English Question


Select 2 of the 3 questions to answer.
How are the inequalities among different social groups manifested in popular media representations? What are the ways people can resist and push for change?
What are the factors that may impact individual migrant’s intercultural adaptation process and experience? What are the possible outcome(s) for them? In your answer, engage with at least two of the theories from class.
Discuss the relationship between culture and capitalism. We’ve studied the culture of capitalism and how culture id commodified in the intercultural marketplace. In your answer, demonstrate your understanding of both topics and discuss what are the consequences of them.
Format: You will get 3 essay questions, and you will select to answer 2 of them.
Length: ¾ – 1.5 pages per question (1 pt off per half page too long or too short)
Double spaced, 1 inch margin, 12-pt Times New Roman font (2 pts off for incorrect format)
Identify the question you are answering by put the question number at the beginning of your answer (1 pt off for each missing question number)
Your submission should be 1 word document (.docx)
Your answers are developed based on course content. It is filled with insightful discussions of concepts and theories you learned from class, instead of your general thoughts on the subject.
Your answers demonstrate accurate understanding of course content and are free from obvious mis-interpretations or mis-use of terms and theories.
Your answers are free from grammatical errors or typos.
Be concise
Can introduce examples to demonstrate your understanding

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English Question
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