English 101 How Can we Bridge the differences that Divide Us?


English 101
Conversation Essay Assignment
Length: 5 pages or more, double-spaced, one inch margins (5 pages is
minimum length; under minimum length will incur a 5 point deduction
automatically). Use MLA formatting.

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English 101 How Can we Bridge the differences that Divide Us?
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In the Readings section of They Say, I Say, Chapters 19-23 present five
different subject areas with multiple perspectives on the topic. You will see
that each Chapter title is written in the form of a question:
“Why Care About the Planet?”
“How Can we Bridge the Differences that Divide Us?”
“What’s College For?”
“How is Technology Changing Us?”
“What’s Gender Got to Do With It?”
Select one of these Chapters and read the essays within. The essays in our
book are to be used as sources for this assignment. Based upon the readings,
you will draft a working thesis that illustrates your opinion on the questions
raised. If for example you choose “Is College the Best Option,” you will
give your view on the topic and use the associated readings to defend your
point. Think of it as a paper that will voice your opinion on an issue while
using other essays (within the book) as support. In other words, you are in
conversation with other voices.

In essence your thesis should answer the question posed by the Chapter title.
I’m requiring you to source at least four of the associated essays within the
chapter, but you can go beyond that number if you wish. As you begin to
incorporate secondary material into your draft, keep in mind to avoid
dropped quotes. All sources, directly or indirectly quoted, need to fit into the
paper seamlessly. Attributive tags/signal phrases, therefore, should precede
or follow quoted matter for purposes of smooth transition.

If you need an example of an effective version of this essay, look closely at
the sample essay on Animal Rights for guidance. The paper is notated by
another professor at this college (shoutout to Mike Williams). His notations
on what works (and doesn’t work) within the essay are spot on.