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ENG 1A – Professor Sullivan- Mission College – Fall, 2023
Composition #3 – Research for a Community Challenge Essay
Composition #3 – Research on a Community Challenge
Directions: Write a 7-9 page (1,750-2,250 word) academic essay using scholarly research to
explore a challenge in a community that is associated with one of your current or future
personal, professional or academic identities. You should use research and critical thinking to
propose a specific action that you recommend as part of the solution to the challenge.
Here are the writing process steps/due dates for Composition#3- for the 16-week course
Here are the writing process steps/due dates for Composition #3 for the 12-week course.
Here is a Comp 3 video where I discuss this essay assignment
● Here is a guide that our learning partners from the Mission College library have created for The 5 Steps
to Writing a Research Project. This wonderful guide leads you through the whole process from
developing a topic to finding and documenting sources. You will need to direct yourself using this guide
as well as 1:1 help from our librarian learning partners.
● Here is a guide to this project created by one of our learning partners from the summer of 2023.
● Here is a handout that our wonderful librarians created to help you narrow your topic focus.
● As you are evaluating sources, the librarian learning partners recommended their guide Fake News Evaluating News Sources: Home (and there are others in the Five Steps guide)
Here are videos from our library learning partners who demonstrate how to use our research portal.

Mission College Library Series of Videos on How to Use our Research Portal
Laura Hammond Video (no password) and Library Databases Passcode: 8jDT=hpz and
Here is a short video on how to use Noodle Tools
Here is a video from Carolina, a learning partner from Spring 23 on how to use Noodle Tools.
More videos Noodle Tools Passcode: !$6eqLt! and Library Databases and Noodle Tools (no password)
● From our learning partner, Cameron – as you start to do general background research to explore
potential topics, Google Scholar is a good resource for finding papers or figuring out how many papers
on a given topic exist/getting a list of journals, etc. that focus on that area.
● For community challenge topics researched by learning partners see Topics – Prior Learning Partners
I built this assignment on one from my colleague Rachel Ketai [email protected]. Thank you Rachel!
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ENG 1A – Professor Sullivan- Mission College – Fall, 2023
● To learn how prior learning partners have engaged with this essay, please see A Reason To Look
Upon Social Media, Independent College Students During COVID 19, Barriers for Female Adult Learners
in Returning to Schools, The Quiet Minority, Mental Imagery- A Way to Improve Cognitive Development
and Well-being, Challenges of Neurodiverse and Autistic Students in Higher Education. For more
examples, please see this folder with Comp 3 essays from prior learning partners.
*Note: This assignment has evolved some since these learning partners wrote them (new/different
elements) and some of these may need additional work/revision, but it may benefit you to see how other
learning partners have approached this composition. Good writing starts with reading and noticing what
is effective in others’ writings.
● To see how some prior learning partners moved through the steps (from an annotated bibliography
to main idea outline to a draft) of this essay see Examples of Comp 3 Writing Steps of Composition
#3 Research for a Community Challenge Essay
● Here is a general research paper example in MLA format MLA Sample Paper – it has annotations in the
margins which explain the citations and elements of the MLA formatting.
● Here is a collection of FAQs (frequently asked questions) from learning partners regarding this
essay. If you have a question, use this tool to see if I have answered it here! If your question is not
answered here, let me know. I can answer your question and add it to the list, thus helping others!
● Here is a metacognitive research strategy list our learning partners have built together over several
semesters. Check this list for great research strategies from your learning partners.
● Here is a folder where I collect articles. You are invited to see if anything there piques your interest, for
this research paper or for independent HW choice.
Composition #3 Learning Goals
1. To practice and grow as a researcher – one who can develop good research
questions and locate, evaluate and learn from credible academic sources which
you use to develop your own thoughtful responses
2. To practice and grow as an academic writer – including improving your
critical reading, critical thinking, writing organization, metacognition and
effectiveness by working with other readers/writers and working through
multiple revisions to improve your writing over several drafts
I built this assignment on one from my colleague Rachel Ketai [email protected]. Thank you Rachel!
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ENG 1A – Professor Sullivan- Mission College – Fall, 2023
3. To engage in critical thinking about a challenge in a community with
personal relevance for you and to join the conversation about that challenge
by developing your own informed recommendation for an action to be
taken in order to serve the good of the community.
Composition #3 Parameters
1. Your composition should be at least 1,750 words (7 pages double spaced) not
counting the Works Cited page.
2. Your essay should be structured according to MLA paper formatting
guidelines. OWL Purdue MLA Formatting Guide. Here is a link to a paper that
explains how to format in MLA.
3. Your use of quotes and paraphrasing in your essay should follow MLA format
for in-text citation. Use these sights (or another) to guide yourself in how to
integrate your quotes/paraphrases. MLA Guide for integrating quotations and
MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics – Purdue OWL
4. Your use of sources must meet the research requirements in the table below
The research requirements
● At least five credible, academic sources (articles, books, chapters, websites, videos, etc.) are cited in
your annotated bibliography and essay
Of those five:
At least two sources are from the Mission College library databases
At least one source is from a peer-reviewed scholarly journal*
At least one source is from a credible website, appropriate for academic use
Personal interviews with relevant sources can work well for this assignment, but they are optional. If
you choose to do one, please talk to me for direction about how to proceed.
● The paper should not over-rely on one main source for most of the information. Rather, it should use
multiple sources and synthesize the information found in them.

I built this assignment on one from my colleague Rachel Ketai [email protected]. Thank you Rachel!
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ENG 1A – Professor Sullivan- Mission College – Fall, 2023
*It is possible to waive the requirement that one source comes from a peer-reviewed scholarly journal if your
topic is very current or otherwise does not yet have attention in a scholarly journal. Talk to me if you think
this is the case for your topic.
5. You should have a Works Cited Page in MLA format. MLA Works Cited Page
Here is another source for MLA direction OWL Excelsior. Also in The 5 Steps
to Writing a Research Project, there are lots of videos, etc. to teach yourself.
6. Your essay should be spell-checked, grammar and punctuation checked. Be on
the lookout to fix your patterns of errors from Compositions #1 and 2. Take
responsibility for finding and correcting grammar issues. Seek the help and
support from ASC tutoring, Writing Center, NetTutor, etc.
7. Revisions should show the evolution of your ideas and writing organization and
effectiveness, not only surface corrections.
8. Basic Title – Research for a Community Challenge– You are also welcome (and
encouraged) to give it your own creative title which reflects your paper’s topic
9. Of course, count all of the time you spend learning how to research (using the
library guides, looking at examples in the module, etc.) researching, thinking,
writing, revising, etc. on your Weekly Learning Work Log!
Organization/Structure of your Essay
As a guide, I give you the following recommendation as a way to organize and
structure your composition into sections. You don’t have to follow this structure
if you have an intentional reason for changing it. Making intentional choices about your
writing is key to being an effective metacognitive writer.
Composition #3 – Research for a Community Challenge General Outline
Three Sections – Introduction, Body and Conclusion
Here is a quick template for the information explained below. Thank you to our
learning partner and ASC tutor, Evgeniya!
Comp 3 Outline.docx
I built this assignment on one from my colleague Rachel Ketai [email protected]. Thank you Rachel!
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ENG 1A – Professor Sullivan- Mission College – Fall, 2023
Here is a video about the Comp 3 Main Idea Outline
Here is a video where I do a Think Aloud on Karen’s outline
Here is Karen’s Outline shown in the video
Introduction Section (generally three or more paragraphs for this essay)
Attention getter – a hook to grab your reader’s attention and generate
interest in reading your paper. This can be achieved in a number of ways.
Possibilities for the attention getter – the research questions of your essay,
compelling, interesting facts, heartfelt general themes of your research something convinces your reader that it is worth investing their time and attention
reading/thinking about your research and ideas
Context/Definitions/Historical Background of Issue – May be from one to
several paragraphs and up to one page long, depending on how much background
you need to give to orient your reader to the historical context of the challenge you
researched. The introduction can also be a good place to define important
terms/vocabulary that you will be using in your essay.
Main Points of your Essay – Briefly state the five main ideas that came
from your research about the challenge. Just give your reader a short sketch of
where your paper will go, what the main points are that you will be exploring in
more depth in the body of your essay.
Thesis statement: Proposes a specific, workable recommendation for an
action based on your critical thinking about what you learned through your
research. Your thesis should be the last sentence(s) of your introductory section.
Your thesis should be one or two sentences that directly answer the
question, “Who should do what?” in response to the problem you
explored in your research.
II. Body Section – You should have at least six sections within your essay’s
body (The total number of body paragraphs will vary from around 10-20 or more,
depending on how much summary and analysis are needed) You should structure your
paragraphs to be “bite-sized” for your reader to process. They should be logically and
intentionally determined by the main ideas about your topic. Your body section should
be broken down into a number of six sub-sections determined by at least five main ideas
and the thesis expansion section as described below.
Five Main Idea Sections Based on Five Points regarding the community challenge
explored in your research. The main idea statements should be the points, briefly
stated, of an aspect of the challenge and/or evidence that supports your proposed
solution (at least five main ideas, more if needed)
I built this assignment on one from my colleague Rachel Ketai [email protected]. Thank you Rachel!
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ENG 1A – Professor Sullivan- Mission College – Fall, 2023
The Sixth Body Section – Thesis Expansion – This section expands on your thesis
– a specific, workable recommendation for an action based on your
critical thinking about what you learned about the community challenge through
your research. This section should describe how the action you propose would
support the community and help overcome the challenge.
III. Conclusion Section (Generally one paragraph for this essay)
Restate the thesis to the reader. Leave your reader thinking about this challenge. You
can end with further questions, connections, ideas for more research, etc.
Elements of your Research Paper
Main Ideas – are the major points you learn from your research. They should explore the aspects of the
challenge that are most relevant and important for you to discuss. They should also provide the evidence
that supports your proposed solution. You should have at least five main ideas which should each
accomplish one or more of these goals:

A description and analysis of an aspect contributing factor of the challenge
Exploration of the cause or effect of the challenge
Build rationale/support for your proposed solution
Possibly another reason for including this main idea
You should have at least five main ideas, drawn from the research you conducted to support your
proposed solution.
Your Five Main Ideas are developed from your SOURCES
Just as a reminder, here are the research requirements for your sources
At least five credible, academic sources are cited in your annotated bibliography and essay
At least two sources are from the Mission College library databases.
At least one source is from a peer-reviewed scholarly journal* (this can overlap with the above)
At least one source is from a credible website, appropriate for academic use
Personal interviews with relevant sources can work well for this assignment, but they are
optional. If you choose to do one, please talk to me for direction about how to proceed.
● The paper should not over-rely on one main source for most of the information. Rather, it
should use multiple sources and synthesize the information found in them.

I built this assignment on one from my colleague Rachel Ketai [email protected]. Thank you Rachel!
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ENG 1A – Professor Sullivan- Mission College – Fall, 2023
*It is possible to waive the requirement that one source comes from a peer-reviewed scholarly journal
if your topic is very current or otherwise does not yet have attention in a scholarly journal. Talk to me
if you think this is the case for your topic.
Your Five Main Ideas form the basis for your THESIS
Thesis – The last sentences of your introduction section – a specific, workable recommendation
for an action based on your evaluation of what you learned about the problem from your research.
Your thesis should be one or two sentences that directly answer the question, “Who
should do what?” in response to the problem you explored.
Your thesis should be supported by at least five main ideas from your five sources as well as by
your own critical thinking evaluation about the problem and your thoughtfully developed
recommendation for the action you believe should be taken to help solve the challenge.
Outline for Your Research Composition
Here is a video about the Comp 3 Main Idea Outline
I recommend that you use this structure unless you have an intentional reason for
changing it for your well-thought-out purpose as the writer. Making intentional choices
about your writing is key to being an effective, metacognitive writer.
I. Introductory Section (several paragraphs)
A. Hook
B. Historical Context – Some of the historical context for the challenge
C. Main Points – Briefly stated (the five main points you will make as you explore the
challenge and your proposed action)
D. . Thesis statement – last one or two sentences of your introductory section – Your
thesis should directly answer the question, “Who should do what?” in response to the
community challenge you explored through your research.
I built this assignment on one from my colleague Rachel Ketai [email protected]. Thank you Rachel!
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ENG 1A – Professor Sullivan- Mission College – Fall, 2023
II. Body Sections – Six Sections made up of the following
Five Main Idea Sections
(Each of the five sections should contain several paragraphs.)
When you are ready to start your first draft, in general follow the format below for each
of your five main ideas (which make up the five main ideas sections of your body
section). The sixth body section is your thesis expansion described below.
These bullet point “jobs” may take several paragraphs. Use logical, intentional,
bite-sized blocks of writing as your paragraphs and be sure to transition and link each of
the paragraphs.
Each of your Five Main Ideas should follow this Structure
Main Idea Topic Sentence – The point of this section
Introduce of your source – establish the credibility of your source
MLA in text citation following Purdue OWL – Integrating Sources
Straight Summary of the information
Discussion/Analysis of this information.
Transition to your next main idea
Thesis Expansion Section – Section Six of Your Body Section
(Your thesis expansion section should contain a couple of paragraphs)
After you follow above structure for at least five main idea sections, your final body
section of several paragraphs should accomplish the following:
Restate and then prove your thesis – the specific, workable recommendation for
an action based on your critical thinking about what you learned through your research.
Explore and argue for who should do what in response to the problem you explored.
Make the case why this action is needed, how it could be accomplished, why it is needed
now and reasons for its effectiveness. This last section of your essay’s body will likely
take several paragraphs to accomplish these goals. Again, use logical, intentional,
bite-sized blocks of writing. Be sure to transition and link between the paragraphs.
III. Conclusion Section – At least one paragraph – broaden the issues back out to
the larger context of society in general. Perhaps suggest larger implications,
connections, areas of research and potential for actions. Leave your reader thinking.
I built this assignment on one from my colleague Rachel Ketai [email protected]. Thank you Rachel!
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ENG 1A – Professor Sullivan- Mission College – Fall, 2023
Here is a quick template to the outline explained above. Thank you to our learning
partner and ASC tutor, Evgeniya!
Comp 3 Outline.docx
Learning Partners Support
To see how other learning partners have written this action research paper, please see the examples in the
folder below. Please note that the structure was a little bit different in previous semesters so your essay may be
slightly different in structure. Also like all writing, there are improvements that could be made to these papers.
Use these as examples to learn from. Effective writers are readers who notice and learn from other writers.
Here is a folder with Comp 3 essays from prior learning partners. Note: This assignment has evolved some
since these learning partners wrote them (new/different elements) and some of these may need additional
work/revision, but it may benefit you to see how other learning partners have approached this composition.
Good writing starts with reading and noticing what is effective in others’ writings.
To see how some prior learning partners moved from through the steps (from annotated bibliography to main
idea outline to a draft) of this essay see Examples of Comp 3 Steps of Composition #3 Research for a
Community Challenge Essay
Here is a good general research paper example in MLA format MLA Sample Paper – it has annotations in the
margins which explain the citations and elements of the MLA format.
Here is a collection of FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) from learning partners regarding this essay. If you
have a question, use this tool to see if I have answered it here! If your question is not answered here, let me
know. I can answer your question and add it to the list, thus helping other learning partners!
Remember that in order to pass ENG 1A/1AX, you must revise this essay until it is at least a C level. As with
all assignments, you are welcome and encouraged to revise until it is A level! Good writing is rewriting!
I built this assignment on one from my colleague Rachel Ketai [email protected]. Thank you Rachel!
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ENG 1A – Professor Sullivan- Mission College – Fall, 2023
Use the tools and resources, trust the process, reach out for help, feedback and support, and
work on your writing process as much as possible.
It would be great to work on the research and writing process for this essay each day (or at least most days)
throughout the semester. Our writing improves so much when we give it attention and effort over time!
You can do this my dear learning partners!
I believe in you and this community is here to support you!
I built this assignment on one from my colleague Rachel Ketai [email protected]. Thank you Rachel!
Page 10
Last Name 1
First and Last Name
Professor Sullivan
19 November, 2022
Comp3 Annotated Bibliography
The struggles of being a first generation college student.
Research sources:
Source 1:
A Difference-Education Intervention Improves First-Generation Students’ Academic
Performance and All Students’ College Transition (peer review)
Stephens, Nicole M. “Closing the Social-Class Achievement Gap: A Difference-Education
Intervention Improves First-Generation Students’ Academic Performance and All Students’
College Transition”
; Closing the Social-Class Achievement Gap: A Difference-Education Intervention Improves
First-Generation Students’ Academic Performance and All Students’ College Transition
This study addresses the academic achievement gap between first-generation students and
continuing-generation students. This research implemented a novel intervention called
“difference-education.”. They use real stories of 168 senior college students to educate students
how their backgrounds could influence their college experiences. The results show that it had
positive effects on the transition for all students, helping them to utilize college resources leading
to improvements in psychosocial outcomes, mental health and engagement.
This source is a peer-reviewed journal by many professionals having experimented with many
published sources before. This study has randomized 168 participants which makes the source
more reliable. This source was published in 2014 by Psychological Science. Psychological
Science is one of the premier journals in the field, with a citation ranking that places it in the top
10 psychology journeys worldwide which make the source sustainable and reputable.
This source is a useful contribution to understanding the social-class achievement gap among
college students. The result of the study shows that the study has the potential to enhance
students’ academic performance and mental health by using real-life stories of the participants.
Source 2:
First-generation College Students (FGCS) Vs. Non-first-generation College Students
(non-FGCS) (peer view)
Jeong, Hyun Ju; Kim, Sujin; Lee, Jungmin. “Journal of College Student Psychotherapy: Mental
Health, Life Satisfaction, Supportive Parent Communication, and Help-seeking Sources in the
wake of COVID-19: First-generation College Students (FGCS) Vs. Non-first-generation College
Students (non-FGCS)
; Mental Health, Life Satisfaction, Supportive Parent Communication, and Help-seeking Sources
in the wake of COVID-19: First-generation College Students (FGCS) Vs. Non-first-generation
College Students (non-FGCS)
Published in the Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, this article investigates how the
mental health and life satisfaction of first-generation college students were affected by
COVID-19. The study compares these aspects with non-first-generation students, exploring
factors like supportive parent communication and help-seeking behavior. By investigating mental
health and life satisfaction, as well as factors like supportive parent communication, the study
provides a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted impacts of the pandemic on this particular
The article’s publication in a reputable journal and the expertise of the authors in psychology
enhance the reliability of the findings. he expertise of the authors in psychology adds depth to the
analysis, offering a comprehensive exploration of how first-gen students navigate mental health
challenges during unprecedented times. Despite focusing on a specific time during the pandemic,
the study provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by first-generation students during
this period.
This source will contribute insights into how the mental health of first-generation students
changed due to COVID-19. The comparison with non-first-generation students adds relevance,
allowing me to explore the unique challenges faced by the target demographic during a global
crisis. By looking at how first-gen students communicated with their parents for support and
sought help during tough times, the study helps us better understand the ways these students cope
with challenges. This knowledge makes the findings more useful for creating strategies that
specifically help first-gen students based on how they deal with difficult situations. The study’s
focus on communication with parents and seeking help gives practical insights that can be
applied to better support first-gen students in times of difficulty.
Source 3:
Navigating the First Year of College: Siblings, Parents, and First‐Generation Students’
Experiences (peer view)
Roksa, Josipa. “Navigating the First Year of College: Siblings, Parents, and First‐Generation
Students’ Experiences” 2020,
; Navigating the First Year of College: Siblings, Parents, and First‐Generation Students’
Josipa Roksa’s article, “Navigating the First Year of College: Siblings, Parents, and
First‐Generation Students’ Experiences,” published in The Journal of Higher Education, delves
into the experiences of first-generation college students during their initial year. Josipa Roksa
explores the influence of family dynamics, including siblings and parents, on the adjustment of
these students to college life. By focusing on the familial influences, including siblings and
parents, the article goes beyond a surface-level examination, offering a more intricate exploration
of the factors that shape the experiences of first-gen students as they embark on their higher
education journey.
The peer-reviewed nature of the article and Roksa’s background in education research bolster the
credibility of the findings, ensuring a rigorous and scholarly approach to understanding the
experiences of first-generation students. The article’s publication in a reputable journal and Josipa
Roksa’s expertise in education research enhance the credibility of the findings. The qualitative
approach provides a nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by first-generation students
during their critical first year.
This source gives us personal and detailed information about how families influence the
challenges that first-generation students go through. This source, with its emphasis on the
personal and detailed impact of familial influences on first-generation students, proves to be a
rich and insightful addition to research on this topic. By concentrating on the crucial first year of
college, it adds depth to my research, aligning with my goal to understand the struggles these
students face during a significant transitional period. Exploring the impact of family dynamics
contributes a unique layer to my study, helping me uncover the intricate connections between
familial influences and the challenges experienced by first-gen students as they navigate their
initial year in college.
Source 4:
First-generation college students face unique challenges.
Dick Startz. “First-generation college students face unique challenges.” 25 Apr. 2022,

First-generation college students face unique challenges

Dick Startz’s article on the Brookings website offers a concise overview of the unique challenges
faced by first-generation college students. It touches on key issues such as financial constraints
and limited support. It provides a quick summary of the main challenges first-gen students face,
like not having enough money and not getting much support. While it’s not super detailed, it’s a
good starting point to understand the big challenges these students go through.
While not peer reviewed, Dick Startz’s background in economics and the use of the Brookings
platform makes the information seem reliable. The author looks at numbers and provides visuals,
which helps the reader take in more information. The careful use of reliable data and smart
analysis makes the article a useful resource for anyone looking to learn about the struggles these
students go through. Even without a formal review, the article’s use of good data and smart
analysis adds credibility.
This article holds relevance for policymakers, educators, and researchers interested in
understanding the challenges faced by first-generation college students. The findings on
graduation rates, college selectivity, and financial aid distribution offer valuable insights for
institutions aiming to enhance support mechanisms for the students. The emphasis on the unique
struggles faced by first-generation students, independent of income, underscores the importance
of tailored interventions. The article’s relevance extends to discussions on access to higher
education and strategies to improve outcomes for underrepresented student groups.
Source 5:
What people get wrong about first-generation college students.
Itzel Luna. “What people get wrong about first-generation college students.” 4 Mar. 2022,
Luna’s article dives into some of the common misconceptions people have about first-generation
students, providing a nuanced perspective on their experiences. It uses real stories to clear up
misunderstandings and give a more detailed picture of these students’ experiences. Published on
Calmatters, a place known for talking about important stuff, Luna’s article brings these stories to
a wider audience.
While not peer-reviewed, the article is published on Calmatters, known for its accessible
discussions on significant issues. Luna’s journalistic approach adds a unique and relatable angle
to the topic. Luna tells the stories in a way that anyone can understand, making it more
relatable.The inclusion of authentic stories contributes valuable insights for challenging
This source will help show common misunderstandings about first-generation students and share
real stories. Luna’s approach to this article shows a different perspective to view the struggles of
first-generation students. The personal touch in Luna’s approach makes it a valuable resource for
anyone trying to challenge misconceptions about these students. The inclusion of real stories
contributes a humanizing element, fostering empathy and a more accurate understanding of the
multifaceted challenges these students encounter on their educational journeys.

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