ENG-201-42.204SP Journal Entry 2 – Agamemnon and the Greek Tragedy


Journal Entry 2 – Agamemnon and the Greek Tragedy

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Module 2 | Journal Entry 2 – Agamemnon and the Greek
100 Possible Points
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Assignment: Journal Entry 2
In this module, you were introduced to the Greek Tragedy, and Agamemnon in particular. Reflect on
the assigned learning materials from this module.
Submission and Assessment Guidelines
The entry should be 600-700 words long. Each entry will be graded out of a possible 100 points. A
high-scoring entry will demonstrate that you have read the text; do not, however, spend precious time
summarizing it. We’ve all read the same text, but you can offer something unique by putting forward
your personal opinion. Remember, when it comes to literary analysis, an “opinion” needs to be
advanced and defended through reference to specific details in the text. So, if a passage leaves you
feeling a sense of awe, or a deep discomfort, dig below the surface and find out why. It is not enough
simply to give your initial response without offering analysis and evidence. Have specific passages or
lines that you can reference. It is important to show that you have considered the text as a whole. In
other words, entries that only mention the first few pages are suspect.
In your entry you may want to look at the devices the author uses to develop character or plot; you
may consider the author’s use of imagery, metaphor, allusion or ambiguity. You can also discuss the
philosophical, ethical or spiritual implications of the work. First person—“I” and “me”—point of view is
appropriate, and the response can be free-flowing, and structured as you see fit. You are encouraged
to develop your own voice, and can even bring in outside ideas from the contemporary world, and
show how they relate to the themes in the text. Do remember, of course, that this is an academic
setting and the tone should be appropriate.
View Rubric
Journal Entries
Understanding of
25 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 25 pts
25 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 25 pts
25 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 25 pts
Grammar, syntax,
25 pts
0 pts
Full Marks
No Marks
view longer description
Use of direct
quotations/ close
reading of the text
view longer description
Insightful analysis
view longer description
/ 25 pts
view longer description
Total Points: 0
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Canvas Studio
This assignment submission is my own, original work
Module 2 | Introduction
In this module, we will explore Greek Tragedy through Aeschylus’ Agamemnon, considering
specifically the themes of revenge, justice, and masculine and feminine roles in society.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this module you will be able to:
MLO1. Explore the Greek Tragedy and the foundational Greek myths surrounding Agamemnon.
MLO2. Discuss Aeschylus’ Agamemnon, the first play in the Orestian Trilogy.
Journal Entry 2: Agamemnon and the Greek Tragedy
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Module 2 | Read
View each of the following learning materials listed below.
Assigned Reading
Aeschylus-Agamemnon (Primary Text) – Download the PDF
Textbook Information
Recommended to purchase: The Norton Anthology of Western Literature, Vol. 1 9th Edition.
Module Presentation
Use the player controls to view the presentation below. In it you will learn about the philosophy of the
Hero’s Journey and the relationship to The Epic of Gilgamesh.
Athenian Drama
Optional: Download the Athenian Drama presentation
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Module 2 | Watch
After you have read the assigned text and viewed the presentation, watch the lecture below.
Lecture on Greek Drama and Aeschylus (10 minutes)
June 12, 2019
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Module 2 | Complete
Complete all of the following activities in this module. The due date and submission guidelines are
provided in the instructions for each activity.
Module 2 Activities
Complete second journal entry
(https://umobile.instructure.com/courses/20375/assignments/305413) with reflections on Greek
Tragedy and specifically Agamemnon.
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