English Question


Discussion Theme

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English Question
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Identify what has driven the narrator to the brink of madness? How does she try to free herself from this element? What is her greatest desire? What is the central irony of the story?

Identify social norms and rules that imprison John’s wife
Examine the reasons why she does not try to rebel or escape
Identify how the protagonist uses irony when she describes others around her. Who are “they” on the literal, as well as on the allegorical level?
Explore the gradual fragmentation of her mind throughout the story, leading to her crawling around the room.

The original paragraph should be at least 14-16 complete, analytical sentences of analysis. I will also need to reply to two peers. I will send you the two peer paragraphs after we submit our paragraph. I will need approximately 8-10 complete, analytical sentences minimum for each paragraph. The two paragraphs will be from the two peers that we need to respond to.

Revise the paragraph and proofread carefully to eliminate any grammar or spelling errors. Remember to capitalize “I” and any names or titles.

I also need to state that this class is very strict and that my professor checks our work through many AI and plagiarism checkers Including “Turn It In”.