English Discussion post


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Is there a thesis statement that is a single, complete sentence (not a question)?
Does the outline present a description of the problem being explored?
Does the outline present alternative solutions that might take care of the problem?
Is one solution selected as the preferred alternative in the outline?
Is movement from one section of the outline to the next smooth?
Does the outline include details as evidence for each assertion?
Are all elements of the outline complete sentences, with subject, predicate, and appropriate use of capitalization and terminal punctuation (period, question mark, or exclamation mark)?
Is the outline free of distracting mechanical, grammatical, and formatting issue
Tobias -My Topic: The importance of Cybersecurity and why it should be taken more seriously.My Thesis: Aside from some proactive governments and individual people, the vast majority of the population don’t take their online security more seriously until their personal information or assets are harmed.Side A: With the number of Cybersecurity attacks increasing every year especially during the pandemic there has not been a more important time in our lives to learn about and protect our online presence. Just knowing about these threats isn’t enough, constant learning of the new ways hackers use malware and social engineering will be invaluable to keeping yourself and loved ones safe.Side B: Many people view their online interactions with a pessimistic view. Since the various data firms and government has data on us already who cares if some hacker knows what you like or do on the internet. Some companies don’t think it’s needed or listen to advice given because their infrastructure has never had any issues before.possible solutions: On the business side of things, updating training guides for online threats to be more modern and should be changed every couple of years to keep awareness high. Having some classes in schools from elementary to college to teach kids about attacks such as a “phishing attack, “looks like. The population at large should be taught and be made aware of what’s out there so that the number of cases of their personal information being stolen drop.My Conclusion: Unless we become more pragmatic like some proactive government and individuals in teaching the population to be more vigilant in protecting their online security. We will not stop personal information and assets from being harmed or stolen. Besides having plans in place to deal with the obvious be threat the world face, the digital threats are just as important if not more. We must put in the work otherwise we invite problems that could have been avoided.
Timonthy-Understanding the Impact of Invasive Species: Challenges and Management StrategiesI. Introduction
Definition of invasive species
Explanation of their introduction and spread.
Thesis Statement: The proliferation of invasive species has led to a multitude of problems, encompassing ecological, economic, and social impacts, disrupting native ecosystems and communities.
II. Ecological Impact of Invasive Species
Disruption of native ecosystems
Competition for resources with native species
Alteration of natural habitats and biodiversity loss
III. Economic Consequences
Agricultural damage and economic losses due to invasive species
Costs associated with control and eradication efforts incurred by invasive species.
Impact on industries fisheries, forestry, and related economic repercussions
IV. Human Health and Social Impact
Spread of diseases and potential health risks
Displacement of indigenous communities reliant on local ecosystems
Social disruption due to changes in landscapes or ecosystems
V. Management and Solutions
Prevention strategies: early detection and control measures
Importance of public awareness and education in preventing the spread of invasive species
Collaborative efforts among governments, organizations, and communities for effective management
Recap of the detrimental effects of invasive species on ecosystems, economies, and societies
Emphasis on the urgency of implementing effective management solutions.
Call to action for collective efforts to address and mitigate the challenges posed by invasive species.