English Question


Length and Scope of Research Paper

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English Question
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Your research paper must be 5-6 content pages in length not including Works Cited [works cited pages are extra], typed in MLA8 format with a Works Cited page. [Total 6-7 pages.]

Types of Sources to Use

There must be a minimum of 3 non-print sources for your research project from GCC’s library databases.

Remember print and other hardcopy sources as well as websites are not permitted for this assignment at all. If there is a print source you want to use, you MUST locate it in a digital format otherwise you may not use it.

The following are types of sources you may use:

Articles from databases such as Academic Search Complete, ProQuest, CQ Researcher, JSTOR, available through GCC’s library
You may not use:
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Britannica Academic
print books, print newspapers, print journals, print magazines
You must use at least 2 different databases. You may not get all your sources from just 1 database, and you may not use just 1 author for all your sources
Things to Check

Before you upload your completed paper, proof-read and edit carefully for:

Essay formatting
Line spacing
Pagination header
Correct professor’s name
Centered title
Paragraphing and indenting
In-text citations in MLA format
Works Cited in MLA format
MLA format citations
Grammar–all aspects
Missing words–logic
Organization of information
Minimum page count

Upload your essay in .docx or .pdf format.

Make sure your upload is successful and your document is ONLY .docx or .pdf.

If you upload Google Pages or any other format and it doesn’t open, I may not have time to contact you to have you reformat your essay. The result will mean no credit for your efforts, so please be careful about this and double-check that your upload is successful.

This also means please DO NOT wait until the last minute. I cannot reopen the portal because of my own administrative deadlines. Make sure you don’t get bumped out of the queue because your paper MUST be screened by turnitin for originality and AI generation.