Eng201 composition


Students must complete the following papers: (i) a Personal Essay, (ii) a Business Writing and (iii) an APA Research Paper. Each of these papers must be submitted through Canvas in order for the paper to be uploaded to Turnitin®.The APA Research Paper must follow the guidelines set forth by the American Psychological Association. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/) that will assist with APA writing. The research paper should focus on a current trend, event or issues occurring in your field of study.The APA research paper will be graded pursuant to the guidelines set forth in Exhibit B. Students are expected to understand these guidelines and ensure that their assignments incorporate them.The research paper involves three major activities:Choosing a Topic: Choose a topic for your research paper that is focused and about which you can ask a specific research question. Avoid encyclopedia-style reports on a general topic; such broad topics can become overwhelming and do not allow for purposeful research. For example, choosing for your topic a condition such as “diabetes” or “autism,” a setting such as “airports,” or an issue such as “ethics” will likely make for a shallow paper. Instead, ask a focused question about your topic. Then generate your thesis in answer to this question.Outlining for APA Research Paper: You must submit a detailed outline of your research paper. Outlines may be in one of several formats, as directed by your course instructor, but all outlines must include the following: (i) a separate outline point for each paragraph, (ii) a point for your introduction that includes your thesis statement, (iii) at least three (3) body paragraph points, each with at least two subpoints illustrating the paragraph’s topic, and (iv) a point for a concluding paragraph. Your outline should be single spaced and no shorter than a full page.Writing the APA Research Paper: The paper should be between five and seven pages in length (not including cover page, abstract, references, exhibits, etc.) and incorporate a minimum of seven (7) credible references. The paper must be written and presented in APA style (including, margins, citations, headings, etc.). You will be responsible for submitting a rough draft, the final paper and presenting your findings to the class.The rubric below will be utilized to grade the paper. I will upload my outline so you can see my thesis statement

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Eng201 composition
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Christinena Robuste

Life with Parkinson’s Disease
● Introduction
Is it possible to have a quality lifestyle while having Parkinson’s Disease?
A. Depression:
a. Negative Thoughts: Having a chronic illness may cause feelings such as
sadness, helplessness, and hopelessness.
b. Social Isolation: Because of the restricted lifestyle caused by the disease
one may start to feel isolated due to chronic pain caused by overall
c. Brain Changes: Dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine influence one
Thesis Statement: Parkinson’s Disease can have a significant impact on the
quality of life because, it causes depression, weight changes, and because of
non-motor symptoms.
B. Weight Changes:
a. Weight loss: Symptoms like tremors, slowness, and, stiffness make it hard
to make and eat food.
b. Weight gain: Some medications have side effects that may cause weight
c. Malnutrition: Excessive weight loss may cause malnutrition if not
addressed in time.
C. Non-Motor Symptoms:
a. Loss of Smell: A reduced sense of smell called Hyposmia is an early sign of
Parkinson’s Diesease.
b. Fatigue: Common early in the course, may occur at any point. The cause is
c. Skin Changes: Dry Skin, Excessive sweating, Skin Cancer.
● Conclusion
A quality lifestyle is possible with Parkinson’s Disease, It may be challenging but it
can be done.

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