English Question


Please answer questions as follow(1) Read the following ten statements. If each statement reflects what your parent(s) taught you, put a ✓ mark in the corresponding box. If the same statement reflects what you think is right, put a ✓ mark in the corresponding box.

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People should be evaluated by what they achieved in their life and not by who they are.

Parent’s/Parents’ value □ Your value □

We cannot change our destiny. We should be satisfied with who we are and what we have at present.

Parent’s/Parents’ value □ Your value □

In order to succeed in our life, we should go forward without looking back to our past mistakes.

Parent’s/Parents’ value □ Your value □

We should change our communication style depending on who we talk to and the context in which we are.

Parent’s/Parents’ value □ Your value □

Even if it means to make an enemy, we should clarify our position by stating our own ideas and thoughts firmly.

Parent’s/Parents’ value □ Your value □

When parents get older, it is children’s responsibility to take care of them by living with them.

Parent’s/Parents’ value □ Your value □

In order to enjoy our life, we should make as many friends as possible even if our relationships are not necessarily deep.

Parent’s/Parents’ value □ Your value □

When we encounter some problem, the first thing we should do is to ask an expert in that field for advice.

Parent’s/Parents’ value □ Your value □

In order to complete a project at work, efficiency is of utmost importance than team work.

Parent’s/Parents’ value □ Your value □

Once they made a mistake, people tend to repeat the same mistake at least once.

Parent’s/Parents’ value □ Your value □

(2) Analyze Your Result:

Question: Did you find any discrepancies in your responses between “Parent’s/Parents’ value” and “Your value”?

If your answer is “no,” what can you draw from your findings?
If your answer is “yes,” what were some of the differences? What factors do you think influenced you in terms of your present values (e.g., your experiences, people who you interacted with in the past, etc.)?

WA 20 points

WA 20 points

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunicationevaluates the proper attention to format, grammar, punctuation,
and the student’s ability to develop thought in an organized structure that exhibits
advance level work.

4 pts

Above Average

2.67 pts


0 pts

Below Average

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginalityevaluates the attention to proper citing and referencing of source
materials and the student’s ability to summarize, paraphrase, and effectively quote
the work of others, while developing original ideas and thoughts from researched

4 pts

Above Average

2.67 pts


0 pts

Below Average

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinkingevaluates the exhibited understanding of the process for reasoning
and the elements of thought as illustrated in the student’s written work.

4 pts

Above Average

2.67 pts


0 pts

Below Average

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntegrationevaluates the appropriate inclusion of thoughts, ideas, and information
from assigned reading in context with the topic, question, or task.

4 pts

Above Average

2.67 pts


0 pts

Below Average

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChristian Worldviewevaluates the appropriateness of referenced Scripture to the topic, question, or task.

4 pts

Above Average

2.67 pts


0 pts

Below Average

4 pts

Total Points: 20