

COVID-19 has only compounded the emotional, physical, and mental strain on a workforce that was already reporting burnout before the pandemic. The cracks continuously show in that healthcare workers are now retiring at a faster rate than anticipated, while demand for them is set to increase in coming years. Read and reflect the following article concerning leadership following the COVID-19 pandemic. Suggest specific steps that leaders could take to reduce the problems created by COVID-19 Geerts J. M., D. Kinnair, P. Taheri, A. Abraham, J. Ahn, R. Atun, L. Barberia, N. J. Best, R. Dandona, A. A. Dhahri, L. Emilsson, J. R. Free, M. Gardam, W. H. Geerts, C. Ihekweazu, S. Johnson, A. Kooijman, A. T. Lafontaine, E. Leshem, C. Lidstone-Jones, E. Loh, O. Lyons, K. A. F. Neel, P. S. Nyasulu, O. Razum, H. Sabourin, J. S. Taylor, H. Sharifi, V. Stergiopoulos, B. Sutton, Z. Wu, and M. Bilodeau. 2021. “Guidance for Health Care Leaders During the Recovery Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Consensus Statement.” JAMA Network Open 4 (7): e2120295. Your paper should meet the following requirements: Be 2500 – word essay, not including the cover or reference pages. Be formatted according to APA format. PLEASE USE APA FORMATA minimum of three references with associated in-text citations. Two of these sources may be from class readings, textbook, or lectures, but one must be external and should be from peer-reviewed or quality academic.

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