English discussion


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Remember the following about Discussion Assignments:

1. First compose this assignment using MS Word or a Google Document. Use spelling and grammar check to verify your writing does not contain typos, spelling errors, or obvious grammar errors. Write at a college level; vary your sentence lengths, use transitional words and phrases, and include topic sentences when writing paragraphs. Then you can copy and paste your work into Discussions. Remember not to attach a file in the Discussion but instead paste your assignment as a Reply.

Keep the numbered format in your post. You have 5 questions within this assignment.

2. Do not include direct quotes from another source in your post unless you properly use quotation marks and citations. If you plagiarize an assignment whether it’s copied and pasted from AI or a website or “borrowed” from a friend, you will receive a grade of 0 and possibly a failing grade for the course. All writing not in quotation marks and not cited must be your own. Review the Patchwriting document to learn more about avoiding plagiarism, and also how to properly summarize and paraphrase sources.

3. For your response to question #2, you will include a quote and demonstrate proper in-text citation for that quote. Click here for detailed notes of support for this requirement.

4. Finally, click here to see some of the most common errors on Discussion Posts. Such errors usually result in a reduction in the overall score

The approximate time needed to complete this assignment is 8-10 hours.


In this assignment, you will create a response to an argumentative article. Specifically, you will answer several questions and post your answers in Discussion 2. In the same Discussion Forum, You will also respond to another student’s post. It is time now to apply what you are learning about writing and research from our text.

To prepare for this assignment, consider reading an article from one of the following publications:

The Wilson Quarterly


Vanity Fair

The Atlantic



The New Yorker

Virginia Quarterly Review

The Intercept

Council on Foreign Relations

Do not choose an article that you used from Discussion 1. You can choose an article from another website; however, the article you choose should take a serious approach to an important issue. It should contain several paragraphs. Review the articles on the suggested websites above to get a sense of what a lengthy, in-depth article means. The article should do more than just report on a new story, or update about an important issue. It should contain an argument, and should be a full analysis of a key issue or issues.

Answer the following questions and remember to include the number of the question in your answer. Avoid writing in an essay format, and instead just put the number (such as 1) and then your answer.

**Want an A+? Aim for the maximum reply length for EACH question. Every word is precious, though. The detail must be meaningful. Delete “fluff” sentences.
Want a C or B? Aim for the minimum reply length. Detail may be hit and miss.**

Answer the following questions:

1. Write a one-paragraph summary of the article. Paste the link to the article and provide the title of the article at the beginning of your paragraph. Place an article title in “ ” marks (never italics).

**Be sure to include the author’s first and last name and the full name of the article.**

Answer in one paragraph that includes 4-6 sentences

2. What is outstanding (good, bad, outrageous, noteworthy, unusual) about the piece of writing? What is engaging? Boring? Fascinating? Include one quote from your article in your response. Include a citation to your quote. Click here for detailed help in how to add a quote and in-text citation. Your quote should not overwhelm your answer. Aim for just a meaningful phrase or a sentence or two at max. Your quote should be integrated into your writing. Don’t throw it at the beginning or end of your response. (Again – watch my video review on how to do this.)

Answer in one paragraph that includes 4-6 sentences

3. What facts or details establish the author’s credibility? What research could you do to find out more? Could the author have included more facts or examples to substantiate one of their claims?

Answer in 4-6 sentences

4. Most articles try to present a problem (or problems) and potential solutions. Describe in your own words the problem presented. What needs to be corrected in our environment or our society? What (if any?) solutions were presented? Use examples from the article to illustrate.

Answer in 5-8 sentences

5. Craft an analytical thesis that represents your own idea about this issue discussed in the article and state whether or not you consider the overall argument of the article as credible, logical, or not. Refer to Chapter 4-5a at the end of Chapter 4 to learn more about an analytical thesis.
Answer in 1 sentence

You do not need to include a Works Cited list for this assignment. In-text citations / links within your replies will suffice.

In addition, you need to respond to one other student’s post in which you add your own thoughts to one of their answers. Write between two and four sentences for this post.