Endocrine and GI systems


1. Discuss the diagnostic criteria for GERD

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Endocrine and GI systems
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2. Discuss the diagnostic criteria for PUD

3. Discuss the diagnostic criteria for Constipation

4. Discuss the diagnostic criteria for Diarrhea

5. Discuss the diagnostic criteria for IBS

6. Discuss the diagnostic criteria for IBD

7. Discuss the diagnostic criteria for Type 2 DM

8. Discuss the diagnostic criteria for Hypothyroidism

9. Discuss the diagnostic criteria for Hyperthyroidism

10. Describe in detail what the half-life of a medication and how it impacts your decision making on choosing an appropriate treatment option

11. Describe first line therapy for initial diagnosis of Type II Diabetes Mellitus (include the drug class, brand and generic name, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, indications and contraindications, adverse events, interactions, delivery and monitoring, and evaluation of efficacy)

12. Discuss the most common medication class for the treatment of hyperthyroidism (include the drug class, brand and generic name, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, indications and contraindications, adverse events, interactions, delivery and monitoring, and evaluation of efficacy)

13. Discuss the most common medication class for the treatment of hypothyroidism (include the drug class, brand and generic name, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, indications and contraindications, adverse events, interactions, delivery and monitoring, and evaluation of efficacy)

14. Describe the concept of pharmacogenomics and it can affect the therapeutic response to treatment regimens.

15. What is the first line treatment for Gastrointestinal Esophageal Reflux Disease (include the drug class, brand and generic name, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, indications and contraindications, adverse events, interactions, delivery and monitoring, and evaluation of efficacy)