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9 Animal Phyla Lecture Assignment
This assignment is worth 25 points, partial credit will also be given. Read all the directions
before you begin.
For this assignment – make a table or Powerpoint of the 9 different animal Phyla we study in the
Animal Diversification chapter.
Write the Scientific Phylum name on the top or side of your table or top of your Powerpoint
In your table or Powerpoint, include columns of information covered in the chapter about each
Phylum. Include:
1. Scientific Phylum name
2. common name for the Phylum
3. examples of animals in the Phylum
4. where the animals live
5. distinguishing characteristics of animals in the phyla – include several, points will be deducted
if only one or two characteristics are listed.
6. examples from your neighborhood, home, community — if these animals live in
your area. Think about animals you may encounter and which Phylum they are in. If none of
the animals from a Phylum live in your area (ex. Sponges do not live here in Huntsville), write
“none” in your table or Powerpoint. For the examples, list the animal’s common name, such
as dog, butterfly, fish, etc. Do not just list – water, soil, land (examples of where they live, no
credit will be given for this answer). Also, remember to include Humans in the Chordata!
7. A Powerpoint slide presentation can be made and submitted or the information can be
presented in a table.
A table can also be made by hand on poster board or paper, take a picture and submit.
8. Submit to 9 Animal Phyla Lecture Assignment by the closing date. Also, do not confuse
this 9 Animal Phyla lecture assignment with the Animal Survey (30 examples)
lab exercise.

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