English Question


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ENG 1302
A+CE Signature Assignment
Essay Three: Researched Argument
Worth 20% of final grade
Due Date: Friday, November 10, 2023
Purpose of assignment: To develop your ability to introduce, integrate, evaluate, discuss and
reflect on information from academic texts to make a successful academic argument; to practice
the type of research and writing that is often a part of upper-division courses; to be able to
distinguish peer-reviewed academic research from non-peer-reviewed and educated-audience
Assignment: You will write a researched, argumentative essay based on the impact of family.
Audience: A generally informed public interested in the course-relevant community issue.
Your subject: You have chosen a subject based on our interaction and your reflections on a
course-relevant community issue and researched it. Your initial research resulted in gathering
sources, which have evolved into more rigorous research supporting an argument. Also, by now,
you have attempted to explore the depth of your topic and gain expertise. Now, your task is to
fashion a proper, academic argument.
Organization: Employ a standard argumentative structure that includes all the basics: an
introduction/background section of one or two paragraphs; body paragraphs that delineate
reasons and evidence that support the thesis; at least one counter-argument; a conclusion that
usefully wraps up the argument in a persuasive manner.
Constraints: Your essay should be about 8-10 pages (2000-2500 words), not including the title
page or references page. Follow the standard rules for APA formatting. You will use at least 8
credible sources (three of which must be peer-reviewed, academic sources).
Grading criteria:
➢ Effective and helpful introduction with an appropriately argumentative thesis and a
conclusion that leaves the reader with something to think about
➢ Well-developed body paragraphs that, for the most part, engage one or more sources
➢ Reasons and evidence that are presented and analyzed in a manner that supports the thesis
and makes explicit connections to it
➢ Well-introduced, documented and discussed sources
➢ At least one counter-argument that engages either why a reader would disagree with your
position or how you disagree with one or more of your sources.
➢ Accurate citation of at least eight sources; three of which must be substantive articles or
book chapters from peer-reviewed, academic sources.
➢ An accurate understanding of sources
➢ Clear and effective sentences
➢ Accurate references/works cited page

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