Employment Relationship Management


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5HR01 – Employment Relationship Management – Grading grid – 23 V1
Assessment criteria
Fail (1)
Low pass (2)
Pass (3)
High pass (4)
Acceptable review of emerging
developments e.g., the use of social
media and wellbeing initiatives.
Good review of emerging
developments e.g., the use of social
media and wellbeing initiatives.
Confident review of emerging
developments, supported with
wider reading e.g., the use of social
media and wellbeing initiatives.
Three recommendations to improve
approaches to voice and
engagement with an acceptable
explanation of how the
recommendations could increase
voice and engagement.
Three recommendations to improve
approaches to voice and
engagement with a good
explanation of how the
recommendations could increase
voice and engagement.
Presentation is of an
acceptable standard, with some
improvement required.
Presentation is of a good standard.
Task 1 – Written answers to the following questions:
Q1 – AC 1.1
Review emerging
developments to inform
approaches to employee
voice and engagement.
Insufficient review of emerging
Less than three recommendations,
and insufficient information
provided for each of the
recommendations in terms of how
they could increase voice and
Answers are acceptable but could
be clearer in responding to the task
and presented in a more coherent
Demonstrates good knowledge and
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Three recommendations to improve
approaches to voice and
engagement with a confident and
detailed explanation of how the
recommendations could increase
voice and engagement.
Presentation is of a high standard.
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Includes strong organisational
examples that illustrate the point
being made, that link and support
the answer well.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Includes clear evidence of the use
of references to wider reading to
help inform answer.
Q2 – AC 1.2
Differentiate between
employee involvement and
employee participation and
how it builds relationships.
Insufficient definition of employee
involvement and employee
participation and insufficient
understanding of the differences
between involvement and
Acceptable definition of employee
involvement and employee
Good definition of employee
involvement and employee
Identification and explanation of at
least two differences between these
Identification and explanation of at
least two differences between these
Acceptable explanation that shows
No mention of their impact on
the learner understands how these
effective employment relationships. build effective employment
Good explanation that shows the
learner understands how these build
effective employment relationships.
Presentation is of
an acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Presentation is of a good standard.
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Confident definition of employee
involvement and employee
participation, underpinned with
Identification and explanation of at
least two differences between these
Confident and detailed explanation
that shows the learner understands
how these build effective
employment relationships.
Presentation is of a high standard.
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Includes confident use of examples
to support the answer.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Includes clear evidence of the use
of references to wider reading to
help inform answer.
Q3 – AC 1.3
Assess a range of employee
voice tools and approaches to
drive employee engagement.
Insufficient information on surveys,
suggestion schemes and team
meetings as approaches;
descriptive without assessment i.e.,
advantages and disadvantages.
No mention of how these
approaches can be used to drive
Acceptable assessment of surveys,
suggestion schemes and team
meetings as approaches.
Good assessment of surveys,
suggestion schemes and team
meetings as approaches.
Confident assessment of surveys,
suggestion schemes and team
meetings as approaches.
Must include two advantages and
two disadvantages of each.
Must include two advantages and
two disadvantages of each.
Must include two advantages and
two disadvantages of each.
Comprehensive and evidenced
understanding of how these
Shows some understanding of how
these approaches can drive
Evidenced understanding of how
these approaches can drive
Presentation is of an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Presentation is of a good standard.
approaches can drive
Presentation is of a high standard.
Answers are acceptable but could
be clearer in responding to the task
and presented in a more coherent
Demonstrates good knowledge and
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Includes confident use of examples
to support the answer.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Includes clear evidence of the use
of references to wider reading to
help inform answer.
Q4 – AC 1.4
Critically evaluate the
interrelationships between
employee voice and
organisational performance.
Insufficient critical evaluation of the
interrelationship between voice
and organisational performance.
Insufficient information provided to
assess the learner understands the
relationship between
organisational performance and
No mention of high-performance
work practices.
Acceptable critical evaluation of the
interrelationship between voice and
organisational performance, which
should include:

A review of three sources
which comment on this
relationship. Students must cite
the sources used.
Offer their own judgements of
the interrelationship based on
the review of the sources.
Presentation is of an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Answers are acceptable but could
be clearer in responding to the task
Good critical evaluation of the
interrelationship between voice and
organisational performance, which
should include:

A review of three sources
which comment on this
relationship. Students must
cite the sources used.
Offer their own judgements of
the interrelationship based on
the review of the sources.
Confident critical evaluation of the
interrelationship between voice and
organisational performance, which
should include:

A review of three sources
which comment on this
relationship. Students must
cite the sources used.
Offer their own judgements of
the interrelationship based on
the review of the sources.
Presentation is of a good standard.
Presentation is of a high standard.
Demonstrates good knowledge and
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Includes confident use of examples
to support the answer.
and presented in a more coherent
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Q5 – AC 1.5
Explain the concept of better
working lives and how this can
be designed to promote good
physical and mental health.
Insufficient explanation of the
Acceptable explanation around the
concept of better working lives and concept of better working lives and
how it can be designed.
how it can be designed.
No mention of good physical and
mental health work practices.
A general overview of ways to
promote good physical and mental
health work practices to promote
better working lives.
Presentation is of
an acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Includes clear evidence of the use
of references to wider reading to
help inform answer.
Good and clear explanation of the
concept of good and better
working lives, how this can be
designed, with application of CIPD’s
Good Work Index.
Confident and clear explanation of
the concept of good and better
working lives, how this can be
designed, with application of the
CIPD’s Good Work Index and other
A clear discussion on ways to
promote good physical and mental
health work practices to promote
better working lives.
A confident discussion on ways to
promote good physical and mental
health work practices to promote
better working lives, supported with
examples and evidence of wider
Presentation is of a good standard.
Presentation is of a high standard.
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Includes clear evidence of the use
of references to wider reading to
help inform answer.
Q6 – AC 2.1
Distinguish between
organisational conflict and
misbehaviour, and between
informal and formal conflict.
Insufficient explanation of, and no
clear distinction between,
organisational conflict and
Limited discussion around formal
and informal conflict.
Acceptable distinction between
organisational conflict and
Must have at least two of the
Good distinction between
organisational conflict and
misbehaviour, with some examples
Confident distinction between
organisational conflict and
misbehaviour, with examples and
wider reading applied.
Must have at least two of the
Must have at least two of the
An acceptable distinction between
the concept of formal and informal
Answers are presented to an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Good distinction between the
concept of formal and informal
A confident distinction between the
concept of formal and informal
conflict definition.
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Presentation is of a high standard
in line with the assessment brief.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Q7 – AC 2.2
Distinguish between official
and unofficial employee
Insufficient or unclear information
around official and unofficial
action available to employees
during conflict.
Acceptable explanation of the
concept of both official and
unofficial action, which includes at
least one key feature of each.
If these concepts are explained
there is limited or no mention of the
distinctions between them.
Brief explanation of two differences
between them.
Answers are presented to an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Good explanation of the concept of
both official and unofficial action,
which includes at least one key
feature of each.
Confident explanation of the
concept of both official and
unofficial action, which includes at
least one key feature of each.
Includes evidence of the use of
references to wider reading to help
Good explanation of two differences inform answer.
between them.
Presentation is of a good standard.
Confident explanation of two
differences between them.
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Presentation is of a high standard.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Includes confident use of examples
to support the answer.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Q8 – AC 2.3
Assess emerging trends in the
types of conflict and industrial
Insufficient assessment of emerging
trends in conflict and industrial
Purely descriptive, with no pros and
Acceptable assessment of two
emerging trends in conflicts and
industrial sanctions. Examples
include, but are not limited to, the
move to shorter and more
strategically planned strikes and the
impact of social media.
Good assessment of two emerging
trends in conflicts and industrial
sanctions. Examples include, but are
not limited to, the move to shorter
and more strategically planned
strikes and the impact of social
Confident and detailed assessment
of two emerging trends in conflicts
and industrial sanctions. ExamplesCommented [A1]: Formatting is different here and
in box below.
include, but are not limited to, the
move to shorter and more
strategically planned strikes and the
impact of social media.
Acceptable assessment of both
Trends with inclusion of pros and
cons of each.
Good assessment of both Trends
with inclusion of pros and cons of
each. Assessment includes some
examples and/or wider reading
Confident assessment of both Trends
with inclusion of pros and cons of
each. Assessment includes
researched examples and wider
reading to support. These could be
historical or current cases.
Answers are presented to an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Presentation is of a good standard.
Presentation is of a high standard.
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Q9 – AC 2.4
Distinguish between third-party
conciliation, mediation, and
Insufficient description and
distinction between third-party
conciliation, mediation, and
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Acceptable description of and brief
distinctions between third-party
conciliation, mediation, and
Good description of and clear
distinctions between third-party
conciliation, mediation, and
Confident description of, and a
range of distinctions between thirdparty conciliation, mediation, and
Answers are presented to an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Presentation is of a good standard.
Answer could include how these
work in practice, with organisational
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Presentation is of a high standard.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Includes clear evidence of the use
of references to wider reading to
help inform answer.
Q10 – AC 3.1
Explain the principles of
legislation relating to unfair
dismissal in respect of
capability and misconduct
Insufficient or no explanation of the
legislation linked to unfair dismissal
and the key principles established
in law.
Acceptable explanation of the
legislation linked to unfair dismissal
and the key principles established in
Insufficient information about the
processes to follow when
addressing both capability and
misconduct issues.
Includes some information about the
processes to follow when addressing
both capability and misconduct
Answers are presented to an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Good explanation of the legislation
linked to unfair dismissal and the key
principles established in law.
Includes accurate information about
the processes to follow when
addressing both capability and
misconduct issues, with an outline of
some of the steps required to deal
with disciplinary procedures e.g.,
investigation, invite to disciplinary,
and right to be accompanied.
Must evidence understanding of the
differences between capability and
Presentation is of a good standard.
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Confident explanation of the
legislation linked to unfair dismissal
and the key principles established in
Includes confident, accurate and
detailed information about the
processes to follow when addressing
both capability and misconduct
issues, with a clear outline of the
steps required to deal with
disciplinary procedures e.g.,
investigation, invite to disciplinary,
and right to be accompanied.
Reference to ACAS Code of
Practice, including risks of not
following these procedures
Presentation is of a high standard.
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Includes clear evidence of the use
of references to wider reading to
help inform answer.
Q11 – AC 3.2
Analyse key causes of
employee grievances.
Insufficient understanding of the
concept of grievances.
Some understanding of the concept
of grievances.
Clear understanding of the concept
of grievances.
Insufficient analysis of the key
causes of employee grievances.
Acceptable analysis of at least two
key causes of employee grievances.
Answer is brief and purely
Answers are presented to an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Good analysis of at least two key
causes of employee grievances,
supported with some workplace
Presented to a good standard with
some improvement required.
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Q12 – AC 3.3
Explain the skills required for
effective grievance and
Insufficient explanation of the skills
required to handle grievances and
disciplinaries successfully.
Acceptable identification of at least
two skills required to handle
grievances and disciplinaries
successfully and an acceptable
explanation as to why they are
important for effective grievance
and discipline-handling procedures.
Good identification of at least two
skills required to handle grievances
and disciplinaries successfully and a
good explanation as to why they
are important for effective
grievance and discipline-handling
Answers are presented to an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Presentation is of a good standard.
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Comprehensive understanding of
the concept of grievances,
supported with wider reading
references. You should include a
definition/insight from ACAS or CIPD.
Confident analysis of at least two
key causes of employee
grievances, supported with
workplace examples.
Presentation is of a high standard.
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Confident identification of at least
two skills required to handle
grievances and disciplinaries
successfully and a confident
explanation as to why they are
important for effective grievance
and discipline-handling procedures,
supported with wider reading
Presentation is of a high standard.
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Q13 – AC 3.4
Advise on the importance of
handling grievances
Insufficient explanation of two
reasons why it is important that we
handle grievances effectively.
An acceptable explanation of two
reasons why it is important that we
handle grievances effectively.
Answers could focus on to avoid
legal claims, reputational damage
and/or effect on morale etc.
A good explanation of two reasons
why it is important that we handle
grievances effectively. Answers
could focus on to avoid legal
claims, reputational damage and/or
effect on morale etc.
Presentation is of a good standard.
Answers are presented to an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
A clear and confident explanation
of two reasons why it is important
that we handle grievances
effectively. Answers could focus on
to avoid legal claims, reputational
damage and/or effect on morale
etc. Impact further evidenced with
workplace examples or case law.
Presentation and supporting
notes are designed to a high
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Q14 – AC 4.1
Explain the main provisions of
collective employment law.
Insufficient explanation of the main
provisions of two pieces of relevant
legislation of collective
employment law eg Trade Union
and Labour Relations Consolidation
Act 1992, Trade Union Act 2016 etc.
Acceptable explanation of the main
provisions of two pieces of relevant
legislation of collective employment
law eg Trade Union and Labour
Relations Consolidation Act 1992,
Trade Union Act 2016 etc.
Good explanation of the main
provisions of two pieces of relevant
legislation of collective employment
law eg Trade Union and Labour
Relations Consolidation Act 1992,
Trade Union Act 2016 etc.
Confident and well supported
explanation of two pieces of
relevant legislation of collective
employment law eg Trade Union
and Labour Relations Consolidation
Act 1992, Trade Union Act 2016 etc.
Insufficient explanation of
legislation and statutory
recognition procedure of unions.
Acknowledgement of the statutory
recognition procedure of unions,
and a brief account of the steps.
Discussion on the statutory
recognition procedure of unions,
and clear account of the steps.
Supported discussion on the
statutory recognition procedure of
unions, and clear account of the
Answers are presented to an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Presentation is of a good standard.
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Presentation is of a high standard.
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Q15 – AC 4.2
Compare the types of
employee bodies, union and
non-union forms of employee
Insufficient detail or examples of
employee bodies, their similarities,
and differences
Little or no understanding of the
Acceptable identification of one
example of union and one example
of non-union form of employee
representation. Examples of nonrepresentation includes employee
forums and work councils.
Good identification of one example
of union and one example of nonunion form of employee
representation. Examples of nonunion representation includes
employee forums and work councils.
Acceptable comparison of a
minimum of two similarities and two
differences between them.
Good comparison of a minimum of
two similarities and two differences
between them.
Presentation is of a good standard.
Answers are presented to an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Confident identification of one
example of union and one example
of non-union form of employee
representation. Examples of nonunion representation includes
employee forums and work
councils. Answer is descriptive and
well-supported with wider reading
Confident comparison of a
minimum of two similarities and two
differences between them.
Presentation is of a high standard.
Includes use of general examples to
support the answer.
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Q16 – AC 4.3
Insufficient definition of collective
Acceptable definition of collective
Good definition of collective
Confident definition of collective
Evaluate the purpose of
collective bargaining and how
it works.
Insufficient explanation of how
Acceptable explanation of how
collective bargaining works.
Good explanation of how collective
bargaining works with some key
Confident and supported explanation
collective bargaining works.
Insufficient evaluation of the
Acceptable evaluation of the
purpose of collective bargaining in
terms of its pros and cons.
purpose of collective bargaining in
terms of its pros and cons.
Answers are presented to an
acceptable standard with some
improvement required.
features and general examples.
Good evaluation of the purpose of
collective bargaining in terms of its
pros and cons and good overall
Presentation is of a good standard.
Answers are clear and concise and
respond to what has been asked.
of how collective bargaining works
with key features and specific
organisational examples.
Confident evaluation of the purpose
of collective bargaining in terms of
its pros and cons and good overall
judgement supported by references
to wider reading.
Presentation is of a high standard.
Demonstrates confident knowledge
and understanding.
Answers are clear, concise, and well
argued, directly responding to what
has been asked.
Further information
Please note examples given above are for guidance but not an exhaustive list, therefore if a learner selects to use examples not included above but in line with the criteria they should
be graded accordingly.
Employment relationship
Learner assessment brief
Version: Avado_5HR01_23_01
Level 5
Associate Diploma in People Management
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Avado Learning Limited. Scale Space, Imperial College White City Campus, 58 Wood Lane, London, W12 7RZ
Registered in UK No. 06177616. VAT Registration No: 918560018.
5HR01 – Employment relationship
This unit examines the key approaches, practices, and tools to manage and
enhance the employee relationship to create better working lives and to
understand the significant impact this can have on organisational
CIPD’s insight factsheets
Employee relations: an introduction
Suff, R. (2020) Employee relations: an introduction. Factsheet. London:
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Available at:
This factsheet explores what employee relations means to employers and
looks at the current state of the employment relationship. It briefly looks at
key employee relations competencies, specifically in the areas of
communication and conflict management. Finally, the factsheet considers
the continuing value of positive employee relations for trade unions,
employers, HR practitioners and line managers.
CIPD Reports:
Managing Conflict in the modern workplace
Suff, R. (2020) Managing conflict in the modern workplace. Report. London:
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Available at:
The report highlights the key challenges people professionals face in helping
their organisations handle conflict effectively. The emphasis is on recognising
and nipping conflict in the bud, responding quickly and sensitively to
complaints, and ensuring people managers are equipped to manage
conflict accordingly.
Employee Engagement: Definitions, measures, and outcomes
CIPD (2021) Employee Engagement, Definitions, measures, and outcomes.
Report. London. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Available
at: https://www.cipd.co.uk/Images/employee-engagement-discussionreport_tcm18-89598.pdf
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Avado Learning Limited. Scale Space, Imperial College White City Campus, 58 Wood Lane, London, W12 7RZ
Registered in UK No. 06177616. VAT Registration No: 918560018.
This report aims to give HR and related professionals a stronger understanding
of employee engagement and a clearer basis to act on it, building the
credibility and impact of those specialising in this field. By applying the
principles of evidence-based practice, we explore the outcomes of
employee engagement and develop guidance on how to best think about it
and how to measure it robustly.
CIPD Podcasts:
The Engagement Myth
In this episode we look at both sides of the engagement/productivity
debate. We explore the evidence that links the two and we discuss the many
ways in which engagement (high or low) can impact an organisation. We
also offer advice for HR professionals on assessing their own companies’
engagement levels and tips on getting a better understanding of the
productivity and engagement relationship.
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Avado Learning Limited. Scale Space, Imperial College White City Campus, 58 Wood Lane, London, W12 7RZ
Registered in UK No. 06177616. VAT Registration No: 918560018.
As a People Professional you may be challenged with ways to improve
retention. Some of the key reasons people leave their organisation are
working conditions and wages. The employment relationship would need to
be reviewed to create better working lives; with the objective of reduced
turnover and more successful organisational performance.
Preparation for Tasks:

At the start of the assignment, you are encouraged to plan your
assessment work with your assessor and, where appropriate, agree
milestones so they can help you monitor your progress.
Refer to the indicative content in the unit guide and support your
Pay attention to how your evidence is presented. Remember, you are
working in the people development team for this task.
Ensure that the evidence generated for this assessment remains your
own work.
You will also benefit from:

Acting on formative feedback from your assessor.
Reflecting on your own experiences of learning opportunities, training
and continuing professional development.
Taking advantage of the CIPD factsheets, reports and podcasts, and
any other online material on these topics.
t +44 (0)20 3893 5500
e [email protected]
w www.AvadoLearning.com
Avado Learning Limited. Scale Space, Imperial College White City Campus, 58 Wood Lane, London, W12 7RZ
Registered in UK No. 06177616. VAT Registration No: 918560018.
Task – Written answers to the following:
You have been asked to produce written responses to the following
1. A review of emerging developments of approaches to employee
voice and engagement, followed by three recommendations for
improvement. (AC1.1)
2. A discussion of the differences between employee involvement and
employee participation and how they can help build effective
employment relationships. (AC1.2)
3. An assessment of surveys, suggestion schemes and team meetings as
approaches that can be used to drive employee engagement.
4. A critical evaluation of the interrelationship between employee voice
and organisational performance. (AC1.4)
5. Explain the concept and design of better working lives and ways to
promote good physical and mental health. (AC1.5)
6. An explanation as to the differences between organisational conflict
and misbehaviour, and the differences between informal and formal
conflict. (AC2.1)
7. Outline official and unofficial action explaining their key features and
differences between them. (AC2.2)
8. An assessment of emerging trends in conflicts and industrial sanctions.
9. Describe, and differentiate between, conciliation, mediation, and
arbitration as methods to resolve conflict formally before it escalates to
an employment tribunal. (AC2.4)
10. An explanation of the principles of the key legislation relating to unfair
dismissal law and the process an employer should follow to manage
capability and misconduct issues. (AC3.1)
11. An analysis of the key causes of employee grievances. (AC3.2)
12. An explanation of at least two skills required to successfully handle
grievances and disciplinaries. (AC3.3)
t +44 (0)20 3893 5500
e [email protected]
w www.AvadoLearning.com
Avado Learning Limited. Scale Space, Imperial College White City Campus, 58 Wood Lane, London, W12 7RZ
Registered in UK No. 06177616. VAT Registration No: 918560018.
13. An explanation of the importance of handling grievances effectively.
14. Explain the main provisions of collective employment law including a
description of the statutory recognition procedure (AC4.1)
15. A comparison of various employee bodies, including union and nonunion forms of employee representation. (AC4.2)
16. Evaluate the purpose of collective bargaining and explain how it
works. (AC4.3)
Your evidence must consist of:
Written answers to the assessmen