Employee Management System – Functionality 2


This week you will develop the second functionality for the Employee Management System Project due in Week 5. For this assignment, you will continue to utilize various functions to employ the list data structure by writing a Python script to allow users to enter information for five employees at the same time.

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Employee Management System – Functionality 2
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Use a basic list structure to enhance Functionality 1 that you developed in Week 1. You should allow users to enter information for five employees at the same time, where the first employee information entry is saved in index [0] and the second entry is saved in index [1], and so on. You want to make sure to enforce the user to enter the following employee information: employeeName, employeeSSN, employeePhone, employeeEmail, employeeSalary. After the user finishes entering the last employee information, they should get a message to allow them to print specific employee information from the saved list. The user can enter values between 1 and 5, where 1 will return the employee information saved in the list index [0], 2 will return the employee information saved in the list index [1] and so on. The printed result should be in the following format:

Mike Smith, 123123,(111)222-3333,[email protected],$6000

Once you have completed Functionality 2, you must provide the following in a Word document and submit it through the Waypoint grading system:

One screen shot of the completed functionality.
An explanation of how you used variables and functions to employ the list data structure to allow users to enter information for five employees at the same time.
A brief description of the purpose of this functionality.
The script for this functionality.

Next, submit the zip folder that contains the running source code for Functionality 2 to the Week 2 Zip File Submission page.