete, analytical sentences and posted within the next 2 days. You also need to check back into the discussion board and reply to at least 2 of your peers from the class and their responses no later than 2 days after the initial postings are due. Each reply doesn’t need to be as long as your original paragraph, but it should provide well thought out insights or questions and add to the discussion (approximately 8-10 complete, meaningful sentences minimum for each reply). Keep in mind that this discussion will help you generate good ideas for your upcoming essay.

Revise your paragraph and proofread carefully to eliminate any grammar or spelling errors. Remember to capitalize “I” and any names or titles. Please, remember that this is a graded class assignment and that your post and your replies should not read like text messages. Write in complete sentences, using standard English. If you do not follow these guidelines, points will be deducted from your response. Points will also be deducted if you do not reply to your peers.

(I will send you the peer reviews after i submit my initial post and i see some posts from other students). (2 peer reviews)

Reply to Peers

In your replies to other students in class, please follow these guidelines:

Always be courteous to other students in the class
Avoid any derogatory or sarcastic comments
Focus on student responses that inspire you the most
Consider new and exciting interpretations offered by other students
Be creative in your responses and replies
Ask meaningful questions and engage in productive exchange of ideas
Respond in standard English, using complete sentence

Complete submissions and responses to other students will receive the maximum of 5 points. Incomplete submissions and/or responses will receive points deduction.

Please Please Please do not use any AI BOTS OR ANYTHING my teacher runs this through turnitin and checks for AI use of any kind.