

Group PlanAssignment ContentMeet with your group to develop a tentative plan for your collaborative project.Identify the following:What subject(s) are you currently thinking about pursuing?How do you plan to organize your group? Will there be a primary leader?How will you divide the responsibilities?How do you plan to meet/communicate?How do you plan to support (nag) each other to get the work done?What name have you chosen for your team?Prepare one document with all group members’ names on it. Each member of the team should submit a copy of the plan.

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Collaborative Project
(Groups of 3-4 people)
The collaborative project will be based on material you will individually gather for the third short essay. Your research for
Essay 3 will be determined by the needs of your group as they relate to your area of interest. Research from each group
member will be pooled into a larger group database of information which will then be conveyed to your audience through
a presentation crafted by the entire group.
Groups will be formed based on subject matter interest, availability/schedule, and level of commitment. Group projects
will account for 20% of your semester grade. An opportunity for 30 extra credit points will also be available. Group
projects are developed, in part, in preparation for the Showcase of Student Writing (4/4/19). As this is an online class,
plans are being developed to allow for presentations from this class to be shown at the Showcase.
The theme of the collaborative projects relates to potential solutions for problems relevant to you as a student. Common
themes historically involve issues related to housing, dining, transportation, student services, etc. Since this class is 100%
online, your concerns will likely differ from those of students who are 100% on campus. Think about the
problems/concerns you have as a student taking courses online. How do your needs differ from someone living and
interacting full time on campus?
As part of the group development, you will have a few different brief “pre-group” writing tasks to give me as much
information as possible to help me in forming the groups. Once groups are formed, each one will be responsible for
submitting a description of their “problem” and a plan for their main research relating to this problem. Each person in the
group should bring their own ideas and perspective to this process. Once research duties are divided up, that subtopic will
become the focus for your own Essay 3. You will submit your own individual work through Essay 3, and you will pool
everyone’s work into the final group presentation.
Since your main research essay is scheduled immediately after this project, you are encouraged to “follow up” the work
you did for Essay 3 and your group with your own conclusions and argument in the research essay. What individual
solution do you have for the group’s problem that is different from what the group decided? How can you use the research
gathered by your group members to produce your own unique argument?
Final presentations should be about 5 minutes in length.
You may produce them with your choice of presentation software (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi, etc.), but it must be
posted on Blackboard by each group member.
Week 5
Week 8
Week 7-9
Week 10
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Team Prep Form due/Groups formed
Group plan due
Groups are responsible for scheduling their own meetings/distribution of labor
Group conferences.
Group presentation draft due
Groups presentations due on Blackboard
Group assessments due

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