Education & Teaching Question


Write about The importance of selecting educational methods for preschool ages ( 3 years old to 5 years old)

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Education & Teaching Question
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This question needs to be answered at the beginning of the writing. which ones would you use with preschool children and why?

The kids that I teach are kids of 2 and half years old. The learning method that I use is Vyggosky Scaffolding and reciprocal teaching. since I model a lot of everything the children are going to do and I am always there to support the child and help them achieve the activity they need to achieve.

Objective addressed: Mastery in the selection of preschool instruction tools

Description: Students will write a paper that:

Explain the importance of recognizing appropriate educational methods for preschool children.

Describe each of the educational methods commonly used in preschool.

Reflect on those you currently use

APA length requirement: 5 pages, double-spaced, including introduction, body of the paper, conclusion, and references with the link where it was found. Cited is very important to avoid plagiarism.