Educational Psychology Case study


Please answer the following three questions with a maximum of 1200 words (not including title page and references). All questions are weighted equally.1. Besides looking at Manny’s notebook for this specific class, what other information should Ms. Clarke seek to better understand Manny’s situation and his abilities? Why would this information be helpful to Ms. Clarke?2. What might be happening with Manny’s information processing in this course compared to other courses where he does not need to study?3. What learning strategies might Ms. Clarke recommend to Manny to help him study and do well in her class? Justify the rationale for recommending each strategy.use the book: Educational Psychology 7th edition

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Case Study 2
Manny is a grade 11 student who is struggling in his Introduction to
Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology class. While he enjoys the class
lectures and finds the content interesting, he has consistently struggled to
recall information during his weekly quizzes and has received poor grades
on these assessments. Since Manny is aware of a big unit test coming up
in the next 2 weeks, he seeks help from the teacher, Ms. Clarke.
Ms. Clarke asks about Manny’s notetaking habits and his strategies for
studying. In response, Manny simply replies, “I’ve never really needed to
study in any of my other classes. I was just able to listen really carefully in
class and then remember everything when the tests came around. This is
the only class I’ve ever really struggled to get good grades in.” Manny
explains that he is currently taking Chemistry, Functions and Applications
(mathematics), and a German language course. He also shows Ms. Clarke
his notebook for this specific class, which contains few notes and many
off-topic doodles.
Ms. Clarke is aware that Manny wants to attend university and that
helping him now will be beneficial in his future university courses.
Please answer the following three questions with a maximum of 1200
words (not including title page and references). All questions are
weighted equally.
1. Besides looking at Manny’s notebook for this specific class, what other
information should Ms. Clarke seek to better understand Manny’s
situation and his abilities? Why would this information be helpful to Ms.
2. What might be happening with Manny’s information processing in this
course compared to other courses where he does not need to study?
3. What learning strategies might Ms. Clarke recommend to Manny to help
him study and do well in her class? Justify the rationale for recommending
each strategy.
Advice for Completing Your Case Study

Responses to the questions must be clear and written in a scholarly
way. Grammar and spelling count. Marks will be deducted for
poorly written responses (poor grammar, spelling, and sentence

High quality responses and scholarly writing are essential for
achieving a high grade.

Focus on the questions, take time to plan out your answers (hint: a
draft helps) and include only the information necessary to get your
points across.

Strong answers involve conciseness and precision.

Do not use point form.

Please use primary sources to support your arguments. A
minimum of two empirical sources are required. Using only the
textbook and modules as sources is not acceptable on their own.

Secondary sources are seen as weak scholarship. A secondary
citation is when you cite the authors of the textbook when
discussing Kohlberg. Kohlberg is the primary source so go to his
work and cite him directly. If you must use a secondary source (i.e.,
can’t find the primary source), then reference it as per APA 7th

Quotations from sources are not recommended. If you do quote
from the textbook, please reference appropriately at the end of
your responses. Keep in mind that quotations from the textbook
are secondary sources and should be cited as such.

Text matching software (Turnitin®) will be used to screen case
studies in this course. This is being done to verify that use of all
material and sources in the case studies are documented. Students
will be given an option if they do not want to have their case study
screened by Turnitin®. Details will be provided about arrangements
and alternatives for the use of Turnitin® in this course
The case study
The case study clearly and
addresses and answers
effectively addresses and
The case study is
some of the
Purpose and
answers all parts of the
missing components of question/prompt but not
the question/prompt. (0) effectively.
Quality and
The case study is
The case study
unfocused for a second- addresses the topic but
year course and
some issues are only
demonstrates a lack of discussed on a surface
understanding about the level, reflecting the
topic and issues.
obvious. Analysis,
Analysis, synthesis,
synthesis, and/or
and/or application of
application of ideas is
ideas is lacking.
The case study considers
the complexity of the
topic and explores the
issues in depth. The
assignment goes beyond
the typical submission.
Analysis, synthesis,
and/or application of ideas
is demonstrated
throughout the case study.
The case study does not
The case study relies
utilize primary or
mostly upon secondary
secondary sources,
sources and/or primary
demonstrating a lack of
sources with unclear
relevance. Quality of
sources is limited. (1.5)
The case study relies upon
mostly relevant primary
sources, exhibiting
extensive research into the
topic. (3)
The information and
The information and
ideas included in the
ideas included in the
The information and ideas
case study are mostly
case study are
included in the case study
accurate, with a few
inaccurate and not valid
are accurate, valid, and
for a second-year
presented very clearly.
acceptable for a secondcourse.
year course.
The case study contains
The case study contains
several errors in
minor errors in spelling, The case study is errorfree
spelling, grammar, and
grammar, and sentence in terms of spelling,
sentence structure; The
grammar, and
structure but writing is grammar, and sentence
writing is not at a
structure; Response is
still relatively strong.
scholarly level.
scholarly. (2)
Citations and references For the most part,
Citations and references
for external sources are citations and references
for external sources are
for external sources are
not referenced
properly referenced
according to APA style, referenced using APA
Reference and th
according to APA style,
style, 7th edition. Also,
7 edition. The case
7th edition. The case study /2
the case study is
study is not properly
is properly formatted
formatted based on APA
formatted based on
based on APA style.
style, but there are a few
APA style.
errors or inconsistencies.
Multiple requirements
Most requirements are
are not fulfilled. The
All requirements are
case study is more than
The case study is over fulfilled.
35 words over the
the required word count The case study falls
requirements required word count
limit by up to 35 words. within the required word
count limit. (2)

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