Education & Teaching Question


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In Part One of this assignment, you will develop the first draft of your Research Plan: Chapter 1, the Introduction of the Dissertation. By writing this first draft, you will begin developing a problem. Statement, purpose statement, and research questions that align with your research topic. You Will gain experience writing quantitative research questions and selecting an appropriate research design. The subsequent chapters of the dissertation are all built on the foundation provided in Chapter 1.

Part 1:

Compose a well-developed draft of the first chapter of your research plan, including all front matter found in the Quantitative Dissertation Template:

You must include all required sections in the template of Chapter 1 and include all components of each section as the template describes. Replace the typed instructions in each template section with the needed content, ensuring all headings and formatting remain intact.

Ensure the title, problem statement section, purpose statement, and research question(s) reflect proper topic alignment.

Support your claims with evidence and critically evaluate the claims of others, seriously considering or engaging with other interpretations of the information you are presenting.

You must include at least 25 different, unique sources on the reference’s pages at the end of the document. Acceptable sources are Liberty University textbooks and scholarly journal articles published within the last five years, except those noted otherwise in the template. The template provides information regarding acceptable sources in each section.

Your submission must be a minimum of 10 pages of content, with the page count beginning with the chapter Overview and ending with the Summary section. Current APA formatting is expected throughout.

Part 2:

In this assignment, you will develop the first draft of your Research Plan: Chapter 3. You will develop Chapter 3 per the Dissertation Handbook and the Quantitative Dissertation Template. Chapter 3 will be a viable method chapter for a doctoral dissertation.

You will create every section based on the Quantitative Dissertation Template and demonstrate mastery of the primary research design. You will provide a rationale for an appropriate design and the chosen data analysis. You will gain experience writing a null hypothesis(es) that aligns with the research question(s). You will provide information about participants, settings, procedures, and instrumentation.

Prepare a well-developed draft of the third chapter of your research plan’s methodology, including all front matter found in the Quantitative Dissertation Template:

You must include all required sections in the template of Chapter 3 and include all components of each section as the template describes. Replace the typed instructions in each template section with the needed content, ensuring all headings and formatting remain intact.
Identify the chosen quantitative design and extensively support your choice of design using primary text(s). The data collection plans should reflect the specified design.
Be sure the data analysis methods reflect the specified design and provide adequately detailed steps. Refer to the Quantitative Research Statistics Resource Guide when discussing data analysis methods. A link to the guide has been provided with this assignment.
Be sure all content is addressed substantively by supporting claims with evidence, critically evaluating claims of others, and seriously considering or engaging with other interpretations.
Include all sources in the references page at the end of the document. Use acceptable sources throughout. Unless otherwise noted in a section of the Quantitative Dissertation Handbook, acceptable sources are Liberty University textbooks and scholarly journal articles published within the last five years. The template provides information regarding acceptable sources in each section.

Your submission must be at least 10 pages of content, with the page count beginning with the chapter Overview and ending with the Summary section. Current APA formatting is expected throughout.

Important Notes:

Quantitative Dissertation Template, Quantitative Research Statistics Resource Guide, and Research Plan: ATTACHED
You must use the provided Dissertation template.
You must complete chapters 1 and 3.
Your submission must be at least 25 pages of content, with the page count beginning with the chapter Overview and ending with the Summary section of each chapter.
You must include at least 35 different, unique sources (25 for Chapter 1, 10 for Chapter 3 on the references pages at the end of the document.

Research Topic:

Impact of the Under-representation of African American Male Administrators in K-12 Leadership on the Retention of African American Male Educators.

Research Question:

1.RQ: How well do school leadership climate scores, the principal’s ethnicity, and the principal’s gender predict the decision to return to an education career the following year among African American K-12 educators in an urban school district?

Criterion: Intent to return, yes/no

Predictors: SLC score (continuous variable), sex/gender of principal (male/female/other), and ethnicity.

Statistic: Logistic regression

Research Design: Predictive correlational.

Theoretical Framework:

Social Learning Theory (SLT).

Sociocultural Theory, associated with Lev Vygotsky, offers a valuable framework to explore the impact of the under-representation of African American male administrators in K-12 leadership on the retention of African American male educators. The theory emphasizes social interactions, cultural context, and socio-historical factors in shaping development. Key applications include examining how the absence of African American male administrators influences interactions, limits professional development opportunities (Zone of Proximal Development), mediates cultural experiences, and shapes cultural tools and artifacts within educational leadership. For specific research questions, statistical methods can be employed for correlation analysis, and predictive modeling can assess the predictive power of under-representation on educator retention. Applying sociocultural theory enhances understanding of the social and cultural factors contributing to under-representation and their impact on retention in K-12 settings.


School Leadership Climate Survey (SLCS)