English Question


Annotated Bibliography Rough Draft PracticeThe Annotated Bibliography Rough Draft must include The research question (at the beginning of the assignment, before the first annotation)….. What is high blood pressure, also known as hypertension? How can it be treated? What can be done to improve hypertension? Can it be eliminated? If so, how? 5 bibliographic citations. (These five sources represent approximately half of the 8 citations required for the final draft.) Annotations for 4 of the 5 citations should be included. Each summary on the rough draft should be at least half a paragraph (1-2 sentences). Each annotation can be 2 separate paragraphs that address the following: an unbiased summary of the text (begin with a statement of the author’s thesis; approx. ½ page) with the inclusion of one properly contextualized quotation from the text (lead-in phrase, quotation, citation, or comment) and your evaluation of the text’s validity and usefulness (approx. two or three sentences). NOTE: At least 4 of the 5 sources must be scholarly The Annotated Bibliography Final Draft The Annotated Bibliography will consist of 8 bibliographic citations A minimum of 6 of these entries must be from scholarly sources (see the Week 4 Module Guide for information on finding scholarly sources). The other 2 entries may come from popular media if that is useful for your paper, or they may also be scholarly. (One may be an interview if the professor approves it.) Each entry should include an annotation that is 100-250 words long with two parts (which can be 2 separate paragraphs): an unbiased summary of the text (begin with a statement of the author’s thesis; approx. ½ page) with the inclusion of one properly contextualized quotation from the text (lead-in phrase, quotation, citation, or comment) and your evaluation of the text’s validity and usefulness (approx. two or three sentences). Evaluation Criteria for the Final Annotated Bibliography The 8 entries should have three parts in this order: bibliographic citation summary evaluation Each summary should be 100-250 words long. contain no major grammatical errors. Bibliographic citations should be arranged alphabetically and accurately formatted and punctuated, according to APA style. Six of the sources should be scholarly sources.

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