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Leadership maps are a valuable reflective tool for emerging leaders. They help leaders develop self-awareness and a growth mindset while revealing areas of opportunity for improvement. In this assignment, you will review the results of the self-assessments you’ve completed throughout the course as well as reflect on your perceptions and biases. Then, you will create a leadership map using a presentation tool of your choice. Your leadership map will also help you complete Project Two, due in Module Eight.


Use a visual presentation tool of your choice to create a map of the traits, skills, and strengths and weaknesses you have identified about yourself as a leader. You are encouraged to use the results from course resource assessments, such as the Big Five assessment, to guide your reflections.

Use the example below to see what a leadership map might look like.

A text-only version is available: Leadership Map Example Text-Only Version Word Document.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Personality Traits: List your key leadership personality traits based on self-reflections and relevant assessment results from course resources.
Communication Skills: Identify strengths and weaknesses in your communication skills.
Leadership Style: Identify the leadership styles or approaches you relate to most closely.
Career Goals and Development: Identify your professional goals and opportunities for career and leadership development.
What to Submit

Submit your visual map as a PDF file. You may use the tool of your choice to design your leadership map. Example tools to consider using include the following:

Microsoft Word
Module Three Assignment Rubric
Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Personality Traits Lists key leadership personality traits based on self-reflections and relevant assessment results from course resources Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying more than one personality traits from the assessment Does not attempt criterion 25
Communication Skills Identifies strengths and weaknesses in one’s communication skills Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying both strengths and weaknesses in one’s communication skills Does not attempt criterion 25
Leadership Style Identifies leadership styles or approaches that one relates to most closely Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include listing more than one leadership style or approach to identify with Does not attempt criterion 25
Career Goals and Development Identifies professional goals and opportunities for career and leadership development Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying both career goals and development opportunities Does not attempt criterion 25
Total: 100%